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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/30/19 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    1) What is your favourite aspect of RuneX? My favorite part of this server by any level is community and that's what really makes or breaks a server to me. I will simply not continue playing a server if I feel the community is not what I'd like to see. While we pretend to be toxic and flame each other over trivial things it's all with love and with a general sense of respect for one another. No other server can say the same because no other server has a community that is able to take an insult and understand it's not meant in a negative way but rather as banter. 2) What has been your favourite update here on RuneX? I liked the addition of implings. One of the greatest additions I've seen thus far because of all the non-combat wealth its brought into the game whether this be through resources or through the various rune coinables. 3) What is your favorite memory that you've made here on RuneX? While there are many moments I've enjoyed on this server, my particular favorite moment was when I first met @siah by agreeing that the black chest at the fiyr shade daily should be renamed into the chest of color. Through a small bit of joking I made one of my closest friends and that speaks a lot about the experiences one has on this server. 4) How did you find out about RuneX? Honestly, I used one of those RSPS top lists to find a server that was ranked fairly high (at the time I believe Runex was in the top 500 or something like that) and then gave the community a test by just doing what I do. I enjoyed the community and saw it was at the time relatively small so I knew there was time to leave my mark on how certain banter was accepted.
  2. 3 points
    1) What is your favourite aspect of RuneX? My favorite aspect about Runex is how far the game has come from when I first started playing it. Ryan and Ramzi have made great strides in moving the game forward into the future and I'm ever-so-slightly excited to see what comes next. 2) What has been your favourite update here on RuneX? My favorite update would have to be the enchantment chest, Chambers of Xeric or the Inferno. The enchantment chest brought so many different possibilities for gear, tokens and many endgame possibilities. Chambers of Xeric because everyone on the server that was highly geared and even low-tier noobs geared to attempt it. We all had fun sharing different gear ideas and the friendly competition for becoming the first to complete a raid in-game was phenomenal. The Runex Inferno is one of the best pieces of content added to the game. It's not overwhelmingly hard but it is still a challenge. The fast attacking Jad threw many of us off when it released. 3) What is your favorite memory that you've made here on RuneX? I've had many memories on Runex but my favorite would have to be meeting one of my best friends on here. I've had many friends throughout the years, many irl ones also but her and I just click and understand eachother. Every day is fresh and we always have things to talk about and always have games to play 4) How did you find out about RuneX? This is a bit of a funny story actually. I was bouncing between servers with my buddy Jared and I decided to give up on the search because nothing seemed like it was good to me. I ended up getting a message from him to play Runex with him and his whole reason for why he picked Runex was because when he clicked the compass the camera faced North
  3. 2 points
    hello, First off i want to start this by saying that this is not for event as i feel personally that this is overdue on my end to adress issues i personally feel like the server has. #1. - IMO e-mole sucks. the exchange is alright but the overall boss drops feels bad, with (epic) luck tokens you dont get double skins/claws, i ussualy get about 2-5m cash and then key pieces. This boss is decently rare to fight but i can make more money just afking godwars, sure e-mole has a chance for crest pieces but godwars has better chances for them, the epic pet box is too rare imo. i'd like to see a rework on loot for e-mole increasing the gp dropped and maybe add in noted rune/dragon stacks for some extra money coming in. #2. - P2w iron is annoying. So this is something that annoys me personally, ironman have no way to get a decent pet upgrade other than buying bonds. Make a special ironman shop that sells pet upgrades for a certain price so that people aren't forced to buy bonds. Make an ironman zone (like dzone idea) that has a special monster that has a small chance to drop accesories so that you can actually farm for upgrades. Add accesories for runecoins (which with discounts would price it at a decent price and make it expensive for non-iron to stop accesories from costing nothing at all or too much) #3. - max/achievement guild aren't rewarding. i've had this issue for a while, after maxing my original account (normie i know eww) i aws excited, we have a max guild but then after a few days i noticed that there wasn't much in it, same with achievement guild, it's only used for enchantment chest and range ammy (t). For max guild - add in resource area that gives noted resources like logs and such, harder gamemode unlocks more benefit with normal having noted fish (or something) and prime having fish/ores/logs. For achieve guild - rework champ token shop, the blessing and cape are cool but not that usefull, add basic items in there aswell for a decent price (bags of riches caskets and so on) to make it rewarding to actually farm there. #4. - spending slayer points for runecoins feels unrewarding. so i feel like this doesn't apply to a lot of people but still a decent chunk, after getting all the good items from the slayer master the points become pretty much useless except for skipping/blocking or runecoins, allow us to spend them on bag/sack of riches and caskets to get more money into eco. add in whips and dboots and such for a good price in slayer points so that people that get unlucky can just buy them even if ironman, it wont ruin eco because with chaotics whips arent that great and boots of stone are better than dboots for melee anyway. allow us to choose an amount of slaer monsters to slay for a task by spending points. #5. - Banned players. As a result of people getting banned we lost a lot of items from eco and i have a suggestion to try and get those items back. Make a new (staff)rank called Giveaway (or something else im bad with making up names) which serves only 1 purpose, do giveaways. for example player badtoxicman gets perm banned but he/she has max gear in every slot, if it is fully perm banned take the items, put it on the giveaway account and host events with it or give it to youtubers for giveaways so that we don't just lose all the items a player that breaks the rules has, it's a perm ban so they won't come back anyway. #6. - QoL. Herblore - please make someone put clean herbs into pots for money, it's so annoying having to do it by hand. Smithing - either add an exchange for coal/ore +some cash to make bars, would costs same coal per ore (even with cape effect) it would just make it quicker. Loadouts - i know this was added but i found a mistake with it, barrows gear undamage (ahrims robetop) does not count for loadouts if the loaout contains (ahrims robetop 100) Raids - deadclicks we all know them and we all hate them. agility - it's a slow skill with next to no rewards, the gracefull is usefull in certain situations but not enough to be worth the effort imo, i'd like to see the xp gracefull become a thing. 200m capes - the effect aren't the best, please upgrade them to the suggestion posts effects (can't remeber the topic but i'm sure someone else knows it) Godbows - only zamorak bow is good from what i've heard, nerf their damage to be the same with all 3, give them a passive (e.g. zammy has dbolt effect chance, sara has small chance to heal, guthix does something aswell)
  4. 2 points
    1) What is your favourite aspect of RuneX? I fell in love with the unique customs on the server. I used to hop from server to server looking for something that had a unique side to it. I wanted something that wasn't minigun's and lava torva. I needed something that fit the game, that didn't seem so far out of space that it wasn't a runescape server anymore. 2) What has been your favourite update here on RuneX? Honestly? The day the prize cape was added to the enchantment chest. It really hit me due to it being my suggestion. I really felt that the owners looked out for the longevity of the server, not to mention they took the time to read my dingy post complaining about how there were not enough ingame. It felt really good that my voice was heard. 3) What is your favorite memory that you've made here on RuneX? It has to be between the day I maxed my prime, @Rasta was actually part of the reason I maxed that night(even though I lamped a few skills) It still felt great. He gave me a bunch of construction materials due to none of the Trading post. Or the day I pulled mini-me on my iron, I was screaming on the headest with my friends over Xbox(one who played the server for awhile and understood the whole situation). 4) How did you find out about RuneX? I originally found spk, and had been playing on there for a few days when I had heard of a none spawn server that was more eco based. So I quickly jumped over here, and have stayed.
