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Hardcore Ironman & Completionist.

Now completionist cape is rarely seen with around 3 people if I’m correct who have it, up to date. There is currently no UIM, Iron or Hardcore ironman players that have achieved it. The players who do have it took them roughly 60 days or more, those players are Vintage, Kyle & Roger (unsure if roger got it back). Now for normal Ironman players the completionist cape isn’t extremely hard compared to normal as they aren’t placed under harder restrictions like hardcore & UIM. I believe @Dragon Paws is extremely close to comp on his iron. Where as hardcore Ironman, and UIM have little to no chance of completing comp.

The main reason for this is the wilderness achievements & the Player killing achievement. Hardcore & Ultimate irons shouldn’t be required to achieve the player kills & Kill streak. Keeping the bosses, crypt & Ankou daily achievements is fine as it requires some risk but not as much as the player killing for hardcore.

Ultimate Ironman need to have not only player killing achievement revoked for them, but have the crypt achievement reduced as the stress on them is much greater when trying to obtain the keys for the achievement as they could be carrying they’re entire bank and lose it just trying to achieve completionist.

Completionist cape needs to be revamped so that all modes can achieve it as having multiple type of accounts with it would prove that it is obtainable to everyone, as a lot of people do not attempt to get comp cape due to the difficulty.

Thanks for reading 

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I believe Ryan has already changed these due to everyone moaning about the PK part of the achievements, twice.

I'm not trying to argue at all, but you should of thought about all of this when deciding on what game-mode you'd like to play. Ironmen have it difficult to achieve achievements yes, but isn't that what you signed up for? The same opinion goes out to the Hardcore ironman part, aswell as the Ultimate ironmen. You chose that game-mode so you accepted the challenge of those achievements.

If you put the time and effort in, you'll achieve comp cape. If you're a hardcore ironman, you accepted the challenge to go to comp without dying. If you're an Ultimate ironman, you accepted the challenge to go to comp without using a bank.

I'd like to also add - The completionist cape should be difficult to earn, that's how it's always been, If we're going to make it easier for certain modes to obtain, what is the point of it?

So again, I'm not supporting this at all.


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6 minutes ago, James said:

I believe Ryan has already changed these due to everyone moaning about the PK part of the achievements, twice.

I'm not trying to argue at all, but you should of thought about all of this when deciding on what game-mode you'd like to play. Ironmen have it difficult to achieve achievements yes, but isn't that what you signed up for? The same opinion goes out to the Hardcore ironman part, aswell as the Ultimate ironmen. You chose that game-mode so you accepted the challenge of those achievements.

If you put the time and effort in, you'll achieve comp cape. If you're a hardcore ironman, you accepted the challenge to go to comp without dying. If you're an Ultimate ironman, you accepted the challenge to go to comp without using a bank.

I'd like to also add - The completionist cape should be difficult to earn, that's how it's always been, If we're going to make it easier for certain modes to obtain, what is the point of it?

So again, I'm not supporting this at all.


May aswell just remove comp then? Only player who plays who has it is vintage. Practically never seen now, so I guess may aswell remove it for everyone, because despite the mode picked there’s already a non Wildy risk for hardcores then there’s the banking restriction on ultimates.

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-1, you pick the game mode, you know the consequences. 

UIM and HCIM can achieve the PKing achieve via wilderness or via Kharazi for a safe death. 

To remove it because of limitations to these accounts is like allowing ironmen to trade, you know what you're getting into so if you're a HCIM and want to be a completionist, then do the Kharazi grind

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You're saying remove it because only one person owns the cape, and some people aren't/can't put the time in to earn it? Like you said in your beginning post, Dragon Paws is close to comping, and you're saying may aswell remove it, because some people (who accepted a challenge in their own actions) won't(Can't*) earn the cape?

Don't wish to come off as rude, but that is genuinely stupid.

Not everyone will earn comp, comp is there for players that want to put the time and effort into earning it, if you don't want to do certain achievements because of the "risk factor" that's your problem, and you basically don't wish to go for comp.


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5 minutes ago, Safi said:

-1, you pick the game mode, you know the consequences. 

^ All that needs to be said.

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The whole 'you chose your game mode' argument is a little tiresome. 
I think most, if not all, of the -1s to this suggestion are coming from players who aren't UIM or Hardcore or want to comp. 

I think Safi has the only actual argument against this suggestion, that players can PK in kharazi to complete those achievements, which I agree with, it does make the achievements a lot harder and more time consuming to complete, but they are do-able. 

