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About Zer03d

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday July 24

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  1. Zer03d

    Guide to kill Zulrah (With minimum req.)

    I might Update the images in the future if I can. Unsure.
  2. Zer03d

    Guide to kill Zulrah (With minimum req.)

    Fair enough on the melee phase part, but that's how I've done it everytime so far but I understand what you're getting at though honestly. But, I'm glad the guide is of some help to people.
  3. Zer03d

    Broken PVP Features

    Whoops, my bad mate, I completely misread it. Does that actually happen though? (The Familiar and the Obelisk one) If so, that's REALLY silly.
  4. Zer03d

    asking donor transfer @alex

    That'll not happen at all and they'll never do this for anyone really, as it's a waste of time for them, it'll be tedious for them do to that and it's a loss of money for them. So, you gotta play with a normal account or donate more money to the account.
  5. Zer03d

    Broken PVP Features

    Ah, I mean I still think it be a bit silly for the player to disappear because the summon stands over the player, that might just be me and my opinion but, hey. And I thought he was saying with the first one is that you could activate from just standing anywhere in that 3x3 teleport square in the obelisks. Lol.
  6. Zer03d

    Two Second Signature

    You know what, hit me up with one m8. Lets see some dank memes done.
  7. Zer03d

    Broken PVP Features

    @King Kyle On the first one you pointed out, that'd be really fair, but that's not the point of Obelisks and how they work, they work how they do in OSRS (and RS3?) as you need to activate the obelisk's pillars, walk into the 3x3 square inside of it and let it go off, being able to activate it from within that 3x3 square from the corners inside that touch the obelisks pillars are fine but anywhere else isn't likely to happen.. Now, we move on to number two, it seems a bit ridiculous that the summons should be atop of the player, that's really inconvenient and just no fun honestly. In PvP you shouldn't really have a "meat shield" to protect you, in PvP it's you and only you with your gear, supplies and weaponry, the summons should be kept how they are and be kept under the player. I think you wanting this is making it a more of a Safety Handlebar to hold onto when it'll only have people use large summons to protect themselves from getting PvP when they should know that in PVP it's killed or be killed man. That's my opinion.
  8. Zer03d

    Client Stuck ??!

    If Jad's way doesn't work @Sacro then just give a bit, wait 10 minutes-ish to load everything I had the somewhat similar issue you're having then with a different RSPS that I'll not name.
  9. Zer03d

    lost row (i) in dc

    I'm unsure if it'll be honestly recoverable... Did X Chaos get your Ring of Wealth (i) or neither of you have it?
  10. Zer03d


    That's a bit too much there man...
  11. Hey there, for some reason I cannot access the Runex.io Discord Server I think I was banned for a very silly reason that I could probably guess, while I wasn't even there to defend myself or whatever... Do you think you could find a way to unban me and re-invite me to the chat or see what exactly went down and what this had to do with me..? My Discord is Omega#7594 Thank you so much for taking time out of your schedule to help me on this issue..!
  12. Zer03d


    True, that's a fair point but couldn't you just deal with it, carry it over your shoulder instead of over yourself and just continue to enjoy the game for the game?
  13. Zer03d


    I see, that seems like a weird/silly reason to just quit. If you're demoted, So what? I mean that's just me.
  14. Zer03d

    Improved Drops at bosses

    I support this greatly.
  15. Zer03d

    Farewell lads.

    Man, this really sucks honestly. But, I'm glad you took the step in taking care of two more kids in your already bustling, lively household.. I wish you all the luck Chris!