  5. 2 points
    1) What is your favourite aspect of Runex? My favourite aspect of Runex has to be one of the worst things for the server in general. The sheer AFKability of Runex. All my life I have enjoyed 'Idle' games, that essentially boil down to AFKing and watching a number go up. With the combination of the grand mystery bag and a prayer pet, I have been able to just AFK most of my time on Runex to collect stacked supplies and get high kill counts. Unfortunately this isn't very healthy for the economy, as we can see from the price of skilling supplies, and Kyle. 2) What has been your favourite update on Runex? Runex has had a lot of amazing updates, each of them adding to the overall experience that I love. But If I had to pick one, or 2 really, it would be both of the raids updates. The amount of excitement in the air and the race to be the first team to complete them was so amazing. My team won both times by the way I promise Ryan didn't kill Verzik for us.. 3) What is your favourite memory made on Runex? It may seem like a cop out, but my favourite memory on Runex would be the time I spent as staff. The best parts of which being the friends I made both within and outside of the staff team and being that person that members of the community would come to when they had issues or just wanted to talk to someone. Regardless of how that time ended, it was an amazing experiences from beginning to end, minus a day or two :,) 4) How did you find out about Runex? I actually found Runex soon after its public launch through searching servers with low vote counts on one of the top-lists. I played as a prime named Logic. I was 40 defence and was lucky enough to get a DFS from the crystal chest. However, when that happened I thought Runex to be unbalanced since they handed a DFS to a level 50 and quit. A while later, my friend, the original Logic, told me about this cool new server releasing it's ironman mode and it had 3x experience. Logic and I were very competitive, only playing servers with low experience rates and ironman to compete against each-other. So I jumped at the chance to show Logic how inefficient he was;
  6. 2 points
    1) What is your favourite aspect of RuneX? It would have to be part of the grind for certain items/custom items in game [As an ironman] even though some weaponry and armour is very overpowered in certain areas of the game, it's still overly FUN, on top of that the feeling of getting said item after grinding/working for it for so long. [even if it takes months] 2) What has been your favourite update here on RuneX? Anything to do with kharazi, it's 1 of my favorite parts of runex so any additional things to grind for or to play around with is always a nice sight for me. [at least sixty in-game days playtime in kharazi btw] 3) What is your favorite memory that you've made here on RuneX? It has to be all of the memes created by myself and others around runex and the community, always gives me a laugh no matter what mood i'm in. 4) How did you find out about RuneX? Honestly it was so long ago it's not clear as to how i first joined but with how I usually find servers it would have to been a recommendation from a friend on RS3, even though they may play any longer or be here with us anymore, i still play it non-stop, and i usually only play server for 1-2 months, but here I am, 2-3 years later still playing and having fun
  7. 2 points
    1) What is your favorite aspect of RuneX? My favorite aspect about RuneX is its personal touch or the unique item / content it has. Usually servers go with no customs or full customs. Here, i see a good balance of both. The elixirs, the rune coin machine, the enchantment chest, the task bottles, the achievement system, the list keeps going on and on. The most surprising thing i've noticed on this server is the cash sink, its just spot on. In my 10+ years of playing RSPS's, never have i seen a server with a decent player base, mostly PVM and been online for at least a couple years get this right. In fact, all most all servers have inflation but we have the complete opposite, we need to address it but the system in place by Dev's and the management in this regarding is applaudable. 2) What has been your favorite update here on RuneX? I've been here for only one update, at least after i rejoined. So, the leaderboards is definitely something i love and have been actively taking part in so far. Real neat and covers most of the activities in-game. Apart from this, the blast mining, good lord, am on prime mode so.. you can already imagine 😛 3) What is your favorite memory that you've made here on RuneX? When i started playing again, i really loved the rune coins machine and the grind of 55k rune coins to get Bryophyta's staff and Zamorak Bow was just one of a kind. And to my surprise, when i almost had the rune coins for both, the store had both the items unlocked and i was really hyped, haha. Oh, then i had to unlock the store.. that's another story haha but ye i can never forget this. 4) How did you find out about RuneX? It was definitely YouTube. Sadly, i don't really remember on whose channel or what kind of video but when i saw it, i was like wait I've played this server before and i came on here, recovered my account and been here from like a month now and really enjoying it so far.
