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Everything posted by jaym2

  1. i like the look lads, good work. Looks poggers.
  2. jaym2

    I need your help

    Timezone - GMT - But i'm noctural so i'm more EST or somethingI see you online always, often, sometimes, rarely, never - Often, always seems abit over the top as a hooman need sleep I respond when you PM me in-game always, often, sometimes, rarely, never - I don't think i've ever pmed u in need of anything, but in terms of general interactions in pms it's been pleasant.Do you find me helpful or beneficial, try to explain your answer please. - You're a good addition to the staff team from what I can tell. You are pretty chill and very cordial with all players and from my experience you haven't changed a bit since you became staff. Apart from when needed to staff, I'm talking about in general convo, sometimes positions that can grant people adiditonal authority can get to some people negatively and change their outlook on how they view others. What do you think I can do better? Keep doing you bro, in all honesty every experience I've had which is not many too be honest, but were all positive. If you could give me a piece of advice, what piece of advice would that be? Just stay true to yourself and keep on improving on the aspects that you may know of yourself to be lacking, I mean everyone should always strive for improvements so just that from what I can tell. Keep being you dawg. Actually, there should be a space between ur name, but yh. Nothing else
  3. jaym2

    Community Poll -Not Official-

    seems to be about 6 things people are interested in within a rough range, obviously early days on the poll. Lets hope we see some nice additions relatively soon
  4. jaym2

    Money Maker Guide Series- Ankous #1

    neat bro, done something similar with abby demons and they got nerfed next patch lol. Might give this a shot anyhow, cheers.
  5. Didn't speak to you much, seemed like a sound lad. Hope you'll pop in every now and then. GL on your life goals, hopefully they come to fruition!
  6. jaym2

    Hello everyone!

    welcome brother, enjoy the serverrr. If you need any help pm me ingame, happy to help.
  7. jaym2

    Current Issues / solution with Runex

    not sure bud, I've never gone 8hrs no where near whilst pvming. I'm supreme and norm. I get around 1 ever hour or 2 on alt similar to main. Might be due to exp if so maybe something that could be looked in to.
  8. jaym2

    Current Issues / solution with Runex

    I understand the idea behind implementing timed instances, I don't see any problem with it and wouldn't mind if it was implemented. I also don't see any point it being added. I get afk guarded every 1hr or so so I still need to check my pc constantly if I do decide to do something else with runex still playing. Having it at 1hr would mean I'd still be earning around the same boss points with this 1hr instance. I'd simply just re-enter every hour. I don't rlly see how it'll make a huge change personally. But if you feel it would change things, then I don't oppose, personally no change for me. I don't skill much at all but I would definitely engage with wintertotd or other minigame based skilling events, something I can actively do which is engaging and possibly enjoyable for others.
  9. jaym2

    Giveaway by- skillelt

    hey boo
  10. jaym2

    Pin reset for "Jaym2 alt"

    I must've done a different pin compared to main. Pin reset for "jaym2 alt" only. Cheers.
  11. jaym2

    Brimestone Keys drops

    bonecrusher doesn't do anything to brimstone keys bro. It shud go straight to ur inventory if ur invi is full it goes to ur bank
  12. jaym2

    Difficult to do this...

    Take it easy dude. Personal life takes priority over runex. Comeback when you're feeling ready, don't feel obligated. Stay safe Jaden,
  13. jaym2

    Open/Close Looting Bag Option

    definitely should be added. I mentioned this awhile back If i'm correct. The benefit of the rc bags is that it picks it up for you. Using the wildy bag you should be able to open/close it. +1
  14. I was actually thinking of creating some sort of excel document or what not with this in mind. You could simply insert your question and related/the specific question would show. This would help a lot of people in-game who may feel that they're perceived as stupid for asking certain questions. Bigg +++100
  15. jaym2

    E-Corp Horn (work in progress)

    dont mind Logics suggestion. Personally though I'm not a fan of the idea that it needs to be massed constantly for it to not be dead content. Personally it needs to be re-worked somehow, I'm not sure on the solution but when we constantly need to ask people to come to a place to camp it, then there's a problem in my eyes. Anyhow hopefully we can see that currency idea bought in as this would bring in more e-corps. Seeming as the shields would takes ages to achieve I'm better off going for other gear upgrades as this seemingly is not worth it in comparison in my opinion, that's why I barely go to e-corp mass.
  16. increase tp slots, thanks my lord
  17. jaym2


    Welcomeee, this is an amazing serverr. If you need anything like the other lads said just pop us a msg.
  18. jaym2

    Logical Staff Application

    +1 Extremely knowledgeable in-game, has some great suggestions for the server also.
  19. jaym2

    I iz going to university

    I'm gonna be off for awhile. Had an enjoyable past few months returning, will be returning in the future. Just want to turn a new leaf and work on my own personal life. A lot of you probably dislike me, either way have a good time enjoying the game and outside the game enjoy urself also. Shoutout to @Rasta, @Batty, @The Slayer and a few others, mb If man forgot you, still love you. Adios amigo
  20. I mean what's the point, who even plays runex active LOL The two things u don't afk are raids and a few bosses.
  21. I understand but this isn't OSRS. A lot of shit in this server doesn't match up to osrs. I'm very uncertain about this decision even with all the above mentioned. Alot of the ppl who camp these areas I'm guessing would have 10k + boss points anyhow. All this does really is make it non-afkable for newer players and add an easier option for players who have played longer. The only thing ppl do at the catacombs is afk, I'm never gonna use it again until I get 10k boss points again. IMO not a good idea, I like the updates usually, me Is on the fence here.
  22. yeah but like, they did the total opposite with gwd? This is a similar situation. I know the boss costs nothing compared to the time of 10k boss points. But the point of it being very strong due to afking and no chance of getting tagged is outstanding. So with the new update they benefit experienced players by allowing them to afk an instance with a cannon, which is the opposite of prior instances. At the same time removing them from the normal catacombs. I'm so confused ngl. Someone throw holy water over me. Also, It may just be me but 3.5k seems really low for a 30 second - 10 second timer ngl.
  23. so the new catacomb updates, it benefits more experienced but shits on new players? They can't use cannons in normal catacombs? I'm confused.
  24. jaym2

    Some fixes for Wildy

    Darkspear doesn't compare to scythe imo. Even with k3 gloves. I understand ur point surrounding the scythe being removed, yes I believe even if removed they will still be camped due to their drops. I think the point was it would make it more comparable for an average joe to deal the same dmg. Ngl darkspear imo feels underwhelming compared to what I have heard and seen. It's definitely 2nd bis, but I feel there is quite a hefty separation between ds and scythe. The nerf would only affect the wildy like it shud. Ppl doing bring scythes in wildy on osrs because of the risk, it's very strong so there should be some degree of risk. I think there should maybe be some adjustments to how slayer emblems affect wildy tasks or the orbs need to change. So with a epic pet that's 28% drop. Cursed is 10% or 5%, forgot either one it is. Emblems = 15%. With high tier drop rate that = 53% for a 1/100 drop. HMMMMM 😛 even on a normal pet 21 + 10 + 15 = 46%. If the orb is 5 it's 41 so mb if it's inaccurate slightly. Still insanely high with the additional dr. Oh I forgot row i, so another 7.5. But yeah, what I believe is happening is that ppl want wildy bosses nerfed so people are trying to find reasons to nerf it somehow, I believe the first choice should be to do something with the dr. Making the wildy bosses active like plenty have mentioned will make ppl camp gwd. Shorter version if u cant read Darkspear no op Ppl trying to nerf wildy in some fashion so people may be grasping at straws trying to find a solution