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Iron Quest

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About Iron Quest

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  1. Iron Quest

    Forgot Pass

    Account name you lost PASS/PIN: Iron Quest I like to have my PIN/PASS reset: Pass. Thanks -Iron Quest
  2. Iron Quest

    Oldschool RS

    I'm just a low life newbie still. Trying to work my way up to do some more stuff. Some key stats of my acc A70 S80 D63 R72 P44 M63 HP76 Fetching 70. Slayer is 60 but working on it non-stop while on runex
  3. Iron Quest

    I'm Back

    Looking forward to seeing you in game haven't spoke to you appart from when you replied to my staff application. Brutal. Slayer my dreams. Other than that welcome back
  4. I feel like this should be optimised somehow due to the xp rates. Maybe have different so rates require different amounts of xp. As it would be unfair to prime players compared to normals and so on. Other than that support. Same perks maybe bit higher boost to them. And slightly higher stats. Nothing over powered
  5. Iron Quest

    training grounds / bm chest anti-afk

    I think they should add a feature where the chest teleport after a certain amount of clicks. Kind of like CoD zombies when you get teddybear it goes to new location. Make it have 1 in 100 chance to change location. And have about 5 locations around the arena
  6. Iron Quest

    Thank you for motivation

    Currently i am working towards all GWD Drops. and collecting 5 Pets. Not sure about them Also going to try and reach rank 1 Overall xp for Supreme ironman. Edit - Also might make a series while working towards All drops. or Start streaming on Twitch advertising the server at the same time.
  7. Iron Quest

    Thank you for motivation

    If like to give big shutout to my 2 Supreme friends @Carpenter and @hc lava. You two have made me wanna race you both to max. I believe @hc lava Will be maxed today so I'm going to loose the first place. Yet @Carpenter I think I still might have a chance to beat you. @Carpenter if you max before me remember you're getting a 10Bond from me as a present :3 Not sure if in the right section sorry if was spam. - Iron Quest
  8. Iron Quest

    Requesting Pin reset

    Ehh id rather just write it down in my notepad. if a hacker does get on my account they "Could" find it.
  9. Iron Quest


    Welcome to the server. I love the name by the way not something you see everyday
  10. Iron Quest

    Requesting Pin reset

    I would like for my pin to be reset. I've been playing on this account for a while now. But I've made it a long time ago and have no clue what the pin could be. Thank you. I can still play as I'm still using the same IP. But for future incase anything happens and I have to change IP.
  11. Iron Quest

    issa multitask

    Looking dope much better than mine Mine - https://imgur.com/a/l6JPw
  12. Iron Quest

    Negative slayer Task

    Bug - Slayer creature count going into negatives How - Think because of me using Exp bracelet, but done about 10 more tasks and hasn't occurred again Screenshot - http://prntscr.com/hgmcbf -Iron Quest
  13. Iron Quest

    Guess it's time to be a loser.

    Welcome to the looser family. I haven't seen you around yet. But hoping that's soon to change. Hope you enjoy your stay here -Quest
  14. Iron Quest

    Transfering donations?

    Probably not because of the Box that you get along with it. Could be classed as farming.
  15. Iron Quest

    QoL Things

    1 - Support but should be required to do quite a bit of damage as leeching? id say about 20% dmg atleast? 2 - Same bonus as OSRS? 5x points every 10th task 15x points every 50th task 25x points every 100th task 35x points every 250th task 50x points every 1,000th task 3 - Wouldn't Helm me, but could help out newer players, as some don't know how to claim. so Yes still. 4 - Require it crafting level to make. it would still cost 15 Points to make, for the Face mask, Ear Muffs, and Nose peg.