  8. 1 point
    Gear suggestions: 1-Melee version of the upgraded fused slayer helm. At this point there is the Frost (mage) and lava (range) slayer helms to me it just makes sense to add a melee version. I think it should have +5 str and besides that the same stats. I would like to see it be called the molten slayer helm and be red. 2-Holy fused slayer helm, this would finish the slayer helm set and the stats would be same as fused slayer helm but with +15 prayer and a passive that restores +1 prayer point every 20 sec. 3-Mage boots that provide mage damage+ (or a special effect similar to brimstone ring/ferocious gloves) my personal idea is a boot add on that goes onto the arcane boots and give +5% magic damage. they would be dropped by regular hydras but I would be happy with many implementations. 4-Ice gloves- these gloves are bought from the lava feather store and broadcast to the server when they are bought. They cost 25,000 feathers and provide immunity to the damage lava birds deal. 5-Tome of frost, this book has a normal version which is bought from the mage arena store for 10,000 magic tokens. It proved +2.5% magic damage and has a passive that lets you deal 7.5% extra damage wit water and ice spells. There is also a imbued version which is bought from the mage of wisdom, you combine a "ice shard" that costs 15k rc with the tome of frost to make a tome of frost (I) this book provides +5% magic damage and +15% additional damage with water/ice spells. This book would protect at 0 in the wildy making it extremely dangerous to pk with it. 6-Expert capes of accomplishment, these are the artisans cape which requires cooking, construction, crafting, firemaking, fletching, herblore, runecrafting, and smithing. The combatants cape which requires attack, constitution, defense, magic, prayer, range, strength, and summoning. The gatherers cape which requires farming, fishing, hunter, mining, and woodcutting (this also requires divination on rs3). And finally the support cape which requires agility, slayer, and thieving (also dungeonerring on rs). I would like to see the first 3 implemented and the support cape be fused with the gatherers cape. These capes would have the same stat as a regular skill cape and all the perks. the 200m cape would have the best stats per slots combined and all the perks. 7-Add a currency pouch and a token pouch to the rc store for 500 rc each. This would help with bank space and let regular players pick and chose when they want to use there tokens while not requiring them to bank. 8-Slight change to brimstone ring. atm the bis mage ring is thermonuclear ring making brimstone ring a weird item. Its extremely hard to get as you can get multiple of the same item before completing the ring and its not bis for anything. I would like to see it get +4% magic damage while non imbued and +8% while imbued. This would make it bis for mage and a decent choice for raids if you don't want to bring a ring switch. 9-Make the god capes (I) give +3% magic damage and make an (e) version that gives +5% magic damage. Imo the imbued versions are overpowered for such an easy to obtain item. I would like to see the (e) version require an addon that costs 5k magic tokens and has a 50% chance of success but again any implementation of this would make me happy. 10-Give arcan and grand gloves +5% magic damage, they are designed as good gloves for all 3 combat styles so its just stupid they don't give the same magic damage as tormented bracelet. 11-Give trimmed justiciar +2 str instead of +1, this would make it a little more powerful and currently with max str regular justiciar and the trimmed version with scythe have the same max which is kinds stupid. 12-Make dragon hunter lance work at corp. You already said that its a hasta or spear by making k gloves 3 work with them and you do reduced damage to corp if you are not using a hasta or spear. Its just inconsistent and because sunspear works at corp it would not make much a difference in difficulty. 13-Make blood shaman available either through dboxes or the kharazi minigame. I personally hate the idea the bis mage gear being unobtainable and it wouldn't seem out of place if there was a 3rd boss in kharazi that dropped it or you could buy it for 5k 7.5k and 10k bm from a store in kharazi. 14-Make frost chompy hat require 3 imbuing stones and a molten chompy hat. It is worse then the frost slayer helm and for some reason costs a ridiculous amount right now. 16-make it so you use a imbued god cape on a max cape instead of a regular god cape. Pvm/Raid Sugestions 1-Make it so killing a boss that corresponds with a hard task counts towards that task. for instance black demons and demonic gorillas, blue dragons and vorkath, alchemical hydra and regular hydras (which currently works), greater demons and kril tsutsaroth, aviansies and kreearra, and whichever other bosses work for slayer tasks on osrs. 2-Make solo/ duo tob more viable. There are three ways to do this, 1- reduce the heath bosses start at while you are solo or duo. 2- reduce the effects that make tob slow wile on solo/ trio (madden spawns fewer spiders to heal her and fewer spiders spawn in the spider room), the 3rd way would be to make tob slower for trio+ imo it should start at 100% hp and go up by 75% each person in the raid so if madden started at 1000 hp duo would be 1750 trio would be 2500 and so on. 3-Make the heath of the crystals at vasa nistirio dependent on the number of players in the party. I personally think it should be 150-200-250-300-350 but you will have to see what is most balanced. 