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Cup Of Tea

[EVENT] 20+ Suggestions (more will come when i know)

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1. Add game filters

This for such things as, drinking potions, opend a casket etc, cus the chat gets spammed like hell when doing such things, your looting bag picked up xxxx, your bonecrusher crushed the bones, etc....


2. Daily login bonus for all players.

This meaning like a calender thing. every day u get a reward, incearsing of login streak upto 30 days. rewards such as bags/sacks of riches, point boxes etc, to get more cash in the game.


3. Change cursed tbow/kodai to enchantment chest to stop moneyflow out of the game.


4. 500$ pets with perks, such as vesta,statius,zuriel pets, they are a 500$ in name reward, and could have one perk, like the corrupted brace, the vesta pet will prevent vesta from breaking etc..


5. Normal thermos cave should be multy as in osrs, so we can use cannon there for quick task, now its still single area...


6. Group Ironman. 

An amount of ironmans, like 1-5, only able to trade with eachother, and not able to use the tradingpost.


7. More stuff added to the runecoin machine shop, i legit got no idea what to add tho, but for now, all in there is like mehh


8. Totem pieces should be added to your inventory like task bottles, half keys, or send to bank when full invent. Cus in catacombs its hard af to find the pieces sometimes when the floor is full of loot.


9. TOB Room rework. The clicks in there are hell, u can sometimes click a spot 10x, still u stand there like a statue & die, i think alot of tobbers will confirm this.


10. Boss timers. when you kill a boss you can see you personal record time on the boss, with a toggle to turn it on or off.


11. Herblore man adds:

Let the herblore guy clean herbs, make unf pots for you, for an amount of coins.


12. Smither

Let this guy make your ores into bars for an X amount of GP, cus every1 has a ton of ores, but no1 smiths.


13. Tree farming.

Only able to do herbs & normal patches now, let us farm trees also for faster farming lvl. obtaining the seeds, maybe something like managing Miscellania(kingdom farming)


14. Epic Pet Boxes removed

They shouldnt be permanent removed, add them back from time to time maybe? or just permanent, this will cause the tons of bonds sink & makes tickets sell again.


15. Runecoin machine cap

This cap should be removed imo, 10k rc/exchange is barely anything and then u have to wait 24hrs to rc the same item again, this thing should be removed, IMO, we should be able to RC any item, at any time, for any amount of RC u can.


16. Catacombs

add more mobs to the catacombs, its feels packed, especially Aby demons since theres basically only 1.5 room. And theres only 2 dark beasts, 3 nechs, this is just not enough. overall mosters should be increased in the catacombs.


17. Buy offers in TP

Let us set buy offers in TP. this will cause ppl to sell stuff directly even when a player is offline.


18. Bank screen

When you try to move items from below to up, it wont let you scroll all the way up. Maybe add something like when u go big screen, you bank screen adepts, like in OSRS, u can almost see half of your bank. & in the overall bank tab, that u can scroll down to see the other tabs aswell, instead of having to click every seperate tab.


19. Wildy skilling

wilderness area to skill. Like fishing dark crabs, redwood trees, etc. Able to turn it into noted for cash/item with an npc in the area


20. Revoke revs & lava Giants unaggro.

this should be revoked imo, No1 kills revs or giants anymore. This killed the dead Wildy even more..


21. Cursed cava trader

maybe add Some more stuff to the trader for bloodmoney, since theres a load and no1s buying it?

Stuff like lava keys, KLD teles, Epic lava keys, Maybe Some sort of blood armour that increases your blood money drops with like 10% each piece

Blood weapons, needs to be charged with bloodmoney, big increase of damage in Wildy PvM.


22. Pets in hydra cave

Should allow us to use pets in the hydra cave, i dont see any reason behind it why we shoudlnt be able to use it, and allowing ppl to use their luck pet at alch hydra boss might make it active again to go kill it

23. Fused chompy

Able to fuse lava chompy, frozen chomp & viper helm into one viper chompy, stats from lava&frozen & viper helm combined, but the chompy prevents from venom, could be very usefull in raids

Thats it ! for now atleast.

Edited by Cup Of Tea
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1. Already in the process of being added as far as I'm aware

2. Feel like it'd be too much, dailies are a lot of gold as it is and the summer event is going to bring in a fair amount too I'd imagine

3. Agreed, cursed tbow/kodai, etc should have some large rune coin requirement instead in my opinion would be nice to see items actually worth gold again.

4. Disagree, feel like pets are already p2w af. Making a $500 pet that wont let ur armor break is a lot in my opinion

5. Agreed not much to say, good QOL

6. 100% agree, I already know a group of players who would be down to do group iron on Runex and would love to see it in game

7. There's a lot in there, I feel like there's just two stages in the game - where you want the stuff and where you have the stuff. Not too sure what else you could really add in there. I feel like the whole enchantment chest system is just an extension of the rune coins shop to be honest with you.

8. Agreed would be a nice lil QOL

9. Never done TOB cause im retard but from what i've heard its dogshit clicks wise so +1

10. Agreed, should be under the settings similar to shift-dropping

11. Could see this being very QOL type of update but I personally don't like this idea. Maybe if making unfinished potions had even a tiny exp gain it would feel more worthwhile to do but an NPC which makes them for you feels far too easy scape, to me at least.

12. This I like because of how later game its like 3 rune bars an inventory, that shit is mad annoying and makes an already relatively slow skill feel dog shit. Granted Runex does have a lot of bars dropped at various places so not 100% necessary but would love to see something like this in game. I'd like for there to be a cap per day or a cap per minute for this implemented just so someone can't turn 10k runite ore into 10k rune bars all at once and make the furnace absolutely useless. 

