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Found 4 results

  1. Davin

    Ultimate Skiller Guide

    What I think of skilling Now for skilling I find it enjoyable because there is always something to do just like a iron. I never liked skilling but my friend X Chris got me into it I am nearly a maxed skiller in 24 hours game time I play very consistently on it and I find it enjoyable. I recommend all who do see this guy to try to make a skiller and test it out if you want more of a challenge change your gamemode I am a normal. Mining Ok so first on the list is mining, mining is a click intensive skill. I would do copper to 15 and then iron to 50, because iron is used in smithing and you can save them for when you do smith. Now the reason I would do mining to 50 is the gem rocks you can do them to 80 and have 99 crafting banked. But if you are going for xp I recommend the desert granite mine when you hit 50 it will be the best xp to 99. Also don't forget to collect your achievements at 10 mining you can get the prospector hat which give you a xp boost. Agility For agility I recommend you do gnome stronghold to 35 then go to barbarian agility course. Now when you finish the barbarian agility course and 52 agility. I recommend you go straight to the wilderness agility it is way better xp and you get 3 marks of grace every lap which is a huge difference and is better for the goal I have in mind. The goal is full graceful it is good in the long run for the achievement and the completionist cape. Now the reason I said agility at wilderness is not only is it better xp you can get full graceful in 367 laps instead of 550 doing barbarian it saves a lot of time. Also don't forget to collect your achievements at 80 agility you can get boots of lightness which gives an energy reduction by 25% Very click intensive. Smithing For smithing you I recommend bronze to 15 and then iron to 30. When you do steel at 30 you can go to 40 which then you can do gold which is good for crafting, because you can make necklaces and rings and do that until 70. Now you can do also do steel which is level 30 to 70 and with steel you can make cannonballs which is used for the cannon. Now when your level 70 I recommend it to 99, because you can smith bolts out of it which you can use later for fletching also with the gems with mining you can make your own ruby and diamond bolts. Now if you want the fastest xp I recommend runite which is available at 85 smithing semi afk. Herblore Now for herblore this will be one of the harder ones for skillers because we cannot do combat for seeds and herbs. I recommend doing your dailys because there is one which is potion mixing and that gives you 45 harralander, 45 ranarr, 25 dwarf weed, 25 torstols, and 10 snap dragons along with 5m cash. Now herbs are expensive they range form 20k to 80k and can be hard to find people selling them sometimes. For all the secondary items there is a npc named master crafter you can right click him for the herblore store he is north west of edge bank. Now as for leveling I cannot say much I recommend cleaning and making all the potions you can I recommend saving atleast 150 for the next daily. Also don't forget to collect your achievements you can collect herbs from them which you can use to level semi afk. Fishing I recommend shrimps which are level one to trout which is 20 then 20 to 40 which is lobsters. You then can go to 50 which is swordfish which then you proceed to 76 which is sharks to 99. You catch the fish fast no matter what level so that's why I recommend going straight to the next high tier fish. Also don't forget to collect your achievements they give you free fish which you can use to for cooking xp. ALSO SAVE ALL OF YOUR FISH EVEN SHRIMP FOR COOKING semi afk. Thieving For thieving I do not recommend the stalls at all they are slow xp. I recommend men which are 1 to 25 which are warriors then warriors to 40 which are guards. Proceed to do that until 53 which are the Ardogne knights do those to 70 which then there is a paladin you can steal from then do the paladin to 80 which their is a hero. Do the hero to 99 he will gives you dragonstone gems and diamonds and you can use them for crafting later he also gives you gp. Now always collect your achievements during this they give you a xp boost for thieving it is the thrifty fingers achievement very click intensive. Cooking Now for cooking you are set from fishing rewards you have 99 cooking banked if you didn't save your shrimp you will need to . Now Also don't forget to collect your achievements at level 60 you can gain cooking gloves from the achievement culinary arts II. Lets hope you saved all your fish from 1-99 including shrimps so you don't have to go back this is semi afk. Crafting Now for craft if you did mine somes gems and pickpocket the paladin and smith some gold you are set. I recommend you do leather to 25 then you can do sapphires from there do all your gems and cut them. You can then proceed to makes necklaces to 99 when you finish cutting the gems use all your gems you should have 99 crafting banked. If you don't I recommend mining or the paladin again so get some gems this is semi afk Firemaking Now for this I recommend you burn all your logs as your going for 99, I recommend regular logs which are 1, to oak which are 15, to willow which are 30, to maple which are 45, to yews which are 60, to magic which are 75. Now if your burning your logs as woodcutting you will have 99 firemaking before woodcutting. Also don't forget to collect your achievements there is an achievement called pyrotechnician I which gives you all golden tinderbox use that on your way to 99 it gives you bonus xp this is click intensive. Fletching Now for fletching you are set for the higher levels but before you get there I recommend do this after 99 woodcutting and firemaking. So do regular logs to 20 which are oak, oak to willow which is 35, willow to maple which is 50, then maple to 63. The reason being is because you will have the bolts you could fletch but if you didn't take that route do it to 65 which are yews, then to magic which are 75 then finish this up to 99. Also don't forget to collect your achievements during fletching they gives you bows and bowstring for you to fletch for xp also this is semi afk. Woodcutting Now for this as you go by levels remember to collect your lumberjack achievements they give you armor pieces which give you a xp boost. So while woodcutting I recommend you burn all your logs as you go so you can get 99 firemaking while woodcutting and then do fletching after. So start off with regular logs which are 1, to oak which are 15, to willow which are 30, to maple which are 45, to yews which are 60, to magic which are 75, proceed to do magics to 99 this is a semi afk. Runecrafting I recommend air runes to level 20 which are body runes then to 35 which are chaos, to 44 which are natures, to 54 which are laws, to 65 which are deaths, to 77 which are bloods then proceed to do until 99. Now for this there isn't to much but it is click intensive Slayer Now as a skiller this will be very hard there is very few ways to level this up. One being is agility you can buy xp lamps which are 15 graceful marks and the other being from achievements you get lamps usually every time. If you wanna take the easy way out and buy a donator lamp that will you get you 99 slayer IF YOU ARE ON NORMAL MODE. Farming For farming this is essential for your 99 herblore also don't forget to collect your achievements you will get seeds from that which then you can plant and use for herbs. When you hit 85 there is an achievement for secateurs which works as seed dibber and grows your crops faster. THIS IS UNFINISHED Ok personally I did all my stats like this so this is based off my experience and how I did them this is my first guide I hope it helps people.
  2. Hauk

