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Everything posted by Fab

  1. Fab

    A couple quality of life suggestions

    Support all except npc (unf) pot maker, noted is way too op
  2. Fab

    new video guys

    nice video man keep it up
  3. Fab

    item redemption

    yes it is, someone from staff needs to submit a ticket for you so that ramzi views this and messages you in game - this takes some time unfortunately
  4. Fab

    SnipeDoms GFX Showcase

    Nice work, do you do requests from players?
  5. Fab

    item redemption

    it should be recoverable from perdu as per patch notes but if not make a post in help section and ramzi will eventually pm you in game
  6. Fab


    Welcome to the server, hope you enjoy
  7. Fab

    144,000 Minutes

    Gz on this milestone!
  8. Fab

    ring of wealth (ei)

    Decent suggestion, goes in line with the general idea of row. Pre sure no one will spend valuable runecoins on it tho
  9. Fab

    The Grand Crest Petition

    The fact that grand crests have been out for 5 whole months and still no one has gotten a lavafire shield means that Ryan did a very good job to not make the item easily obtainable. Just like KLD scrolls, getting all 3 crest pieces is a challenge (crest piece 3) which means there is balance between the 2 types of methods of obtaining the item. KLD is still a viable way to obtain the item, in my opinion, people don't do it because there is an element of risk to it and not because grand crest exist (KLD was dead content before grand crests tbh). I liked how you pointed out the ratio between crest pieces coming from drops and those that come from donor boxes. I think this is an issue and there needs to be more balance to it. Reducing their drop rate from the boxes would help. All in all I think grand crests where a very fun and healthy addition to the server and do not need any tweaks to their drop table. No Support.
  10. Fab

    The Grand Crest Petition

    Have you seen the price of piece 3? its ridiculous
  11. Fab

    I can become any1 LuL

  12. Fab


    Support adding more stuff to spend extra marks of grace on
  13. Fab

    Gamemode Prayer Suggestion

    There are already game mode benefits in place, no support
  14. Fab

    runex series episode 3 guys hope u enjoy

    Nice guide, having a canon also helps a ton
  15. Fab

    new runex series

    Nice video, helps to get this in game content out there to those players who are intimidated by cursed caverns
  16. Fab

    Merry Christmas @Staff

    Nate Grill confirmed?
  17. Fab

    Gold Ore in DZONE

    Never had a problem with gold ore tbh
  18. Fab

    I'm back

    Welcome back dude
  19. Fab

    10k bm in one run

    Damn thats a good run, personally never went so cant tell how long it took, but surely pkers must have spotted you
  20. Fab

    Yes it’s that time

    Sad to see an active player go. Sucks to quit over 1 achieve and a bunch of toxic ppl which u find many all over the internet anyways tho :l
  21. Fab

    Bank loadout glitch

    Lost 3rd age platelegs when withdrawing a loadout Edit: Noticed that Barrows Gloves from achieve shop also disappeared! Edit2: Also Fighting Boots!
  22. Fab

    Max Gear Setups For All Styles

    Nice guide, did tyras helm not make the cut for melee? Also pre sure lavafireshield would be btr than ddef assuming some1 got it
  23. Fab

    Suggestions for Player owned houses

    Would be a nice QoL, but deffo not a priority
  24. Fab

    Gilded Cannon in Runex Points

    Atm we dont need a runex pts sink, its fine being obtainable with d tkts only