4-I would like to see a change to the common drops in both tob and xerics. the two drop tables would be combined and the better loot (generally from tob) would be given if you do a harder difficulty raid. How this would work is each difficulty has a drop table and when you do a raid you can get loot from +2 or -2 difficulty. This would mean a normal raid would drop items from the normal, adept, and expert drop table. A expert raid would drop items from all drop tables and a grandmaster would only drop items from the expert+ drop tables. The normal drop table would consist of basic supply drops and non combination potions. The adept drop table would consist of all non luck tokens, combination potions (bastion and battlemage), and cannon balls. The expert drop table would be regular luck tokens, bags of tokens, and bags of riches, and prize boxes. Master drop table would have dragon arrow tips, and non infernal elixirs. The grand master drop table would have, sacks of riches, prize chests, blunt arrow tips, and infernal elixirs. I am sure I forgot some items but you should get the idea. This would make the drop tables of tob and xeric more equal and create a reason to do higher difficulty raids. 5-Add a drop of 5x fellstalk seeds to the tob drop table. At this point there is no way to get fellstalk seeds and the only way to get the herd is to camp skotizo or lizardan shamens. Tob seams like a good way to implement a new source of them. If the suggestion over this one goes through fellstalks would go onto the grand master drop table. 6-Reduce the cannonball drop from xeric raids from 2.5k to 1k. 2.5k is extremely overpowered and makes camping xerics close to if not faster then just smiting them. And that's just stupid. 7-Create a way to negate the damage reduction on the last phase of hydra, this could be a 4t pool that we lure him onto, or the red pool negating his damage, or that he doesn't have any damage reduction on the last phase like on OSRS. 8-At this point if a ironman is killing the jungle demon is kharazi minigame and a main account hits it once the main gets the loot this should not be the case for accouple of different reasons. I understand that this is in place to protect the integrity of ironman mode and prevent ironmen from buying kills. But it doesn't work because once a player leave the attack range of the demon a ironman can get the loot regardless of how much damage a main might of done. This makes it so the legit players who get unlucky, or are being ragged by a main cant get loot while ironmen who wants to buy kills still can. My suggested fix is that an ironman can only get the loot if he/she has dealt over 75% of a monsters hp. This would protect the integrity of the mode by preventing people from selling/giving kills while also letting ironmen kill the boss while there is another player in the minigame. Sorry if this is confusing, for some reason I have a hard time explaining the problem and my solution. 9-Superior raid bosses- These bosses are harder variants of the normal raid bosses that would spawn in both xeric and tob raids in place of the normal raid boss. In a xeric raid the superior bosses will drop the rare(s) they already drop at a significantly increased rate (1/50) along with 1-2 new drops per boss at 1/150-1/250. In a tob raid each boss will drop a rare on the drop table (bloat-rapier spiders-sang pendent xarpus-justicar armor verzik-sang staff) at 1/100 along with a 1-2 new items per boss at 1/150-1/250. The superior bosses would have a higher occurrence rate depending on what difficulty raid you are doing, and could not spawn on the first boss of any raid to prevent players from leaving and rejoining till they get a superior boss 10-Make kharazi chinchompas worse at tekton, they should be the fastest method but right now they are 5-10x faster then a 3rd age pick which is just stupid. Interface Updates 1-Make it so different donator ranks show up for ironmen in the help cc. I personally would like the plume on the ironman logo to change colors depending on the rank but any implementation would work. 2-Have the drop chance on monster drop tables reflect your drop chance. At this points I don't think anyone knows how much drop chance effect there chance for a rare drop and this would help people understand. It would not have to reflect if you are on task with a slayer emblem as that would confuse everything but I do think it should show everything else. 3-Show your magic damage in your equipment slot. Its an extremely important stat that for some reason is just not there. *thank you for adding 4-Add a guide button to the boss teleport screen, this would be a link to guides that have already been created by a player or mod and vetted by a mod. This would help bot with forum activity and it would help new players who need help with bossing and either cant find a boss guide or are to lazy to do so. 5-Add what mode a player in on during the broadcast for buying a max cape for the first time. 6-Create a page you can see by clicking on the rune coin exchanger that shows the different elixir recipes right now the only way you can figure out is by going on the forums, asking help cc, or unlocking it yourself. 7-Create a option for monsters drop tables to display rare item drop rates by item instead of by table. For instance zulrahs drop table would show 1/900 for each unique instead of 1/300. This would be toggled either from the drop table interface or the options menu depending on what works best for you. The reason for this update is a lot of newer players think when a drop table says "magic fang 1/300" it means magic fang 1/300 instead of 1/900. I would like this option to be the default option but for older players used to the old system you can create a toggle. 