13. Feel like farming gets a lot of heat for what it has; there is definitely a variety and depending on your game mode you will likely skip half the content anyway as you level so fast. Even with prime farming experience per harvest feels quite large and fast. Don't think it's necessary

14. Would like to see them be permanent too to be honest, not sure what they were selling for prior to removal but to have them in there all the time and let irons have access to them would be pretty dope in my opinion. Additionally, would love to see more ways to obtain pet mystery boxes (regular ones at least) in general in game without donating or the like 1 achievement that give em (Raids Champ)

15. Agreed, would love to have the ability to rune coin items more often particularly on my UIM when I cannot bank something and get another same item later. It feels horrible to wait 24 hours just to rune coin an extra dragon harpoon for example cuz thats 1 inventory spot taken for 24 hours

16. Agreed, if they are actively used by the community for slayer it can be hectic to get a few kills in. While the alternative locations do exist for these (there are three abby demon spots for example) catacombs does feel lackluster with spawn amounts. 

17. Interesting idea I guess, don't really agree with it though because I feel like it over complicates things and lets the rich get richer by having access to the quicksellers prices too (if that makes sense, not sure how to word it)

18. Noticed this too assumed it just happened to me, +1

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23. Fused chomp

Able to fuse lava chompy, frozen chomp & viper helm into one viper chompy, stats from lava&frozen & viper helm combined, but the chompy prevents from venom, could be very usefull in raids

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On 5/30/2019 at 4:38 AM, Cup Of Tea said:

1. Add game filters

+ 1

On 5/30/2019 at 4:38 AM, Cup Of Tea said:

2. Daily login bonus for all players.

- 1 unless the rewards are pretty bad. I dislike the manipulative nature of this feature in games.

On 5/30/2019 at 4:38 AM, Cup Of Tea said:

3. Change cursed tbow/kodai to enchantment chest to stop moneyflow out of the game.

Too late to change them now, unless Ryan goes back and refunds everyone. + 1 if that's the case.

On 5/30/2019 at 4:38 AM, Cup Of Tea said:

4. 500$ pets with perks, such as vesta,statius,zuriel pets, they are a 500$ in name reward, and could have one perk, like the corrupted brace, the vesta pet will prevent vesta from breaking etc..

P2W - 1

On 5/30/2019 at 4:38 AM, Cup Of Tea said:

5. Normal thermos cave should be multy as in osrs, so we can use cannon there for quick task, now its still single area...

+ 1

On 5/30/2019 at 4:38 AM, Cup Of Tea said:

6. Group Ironman. 

+ 1

On 5/30/2019 at 4:38 AM, Cup Of Tea said:

7. More stuff added to the runecoin machine shop, i legit got no idea what to add tho, but for now, all in there is like mehh

- 1 Runecoins are over used for content these days.

On 5/30/2019 at 4:38 AM, Cup Of Tea said:

8. Totem pieces should be added to your inventory like task bottles, half keys, or send to bank when full invent. Cus in catacombs its hard af to find the pieces sometimes when the floor is full of loot.

+ 1 Shits impossible to see under loot and the drop message is often hidden by 100 other game messages.

On 5/30/2019 at 4:38 AM, Cup Of Tea said:

9. TOB Room rework. The clicks in there are hell, u can sometimes click a spot 10x, still u stand there like a statue & die, i think alot of tobbers will confirm this.

Bug report, + 1

On 5/30/2019 at 4:38 AM, Cup Of Tea said:

10. Boss timers. when you kill a boss you can see you personal record time on the boss, with a toggle to turn it on or off.

Only want to see the timer if I beat it/be able to view it when I examine something. + 1

On 5/30/2019 at 4:38 AM, Cup Of Tea said:

11. Herblore man adds:

Lazy noobs, better cost a lot. 

On 5/30/2019 at 4:38 AM, Cup Of Tea said:

12. Smither

Lazy AF, - 1.

On 5/30/2019 at 4:38 AM, Cup Of Tea said:

13. Tree farming.

+ 1

On 5/30/2019 at 4:38 AM, Cup Of Tea said:

14. Epic Pet Boxes removed

It's so P2W, I'd rather see them impossible to gain from all donating.

On 5/30/2019 at 4:38 AM, Cup Of Tea said:

15. Runecoin machine cap

I believe the cap is 10K due to the shards that increase RC by 50%. 

On 5/30/2019 at 4:38 AM, Cup Of Tea said:

16. Catacombs

+ 1

On 5/30/2019 at 4:38 AM, Cup Of Tea said:

17. Buy offers in TP


On 5/30/2019 at 4:38 AM, Cup Of Tea said:

18. Bank screen

+ 1 Would help to show off my bank

On 5/30/2019 at 4:38 AM, Cup Of Tea said:

19. Wildy skilling

We have some wildy skilling like this, hardly anyone uses them. + 1 to more though, I'll use em.

On 5/30/2019 at 4:38 AM, Cup Of Tea said:

20. Revoke revs & lava Giants unaggro.

I'll be the first to admit, the AFKability of those NPCs was ridiculous, I made 10s of bils worth of items just afking. 
But the change 100% killed the content. Revoke the change, people know its afk now and they'l pk me.

On 5/30/2019 at 4:38 AM, Cup Of Tea said:

21. Cursed cava trader

- 1 people buy caskets and keys all the time.

On 5/30/2019 at 4:38 AM, Cup Of Tea said:

22. Pets in hydra cave

+ 1. A slight part of me believes that it was pre-made that way and Nate couldn't find out how to remove it. Bug = feature.

On 6/1/2019 at 7:07 PM, Cup Of Tea said:

23. Fused chomp

No need to add this. 

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