However, I do think there should be some re-working of achievements required to comp based on GAME MODE, not experience mode. 
Let's look at it this way, there are a lot of shitty, unrewarding and time consuming achievements, such as 500 barrows. No-one does that much barrows for fun or money, they do it for the achievement, and the occasional task. A hardcore or UIM is going to look at the achievements and see 50 kill streak and say fuck that, I'm not doing that. Meaning they wont try to comp, resulting in days worth of in-game time lost which they would have spent comping. 
I for one have 0 interest in the 50 killstreak achieve since I spent a lot of time in the wilderness, So I don't care about comping, meaning I haven't even voted since the 50 votes achieve. 

At the end of the day, a hardcore or uim isn't going to see the wilderness achieves and think, I'll go do that in Kharazi, they'll just say fuck comping and lose out on weeks-months of grind/content. 


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Ok as much as im dying a the meme at the end of that post i agree with everyone else -1, HCIM is a challenge and there are ways to safely do it. And clearly you havent played UIM as you would know that there's more than enough ways to safely store your stuff that your not risking it. Ultimate and HCIM should both have the same requirements, and as previously stated there has already been a ton of reductions on this achievement to make it easier for the general public, if you had to ask me the crystal chest is a harder achievement, why don't we just reduce that count. Think how long it would take for a uim to get 1000 keys.

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8 minutes ago, Solo830 said:

Ok as much as im dying a the meme at the end of that post i agree with everyone else -1, HCIM is a challenge and there are ways to safely do it. And clearly you havent played UIM as you would know that there's more than enough ways to safely store your stuff that your not risking it. Ultimate and HCIM should both have the same requirements, and as previously stated there has already been a ton of reductions on this achievement to make it easier for the general public, if you had to ask me the crystal chest is a harder achievement, why don't we just reduce that count. Think how long it would take for a uim to get 1000 keys.

Don’t assume I haven’t played UIM, I did play uim and I had a good one at that, I know how to risk absolutely nothing if I’m in wilderness so don’t assume something. And doesn’t matter if I can safely do it in kharazi, since the storage chest, people have max gear or they play kharazi as a team. 

Edited by Vise

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2 hours ago, Vise said:

Ultimate Ironman need to have not only player killing achievement revoked for them, but have the crypt achievement reduced as the stress on them is much greater when trying to obtain the keys for the achievement as they could be carrying they’re entire bank and lose it just trying to achieve completionist.

So your kind of agreeing that this above statement is more of an extreme just to prove a point? At that level why not say agility is impossible to get to 99 on a hcim as the only way to train it is to do wilderness agility (I obviously know that its not, but I feel it emphasizes that there is other ways to do these "dangerous activities") And about that team part, yes there are indeed some people that will group up and mob kharazi, but whats stopping you? Why cant you get a group of UIM together and start grinding it, out number them. In my opinion stop trying to make the game easier and easier and maybe just think of new innovations to do things you thought were impossible. Be the pathfinder that the uim/hcim need.

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Just remove the 100 killstreak and replace it with something else, I dont mind going for 100 player kills. UIM / HCIM & IM should always be a challange. We have the raids and other wildy achievements to make it challanging. 

Atm I completed 197 achievements. I have no motivation to continue the comp grind. And im closing in on the 100 days played mark. 

To get back on this suggestion -1. I dont want get it removed completely,

+1 to keep the tot player kills and remove 100 killstreak with a 10 - 25 one. 

- Nuke

Edited by Nuke

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10 hours ago, Safi said:

-1, you pick the game mode, you know the consequences. 

UIM and HCIM can achieve the PKing achieve via wilderness or via Kharazi for a safe death. 

To remove it because of limitations to these accounts is like allowing ironmen to trade, you know what you're getting into so if you're a HCIM and want to be a completionist, then do the Kharazi grind

Totally agreed with this.

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As someone who absolutely hates Player killing. I'll always agree with topics like these.

I personally see where are few people are coming from but, a majority of the players don't play any gamemode besides normal accounts.

I really don't think Ironmen should ever have to due content that requires others to participate in. Playing killing is the act of joining another player in content. It's a solo based game mode. I feel like, For ironmen in general it should be something that we can work towards, but are not required for comp cape.


Ontop of that, Pking on the Runex is inbetween dead and broken. Most people that pk, go in with custom items hoping for a 1 bang. And on the second note, the wilderness is ran by like 7 players? 5 of them being a clan. 

I didn't come to this server to pk, I came for the pvm side of things. I personally started on SPK and heard news of runex and came instantly. I'd love to comp, but one major thing that holds me back on both my ironman and on BIND, is the pking achievement. I personally don't and will never see the server as a pking based server, I more or less think we have sweaty people who want to control the wild. This is a PVM based server with 90+% of our updates being towards PVM.



All in all, I'm all for making chages based on gamemodes around here. Until ya'll hop on the mode and play it yourself, you should probably start thinking more about the bigger picture rather then yourself.

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