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Fab last won the day on March 27 2018

Fab had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

66 Excellent

1 Follower

About Fab

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    Advanced Member

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  1. Fab

    Fastest maxed prime

    Gz dude, well done
  2. Fab

    Mage arena 2 boss spawns

  3. Fab

    Fatality Ban

    Why isn't he appealing himself than? punishment is justified, but if he appeals and waits a while im sure it will get lifted eventually
  4. Fab

    The most disappointing rare drop notification

    its not a rare drop notif, its a dbl drop notif from game mode perk
  5. Fab

    Emole achievement progress reseted to 0

    It's a bug caused by the recent update l0l, wasnt an intentional reset, I earned these kills fair and square d fk. fix the bug - this isnt a suggestion post
  6. I have 24 emole kills and before the update of April 4th the achievement showed that i was 24/50 progress. Now it shows 0 and i went down from 195 achievements to 194. pls fix
  7. Fab

    Bank loadout glitch

    Bank loadout allows you to wear comp cape without having the requirements for it
  8. Fab

    Fab's Journey to all Achievements

    Topic has been updated with new achieves progress; The journey has started once more!
  9. Fab

    I am daddy intro :)

    Welome to runex, enjoy your stay
  10. Fab

    Ey baes ;) Pandas late to the party.

    glad you're enjoying it, welcome
  11. Fab

    Quickchat Bug

    When the "Raids completed:" counter got added to the quest tab it messed up the quickchat "hitbox" for the other counters below it. - So if i click on "slayer points: 5605" it will quick chat the one below it since the "hitboxes" werent actually moved down in sync with the text.
  12. Fab


    having a bigger suggestion list is a self burying mechanism, btr to do 1 by 1
  13. Fab

    New Forum Rank