8-Add something that shows how many cannonballs you have left in your cannon, this could either be through something over the cannon saying how many are left or something on your buff/debuff bar saying it. 9-The bis gear and the item guide really needs to be updated. I constantly wonder what a items stats are and there is no way to check unless there is a interface you can Crtl hover over. It would be amazing if all the different interfaces were together and the system is already in place so might as well update it. 10-Show drop rate somewhere, this could either go into the equipment screen or the achievement tab. Misc. Updates 1-Event store/points- one point would be obtained each time someone finished off the event chest instead of it giving a piece of event hunter gear. Also each event there is a leaderboard for the most tokens spent and 3 will go to first place, two will go to second place and one will go to third place. These points will be spent at the event store, the event store will have 3 types of items- first the event hunter set- each piece will cost one point. Second- A event box, for each unique event that has happened in runex history there will be a box and that box will contain a random item from that event chest (this item will be one of the items that broadcasted to the whole server when obtained). For instance the kharazi event box will contain something random from this list- Nazastarool pet, baby graahk pet, blood shaman robes, kharazi blessing, shadow tome, mystery chest, minigame mystery chest, and kharazi impling jar. Third- Some select items that where extremely sought after from some of the event chests. The prices of these items will very depending on there current price and how good they are atm. Some examples of these items would be- All unique pets that broadcasted to the server- 3 pts (each) Tome of shadows- 5 pts Blood shaman top/ bottom- 7pts (each) Blood shaman hood- 5pts Easter tonic- 3pts Any unique items from the current event would not be available from this store till the event rotated. 2-Make it so blocking tasks will stop your streak. I know this will not be popular and I personally abuse it to get hydra tasks but it should not be in the game. The task streak system is in place to reword players who do all there tasks not people who have lots of runex points. Another possible was to do this would be to allow one block every 10 tasks so players who are just starting slayer can legit block tasks they don't want to do. 3-Put arrow shafts into a store. I would prefer to see them go into the gen store but putting them into a donator zone would also work. This would make fletching arrows a viable way to train wile it would still be slower then darts. Also in the future if you wanted to implement a faster way to get dragon arrows you could make something drop bulk dragon arrows tips instead of arrows> 4-Make infernal elixirs require a dragon defender and an infernal cape rater then a fire cape. it would just make sense. 5-I am not sure if this would be possible but I would like the mage of wisdom items to be different for each account. This would prevent items from being unavailable to the whole server for an extended period of time, amulet of zealots is currently having this issue. 6- Make a menagerie room to store pets in your house. I personally love to collect pets but if you include all the pvm, skilling, and event pets they start to take up a lot of bank space. I would love to see the pets wondering around but if its not possible o well. 7-Give more items rc value, some items I can think of are- lava pendent, ballista pieces, devout boots, boots of brimstone, all cursed crypt items, sang pendent, chompy hats, vespine bow, twisted buckler, and 100s more that I cant think of off the top of my head. In my opinion most if not all items that have a market value should have a rc value. This value should not be equal to the current market value of that item but they should still have them. 8-Make it so you can decant potions into 1/2/3/4 doses instead of just 4, also nerf antivenoms so making 1/2/3 dose potions give reduced xp. 9-Make kharazi chinchompas usable from your inventory. 10-Make elixir of fortune give 2x boss points and 2x runex points. QOL/Bug fixes 2-If hydra phases while in the red form and fire is still following you it will continue into the grey form. 3-If you kill vorkath while poison is out then tp directly back to vorkath the poison will still be on the floor (though it will not damage you) until you tp home 4-If you try to bank items that have a placeholder in your bank while your bank is full they wont bank and you bank will glitch will you relog. 5-Increase the size of the click box on xerpus, to often I click right through him and because most players walk 1-3 tiles to avoid the poison it shouldn't make platers misclick attack instead of move 6-Make it so items do not appear right away in the tob looting room, the reason for this is incase a player gets an item while there invent and bank is full it gets dropped to the floor. Its happened to me before in a raid but luckily all the party members were ironmen. 7-Make it so alchemical hydra respawns automatically with a spawn timer of 20 sec. At the moment you need to leave the room and come back in to make it respawn. 8-Currently if you are barraging or using chinchompas on multiple opponents and a monster you are damaging but not targeting dies you stop attacking this should not be the case. A example of this is if you are attacking General Graardor with bb and a cannon and a minion dies mid kill you stop attacking Graardor. If its a somewhat simple fix and wouldn't take to much dev time this should be fixed.
