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so because ive been " complaining" about the eco publicly and saying im leaving this server " publicly" roger aka fucking idiot mutes me becaause he wants me to " calm down" i didnt know being annoyed was a mutable offence.either way between this servers failure to update things/fix things. its shocking ability to have shit staff, and by shit staff i really only mean roger. the cancer of cancers. i coould go on a rant about how roger is a incompatent mod or human being for that matter but i wont. you will all see for yourself if you already havent. i wasted $500 on this server. so if anyone reads this before it gets taken down  STOP donating to this place. its not gunna last long.. 1 person has most of the money. staff dont care. you can get muted for simply expressing your disappointments around roger. because hes a sensetive little fuck boy.  and whats the point in reporting a mod for staff abuse non of it gets taken seriously.


what a HUGE waste of my money and time. @Ryan lost yet another vip. woulda went legendary if your server wasnt going downhill so fast. ps what are your other servers so i know not to spend money on them?

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You were muted for 1 hour for disrespecting the server and the staff, this was an appropriate measure and Roger was well within his powers to do so.

We have acknowledged your concerns about the eco privately and have been monitoring the situation closely to assess if anything needs to be done.

It's quite common for one or a few player(s) to have a vast amount of wealth, this is just what happens, someone gets lucky gambling and makes a lot of money.

If you genuinely have any qualms regarding staff or 'staff abuse' they can be confidentially sent through forums PMs to either @Ramzi or @Ryan, all of which will be dealt with in an appropriate manner. 



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