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About imnotMiranda

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  1. imnotMiranda

    pass changed, pass incorrect.

    Nevermind, i only cant log in to the forum.. i can login on the client
  2. imnotMiranda

    pass changed, pass incorrect.

    Hey, My password for the account Mrs Sens has been changed. But for some reason the password is incorrect. Seems like there is no way i can log in to my old account? Does it needs to be recorverd or something Searched for the account and i could still found it. greetings, Miranda
  3. imnotMiranda

    account doesnt excist,

    @Humpy thanks alot. And sorry again. Hope it's right now 🙏🙏
  4. imnotMiranda

    account doesnt excist,

    Okay @Humpy you were right. The account name is Mrs Sens and not Miranda Slim. Now I need to wait for a pass for that account. @Ryan or @Ramzi can one of you send a pass again. Sorry guys!!!
  5. imnotMiranda

    account doesnt excist,

    I'm pretty sure yeah. I can't remember that I ever changed the name.
  6. imnotMiranda

    account doesnt excist,

    Hey @Humpy , I can open the client now, i just forgot to install java (facepalm) Now the only problem is, that my pass has been changed for the account Miranda Slim, but if i want to log in with the new pass it says my account doesnt excist. But if thats true, they couldnt change my password i guess. So dont know what to do now, i was donator and everything on that account.. dont want to lose this all and start over
  7. imnotMiranda

    account doesnt excist,

    Hello, Thanks for sending me a new password. Sadly , it says my account doesnt excist anymore. But, i can start over with this account, but means i lost everything on my old account.. i still cant install the client for some reason, because i got alot of items when i download, but not the client.. Greetings, Miranda
  8. imnotMiranda

    Cant log in on old account

    I also can't download the client. I get alot of maps in my winrar but none with the client. Can you also help me with this?
  9. imnotMiranda

    Cant log in on old account

    Thanks a lot Abigail. I'll wait for it. Hope to see you all soon in game
  10. imnotMiranda

    Cant log in on old account

    Hi there, So , i remember the account name again.. Its Mrs Sens, i dont know the password anymore. Can you send me a new one? Greetings, Miranda