  9. 1 point
    I got some small suggestions to make mostly the cash flow in RuneX going again, because the eco is pretty bad atm. Calendar for daily log-ins. So Cup had this in his suggestion list aswell, but I want to upgrade it a bit so you can understand how it works. For the daily log-ins you'll recieve not cash but bags of riches which can stack up to sacks of riches to add some cash into the game by a small process. For example; for the first log-in you'll recieve for the first log-in you'll recieve 10 caskets which will increase towards the 9th log-in. The prices for the daily log-in from the 1st towards the 9th day; After those 9 days it's gonna increase towards Cash. So from the 10th day towards the 19th day; After those 10 days it's gonna increase towards Bag of riches/Sack of riches. So from the 20th day towards 30th day; After all those days it resets back to one. For recieving every daily log-in you have to log-in every day. If you miss one day it resets back to one aswell. Deadclicks in raids 1&2. There are alot of deadclicks in raids overall, it's very annoying because you have to click sometimes about 10x before it reacts, which in some rooms can be very annoying and specially to the people who try to do raids for the first time. Master task scroll rewards. So I don't have alot to say about this, but some of the master rewards are pretty bad, for example you're task is to alch something worth about 400M and the reward is about 30M which for a master task scroll is pretty bad compared to the other difficulty tasks. Such as elite the rewards aren't that bad (if you don't recieve a rare item) as for the master task rewards they can be slightly buffed, not to make them overpowered but have a slight buff to make them worth doing.
  10. 1 point
    1) What is your favourite aspect of RuneX? All of the custom interfaces, such as information on an item when you hover, and something as simple as examining a monster to see its drops and kc 2) What has been your favourite update here on RuneX? Haven't been here long, probably the recent contest update - gets a lot of interaction on lots of content 3) What is your favorite memory that you've made here on RuneX? Started a debate on how droprate works, maths turns me on 4) How did you find out about RuneX? From a voting list, it was the best looking
  11. 1 point
    1) What is your favourite aspect of RuneX? My FAVORITE (muriica) aspect of RuneX is the constant updates and additions to the game, always adding things for players to grind for. 2) What has been your favourite update here on RuneX? My FAVORITE (Bald Eagle Flys in) update would have to be the addition of weekly competitions. To be quite fair I am fairly new to the server, so I haven't been around for the introduction of majority of the updated. 3) What is your favorite memory that you've made here on RuneX? My favorite (now hold up, why is this one spelled differently from the rest boi) would have to be when I got b2b rare drops from demonic gorillas. 4) How did you find out about RuneX? I found out about RuneX from scrolling through the TopG site.
  12. 1 point
    Prize Boxes and Ckeys: Agree they were super nerfed and feel so lackluster. It feels like a waste of both time and money to use ckeys without the summer event right now and the voting tickets do not feel worthwhile at all for any of the prize boxes as they just aren't at a level where they feel useful. I'd rather take tokens of some sort than those boxes. Skilling Pts: 1. Would love to see some form of streak system similar to slayer, makes sense and would make the aids-ness of skilling tasks feel less so 2. Interesting idea, never did barbarian skilling so not too sure how it works but from my understanding people over-accumulate the points or tokens, whatever that currency is, and it has no usage past a certain point. 3. I like the idea of enchanted graceful but I don't know how I feel about the % xp bonus, there are a lot of +xp% items as there is and just recently a new one was added with the implementation of the whole Runex Leaderboards 4. Agree that the variety feels rather low, I imagine rooftop agility will add to the agility category. Regarding hunter, I would like to see chins as a task too. 5. Maybe they could add the option to "accept wilderness tasks" or something like that, with an added point bonus (once rooftop agility is added, this way wilderness agility is still relevant). If a regular non wildy task is 3 points, a wilderness one could be 4. 200m Capes: 1. I thought that the combination to 200M Max cape was previously confirmed by Nate but I guess not +1 2. Slightly buffed perks would be pretty cool; I like the construction one for example you gave. I like the community discussion part, allows for a more unique-feel to the server without additions of complicated customs and what not Skilling Pets: 1. Agree that the pets seem rare as fuck, in my time playing I don't believe I've ever seen someone get a drop for the runecrafting or mining pets. Would love to see a slight drop rate increase so that they're more obtainable but not common as fuck items as well. 2. I like this idea actually, perhaps a slight % boost while doing the certain skill? Woodcutting pet for example can provide a 2% bonus. Seems pretty cool and a way to make the item more than just a clue requirement or rune coins. Daily Leaderboards: Don't know how to feel about this idea as I feel like weekly is good as it is but daily could encourage more interaction so it's a little both ways to me. I could see it being 3 pts for first, 2 for second, 1 for 3rd though or something along those lines. Perhaps the daily leaderboard could be more specific than the weekly leaderboard (i.e. gems cut, black dragons killed, slayer mobs killed, etc.) Voting Streaks: I like the idea to be honest but reward wise I'm not sure what to suggest. I feel like the voting daily itself is a good incentive to vote but a small scaling could encourage more frequent voting so I see your point. Chamber of Xeric: No comment, don't raid enough to know so don't wanna give retarded reasoning. Game Chat Filter: Thought this was coming too from my understanding but yeah definitely want to see this implemented, I want to see people get drops but I don't want to see that the impling didn't get in my net.
