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  1. Returns


    im lookin to swap my donator rank from this account " returns" Back to "Alpha Prime"
  2. Returns


    so because ive been " complaining" about the eco publicly and saying im leaving this server " publicly" roger aka fucking idiot mutes me becaause he wants me to " calm down" i didnt know being annoyed was a mutable offence.either way between this servers failure to update things/fix things. its shocking ability to have shit staff, and by shit staff i really only mean roger. the cancer of cancers. i coould go on a rant about how roger is a incompatent mod or human being for that matter but i wont. you will all see for yourself if you already havent. i wasted $500 on this server. so if anyone reads this before it gets taken down STOP donating to this place. its not gunna last long.. 1 person has most of the money. staff dont care. you can get muted for simply expressing your disappointments around roger. because hes a sensetive little fuck boy. and whats the point in reporting a mod for staff abuse non of it gets taken seriously. what a HUGE waste of my money and time. @Ryan lost yet another vip. woulda went legendary if your server wasnt going downhill so fast. ps what are your other servers so i know not to spend money on them?
  3. Returns

    Fix the economy

    only the little guys quit? rolla, stef... thats just 2.. there have been many other vetrans who quit from gambling.. also your tp issue once again can be tracked if the same ip buys and sells items to itself. and your example of dragon claws is one of a low drop rate. i personally have owned over 300 pairs of dragon boots.. bought 2.5- 3m ea.. sold 6.5m and once i was done.. they are back down to 2m ea.. so it goes both ways really.. also the daily interface doesnt need to be "interlinked" as you put it. the original code used to develop that system simply needs to be put into the gamble interface. and to the top of your post about the furys. the items need to be sold in order for their prices to show.. so putting in a fury at max cash would do nothing but provide the readers here with a poor example of what "could" be done to abuse a hypothetical system. sure you could sell ur furys for 1gp.. by all means.. help out all the new players you would be doing nothing but good for others.. and in no way help yourself.. or destroy someone who is currently gambling a ton of fury's as furys are a fairly common and well funded item in the tp and a well know price range.. so again.. poor examples all around... fury, d claws. and to address the commnet about you and stef mercing d claws.. thats my point. one person ( stef) very wealth from gambling. ( cleaned rolla ) used his shard money to buy up d claws and merch them. i doubt you had much of any financialy assist in that flip. i think you were more so a sucker fish on the bottom of a whale... just going with the flow
  4. Returns

    Fix the economy

    well as you and the majority of everyone online saw. i answered all of your questions via the help cc and yell. ergo... im confused as to why your posting the same questions on here. other then to be a pest but okay. 1. the cap was via ip not account. either that or stop allowing multi log trading via ip's 2. again... vpn is banable 3 the trusted friends idea: even if everyone had someone who they trusted to bet 2b or whatever the hypothetical cap would be.. it still wouldnt effect the overal goal of my system because the small amount of players who platy at one time.. at the very most someone could get maybe... 2 friends to bet for them... chances are they'll lose.. and realisticly the eco isnt in bad shape from 2b bets.. its the shard stacking that has absorbed all the wealth. 4. items are no easy to munipulate for a higher price because of the lack of cash in game.. if someone tries to post whip for 500m and buy it off their own acc... its still the same ip... easily trackable.. and should be banable. for eco munipulation not to mention if someone buys a whip for 500m... that wouldnt make whips 500m... thats simple logic... and a silly question. 5. there doesnt need to be a new interface.. just a simple cap.. like the daily system.. the % keep track of the money you have gained or lost via the gamble interface... once youve ca'd the gambling option is disabled.. or better yet.. your gambling pass is auto refunded and the 25m is then put into your invy.. and the pass cannot be obtained for another 24 hrs.. 6. the same system could be applied to staking.. tbh the issue is shards. there could be a shard cap. or just the removal of shard staking and or gambling. 7. when the amount of items are more then the amount of cash currently available to the gen pop it creates a blockade in the trading post. because it atleast a 10/1 ratio as items to avil cash. 8. not true. when a person loses almost all their money.. and then they take time to re asses the situation more then likely they wont return and gmable the rest because they want to quit.. they will start to rebuild.. thru pvm... merching the tp... pking... all of which would help the eco more so then gambling. or maybe even donate for some things. to dev's: maybe the option to turn donator tickets into a cash amount would help counter this issue and would also bring more money into the server. win/ win...
  5. Returns

    Fix the economy

    easy fix. cap could be based on cb levels. and realisticly daily rewards dont bring in enough to compensate for the 50b in cash 1 player has... i mean.. if there was on average 300 players... online at all times.. the dailys thing would be logical. but with the 75 players its been on ( not even average ) it will have little to no counter effect mathmatically speaking.
  6. Returns

    Fix the economy

    Its no mystery why the current economy is in a steady decline.. meaning tons of items that are being sold but not enough cash in game ( per person ratio ) to actually maintain a steady buy/sell market.. currently this is a player who will remain unnamed but he is closing in on 1,000,000,000 shards ( one billion ) this is a cool dont get me wrong. however.. i think this thing in itself is greatly hurting the eco as most of the games current cash is tied up in that players shard pile. i realize he earned it and im not implying at all that it gets taken away from him because that would be crazzy! i think i have a possible fix for this issue. because truly thats what it is. i think their needs to be a cap for how much one player can either gain or lose in a single day at ::gamble this would limit the massive amount of wealth resting on one person. it would add to the fun because lets be honest... when someone bets their bank and loses... it sucks.. granted thats their choice but looking at it from a business perspective.. how many players have quit because of that rush for riches... now if their was a daily cap of lets say 2b... it would massivly help the eco.. and possibly save players from quiting. i realize to most this might sound extreme or even foolish. but with the future of this server and its newish eco... this would help long term.. and would set runex aside from other servers were there are 9/10 times a small group of people who hold the majority of the in game wealth. i really would like as many people to weigh in on this idea as possible. there is things i could not have thought of. obviously this takes away some attractivness of gambling. but truly think about this idea and the good it would do. thank you all for any and all comments both good and bad!