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Runex suggestion event #2 [Results]

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Runex - The Best Economy RSPS!

Hello, RuneX.
I would like to apologize for the delay of the results, I have been extremely busy due to irl issues. Nonetheless, here we are.

I would like to give a special thanks to everyone who participated in this event, you all made some amazing suggestions and we highly appreciate all of you who had taken the time to sit down and type them out. I have really enjoyed reading through all of your suggestions and have been blown away by some of them.

If you were not aware of how the suggestions event worked, you were given points out of 3 on 3 different categories.



Points were awarded in 3 different sections,

  1. The suggestion itself
  2. The effort put into creating it
  3. Uniqueness

Each category was rated on a scale of 0.0 - 1.0 and added together for a total point score out of 3. 


There were multiple categories of winners,

  = Paid

Top 3 point scorers over the event:

  • First Place: 10,000,000 platinum tokens (10b) : @touched 
  • Second Place: 6,000,000 platinum tokens (6b) : @Huff 
  • Third Place: 3,000,000 platinum tokens (3b) : @jarlaxle 

Staff Favorites:

  • Ryan: 1,000,000 platinum tokens (1b) : @Iron Logic  [EVENT] Player retention 
    "If you have room for notes on the reasoning for why it's my favorite, I'd say it's mainly due to the direction or subject of the suggestion itself. There might be certain small points I disagree with, such as the daily login bonuses (although if anti-farm was sufficient it'd be a great idea) but as a whole I appreciate a suggestion being written for/from the perspective of brand new players who are unfamiliar with the game."
  • Ramzi: 1,000,000 platinum tokens (1b) Undecided
  • Nate: 1,000,000 platinum tokens (1b) : @2gp 
    "Monthly voting top 10 is cool, WoGW would be great but with the right incentives, No life mode is ok with me I guess lol, and lastly I agree we need more afk skilling so Motherlode mining is cool too."
  • Kong: 1,000,000 platinum tokens (1b) : @jarlaxle [EVENT] Jarlaxle's suggestions 
    "I really love the idea of competitive Gnomeball and I have come up with a really fun way to implement it. Great suggestion!"

All scores can be viewed below
Remember that only one post could be entered per person so we have selected your best one.
If an Ironman has won, you must create/have an alternate account to collect the cash and you can buy bonds on it if you wish,
the idea of this event was to bring more cash into the game so rewarding bonds would defeat the objective of the event


Uniqueness = 0.8
Effort = 0.7
Quality = 0.7
Total =

Uniqueness = 0.7
Effort = 0.7
Quality = 0.7
Total =

Uniqueness = 0.8
Effort = 0.6
Quality = 0.6
Total =
Iron Logic
Uniqueness = 0.4
Effort = 0.6
Quality = 0.5
Total = 1.5

Uniqueness = 0.4
Effort = 0.3
Quality = 0.4
Total =  1.

Uniqueness = 0.3
Effort = 0.2
Quality = 0.3
Total = 0.8

Uniqueness = 0.4
Effort = 0.3
Quality = 0.4
Total = 1.1
Grim Wrapper

Uniqueness = 0.7
Effort = 0.5
Quality = 0.7
Total = 1.9

Uniqueness = 0.5
Effort = 0.2
Quality = 0.2
Total = 0.9

Uniqueness = 0.2
Effort = 0.5 
Quality = 0.5
Total = 1.2

Uniqueness = 0.5
Effort = 0.5
Quality = 0.7
Total = 1.7
Dragon paws

Uniqueness = 0.7
Effort = 0.6
Quality = 0.4
Total = 1.7

Uniqueness = 0.6
Effort = 0.4
Quality = 0.4
Total = 1.4
Feed my ego

Uniqueness = 0.7
Effort = 0.5
Quality = 0.5
Total = 1.7

Uniqueness = 0.7
Effort = 0.5
Quality = 0.4
Total = 1.6
Cup of Tea

Uniqueness = 0.5
Effort = 0.4
Quality = 0.4
Total = 1.3

Uniqueness = 0.7
Effort = 0.5
Quality = 0.4
Total = 1.6

Uniqueness = 0.6
Effort = 0.4
Quality = 0.4
Total = 1.4
The infernix

Uniqueness = 0.3
Effort = 0.1
Quality = 0.1
Total = 0.5

Uniqueness = 0.6
Effort = 0.6
Quality = 0.5
Total = 1.7

Uniqueness = 0.5
Effort = 0.4
Quality = 0.3
Total = 1.2

Uniqueness = 0.6
Effort = 0.5
Quality = 0.4
Total = 1.5

Uniqueness = 0.5
Effort = 0.5
Quality = 0.4
Total = 1.4

Uniqueness = 0.5
Effort = 0.4
Quality = 0.4
Total = 1.3


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Nice work everyone, and thanks for the event Kong.

Though I do have one huge piece of feedback.

It was not clearly stated that we were limited to only one post. You used the same rules that I originally created, which were:

  • Spamming multiple posts will not earn you more points
  • Multiple suggestions on the same post will earn points per suggestion

This meant that you could make multiple posts, but you couldn't just spam 1 paragraph suggestions on new posts, but still allowed for players with 1 paragraph suggestions to make them all on the same post and still earn points. 

If we are to be limited to a single post it really stifles creativity, especially when you contrast a suggestion with pictures and detailed breakdowns verses a suggestion with 20 paragraphs, each being a single suggestion. 

I'll say that I'm not salty, but I personally put a fair bit of effort in to each of my posts thinking that they would all count towards the event.


Also, slight knit pick, Touched's post didn't contain '[Event]', by the rules it would not count. 100% should still count, but still. 

Edited by Iron Logic

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First of all, you’re welcome @Iron Logic. ❤️


The way I interpreted the “Spamming multiple posts will not earn you more points” was: If you are not earning more points via post quantity, we will pick the best of all of your posts and mark you on that one. You’re allowed to make multiple posts, only the best will be marked.

You creating multiple post wasn’t wrong, it just gave you a broader field for us to judge.

Moving on, you are correct about posts not containing [Event] however, a large quantity of posts did not contain it so, we just went ahead and marked them all during the event timeframe. 


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5 minutes ago, Kong said:

First of all, you’re welcome @Iron Logic. ❤️


The way I interpreted the “Spamming multiple posts will not earn you more points” was: If you are not earning more points via post quantity, we will pick the best of all of your posts and mark you on that one. You’re allowed to make multiple posts, only the best will be marked.

You creating multiple post wasn’t wrong, it just gave you a broader field for us to judge.

Moving on, you are correct about posts not containing [Event] however, a large quantity of posts did not contain it so, we just went ahead and marked them all during the event timeframe. 


I understand the misinterpretation. 

However, It is slightly annoying from my point of view as I can guarantee my marks would have been higher if I copy n pasted all my posts in to one post. 

I look forward to the next event ❤️ 

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