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Found 3 results

  1. God

    Raids Revamp

    Lately, there have been some wonderful changes made as far as raiding goes. The addition of the epic pet box and the new raid achievements are wonderful, and are much needed. That being said, there are a few things that could be done to enhance raiding even more-so. Some of these ideas have been suggested by other users, but I feel like they were not addressed in any updates and so I feel like they need to be brought to Ryan's attention again. 1. Raids Leaderboard/Highscores. This would be a wonderful addition, as it would allow for genuine competition between friends and users to try and have more raids completed than other users. For users who have done lots of raids, it would give them a sense of pride to see their name at/near the top of the list. It would also give users who are interested in raiding an idea of who they could ask for information pertaining to raids, incase they are having issues. Additionally, if there was a way to count how many raids had been done at each difficulty, and the quickest time completed per difficulty, and how many people were in your group for said time, that would make the competition in raiding much more relevant. I understand that features like this would be much more difficult to add, but I think it's something that should be looked at in the near future. 2. Added difficulty/Grandmaster difficulty Currently, the raid difficulties and requirements are as follows. Normal - No Requirements - Adept - 10 Raids - Bosses have 50% more hp, 10% more def, deal 5% more damage and the player deals 5% less damage Expert - 50 Raids - Bosses have 200% more hp, 20% more def, deal 7.5% more damage and the player deals 7.5% less damage Master - 150 Raids - Bosses have 300% more hp, 30% more def, deal 10% more damage and the player deals 10% less damage Grandmaster - 1000 Raids - Bosses have 400% more hp, 50% more def, deal 15% more damage and the player deals 15% less damage Now, looking at this, there is a massive gap in-between Master and Grandmaster. What I propose, is either lowering the requirement for Grandmaster raids to 500 Raids, or more preferably, add in a new difficulty. Adding in a difficulty and adjusting Grandmasters so that they're more difficult would add another challenge for raiders to grind out, while feeling some sense of accomplishment during the grind to unlock Grandmasters. I propose the difficulty in-between Master and Grandmaster be 500 Raids completed with bosses having 400% more hp, 40% more def and deal 15% more damage, and the player deals 15% less, with Grandmasters being changed to 1000 Raids complete with Bosses having 500% more hp, 50% more def and deal 17.5-20% more damage, with the player dealing 17.5-20% less damage. With the addition of the new cursed weapons, I feel like these changes would be a great challenge to complete in a timely manner. 3. Deadclicks in Xarpus and Verzik This is a big one, and I know Ryan has made an attempt at fixing this, but regardless, the deadclicks in the Xarpus and Verzik room are just awful. I've seen countless people die in those rooms because they were unable to move, despite clicking several times to get off of the square they're standing on. With enough practice, yes, it's possible to get used to the deadclicks and not be bothered by them too much, but they are still a bug in the game and it should be looked at much sooner rather than later. 4. Pathing at Maiden Again, this is a big one. There are a total of 3 tiles that you can deal melee damage to maiden from, and only 1 if you don't have a long ranged melee weapon. It shouldn't take too much to fix this, and it would make raids much more versatile be being able to use another style of combat in this room. 5. Grandmaster Reward This one isn't something that bothers many, but let's be honest. Assuming you're running normal xerics raids with a max set up and an infernal elixir, you can finish in about 5 minutes. For the sake of an example, let's say I grind every single raid in 5 minutes, just to unlock grandmasters to complete the achievement. That's 83 hours spent in raids. The Epic Pet Box just isn't a good enough reward for this big of a feat. Considering you can get the box as a basic reward from the 1000 raids you'll do trying to unlock grandmasters, and the 10 grandmasters for the achievement, amongst other ways, this just doesn't seem to be fair. I don't have an idea for what could replace it, but I just wanted to make the point.
  2. I have a suggestion that I feel should really be implemented. Currently, if you logout for any reason during raids, you're kicked entirely from the raid, no matter how long you've been in it. You could be on the first boss or you could be done with Olm and going to loot. All your progress is for nothing. My internet consistently resets and when it does I'm logged out. If this happens during a raid, I have nothing to show for it except time wasted. My suggestion is to add a way for your progress to be remembered\recorded when you logout, so when you log in again, you can start where you left off, however the individual boss is reset to full HP. You login at the beginning of the raid, but don't have to do the entire raid again. For example, if you disconnect on the second boss, you will start at the beginning again and have to do the second boss again, regardless of progress. You won't have to do the first, though. I've probably lost upwards of sixty raids because of disconnects and\or my internet resetting, so some kind of fail-safe for when this happens would really, really be appreciated.
  3. iron viser

    Raids improvements

    I kinda love to do raids but the way it is atm it is, is literly impossible to do it solo without dieing (even with a team it is hard) and if you do, you lose 100% of all your points? For real, this demotes me so hard. I mean spending 30mins - 1h to die at olm and losing all points. Also the Bosses before olm are semi - kinda hard and when you kill them you get 3 mantas and a pray pot. Srsly ... From my side Raids is too Hard for Players that want to do it but only can afford low tier Gear. I`d like to see some changes. Please support this post if you agree. - viserbro