    Max Skiller Cape

    Alot of people like making different builds. Like zerkers, 1 defence pures, turmoil pures, some like making combat 3 skillers. But if there is one thing I like, it's being able to show off my achievements, and I would guess I'm not the only one. Hence why I'm making this suggestion; I would like to see a maxed cape (skiller version) in the game, for those who do not wish to max their combat stats. Some people decide to max out their skills for several reasons, such as getting runex points, or just the achievement of a completely maxed pure/skiller. Either way, I think this would be a cool addition to the game. If you ask me, it should be a max cape re-coloured to a different colour than red. Blue, or green perhaps. The cape would have no offensive stats nor prayer, but it would have the skillcape boosts from all the different skillcapes, except from the combat related capes. I think this would be a cool idea, but feel free to leave comments below. Thank you. -Hauk
  3. Biggs

    Task Bottles For Skilling

    So as the title suggest I think it would be a cool idea to have task bottles drop while you are skilling at a slightly higher drop rate than from monsters. Such as the bird's nest from woodcutting, or while runecrafting one may appear in your inventory, or while doing a pickpocket you have a chance. I believe it would get more people into skilling rather than just PvM'ing and bossing and doing dailies. Obviously the rate for getting the bottles from the more active skills(such as thieving since it has a daily) should be increased a bit more than the rest. I also think the skill bottles should be different in the aspect that they should be based around skilling (for skillers such as myself) for example: Cut 437 magic logs; craft 149 blood runes, etc. Let me know your thoughts on this and thanks for reading. -Biggs
  4. Threat

    SKiller Help Needed...

    I have committed a treasonous act amongst my kind and clicked a bone. *the crowd gasps* Now I'm level 3 prayer and level 4 Combat! Is there any way at all to reset all combat skill levels or can an administrator reset my prayer to level 1 please? I must rejoin my people.. -Threat Alternative title and thread- Buying combat stat reset npc pls.