  13. 1 point
    1) What is your favourite aspect of RuneX? I’ve had a lot of favourite aspects of RuneX through my time playing and it’s always changed every few updates. My favourite aspect of RuneX that’s I’ve stuck to is probably the grind needed for completionist cape, at least made 40+ days playtime depending on mode and if you only grind for it. It’s always been fun trying to complete some of those extremely grinding achievements despite how annoyed and angry I get I still push myself to do them. Also Ryan adding achievements just when your almost at completionist doesn’t help but always keeps the grind going :P. 2) What has been your favourite update here on RuneX? Probably when Ryan insta added my note paper idea a few days after uim was released which helped a lot of Ultimate Ironman players and made the gameplay more enjoyable by being able to note items as we couldn’t originally! I believe this also furthered to help newer UIM players and current UIM players at that time. Also helped me a lot when I was on my UIM 3) What is your favorite memory that you've made here on RuneX? I’ve made a lot of memories on RuneX a fair few of them are on my signature, but if I had to pick one it’d most likely be with @Dragon Paws when we both bored one day and we’re sending each other memes while doing whatever we were doing then on RuneX, and we both at the exact same time with a second to split sent each other the same Meme Compilation video. And making people hate me for getting 100k bm from a sack & then 250m coins from a bag, back to back. 4) How did you find out about RuneX? I played SpawnPK starting from early 2016 and I took a break near early 2017 due to school and when I cameback I noticed Ryan had created RuneX :D.
  14. 1 point
    1) What is your favourite aspect of RuneX? My favorite aspect is definitely the tight-knit community and willingness of an abundance of players to help whenever needed. 2) What has been your favourite update here on RuneX? The seasonal events; brings the community together further and switches it up from the normal grinds. 3) What is your favorite memory that you've made here on RuneX? Getting my DWH drop on like 3.5k shaman kills... lol 4) How did you find out about RuneX? I usually go pages deep in the toplists looking for a server that fits my criteria well so I'm assuming finding this server was no different
  15. 1 point
    What is your favourite aspect of Runex? -My favourite aspect about Runex is that there is so much content. You can be constantly doing something and never get bored. And the updates are always packed with new stuff to do that never gets old. What has been your favourite update here on Runex? I thinks raids was my favourite update. It brought a lot more content and things to grind for into the game and made the community more active and caused people to work together and cheer for one another when someone gets a good reward. What is your favourite memory that you've made here on Runex? Both getting evoid or making friends with people at wildy agility. Or giving noobs starting gear and watching them get all happy and excited. How did you find out abour Runex? Was bored after college back in winter of 2017 one day and googled rsps and saw this one had lots of people online and looked like something I can play a lot. And I've been here ever since that day.
  16. 1 point
    1) What is your favourite aspect of RuneX? Making fun of Kong 2) What has been your favourite update here on RuneX? KQ in VIP zone 3) What is your favorite memory that you've made here on RuneX? i lost my nan in deep wildy 4) How did you find out about RuneX? Kong logged into spawnpk, and lure me to his cave, and raped me to dead. Then i spawned on Runex
  17. 0 points
    Yes I'm sure you could make great use of bank fillers