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Everything posted by Jacobias

  1. Jacobias


    hey Guys! you all saw how my sig ended up when I tried to do it myself, I was wondering if anyone had the free time to try and come up with one for me? I always imagine my Character as myself as a knight, but idk where I would go with that in terms of a signature. I have no guidelines really, unique is preferred, I wouldn't want just text or some simple design. Here's a little about me, hopefully it gives you inspiration: fav color is blue,420 friendly, ingame mostly wear slayer helm (melee), I love memes, rick and morty, I am a liberal-ish athiest, My main is in Prime mode, please ask me questions they might help you come up with ideas! Also, if you can't/don't want to make me a sig, please upvote your favorites to help me make my decision(and possibly give a donation to the voted winner) TLDNR; I need a sig, no wrong answers, vote4winner
  2. Jacobias

    leave of absence

    be back when I have the gumption. thanks yall
  3. Jacobias

    Enchanted Partyhat

    what would a phat(i) do for you? as opposed to a reg one
  4. Jacobias

    Grinding mage

    I know everyone works up to ice barrage to use for 94-99 mage, but the other barrages currently don't with an aoe effect like the ice one does. I know it's not super important but blood barrage for bandits would be super useful ;o
  5. Jacobias

    200m high quality signature

    the shattered glass effect I couldnt figure out how to do.. lmk if this looks closer to what you wanted
  6. Jacobias

    200m high quality signature

    i tried
  7. JACOBIAS DONOR -Dude you're a baller -thanks for the giveaway
  8. Jacobias

    (Hello There)

    Hey there Uri! Im relatively too also, something tells me you'll be sticking around. Theres lots to do, and if you ever do get sick of the 07 graphics, theres a toggle for a more updated look
  9. Jacobias


    this is total overkill... smithers just watch this vid, follow it, and remove all java programs you see, go to the website and get it back. you can just google "JDK JAVA DOWNLOAD" and make sure you only use the official java/oracle site
  10. Jacobias


    I feel like that makes my strategy a good plan... start>programs>remove programs>find all the java ones and remove then start fresh? simply reinstalling the same instance of the same program wont fix the obviously broken path he has
  11. Jacobias


    i had this specific problem forrest, in order to fix the pathing for "dummies" no offense all you have to do is manually uninstall, and get a new copy of JDK
  12. Jacobias

    Task Scroll broken

    I completed a task just now and it counted my burned fish as well as the cooked ones to complete the task.
  13. Jacobias


    Smithers, try uninstalling ALL versions of java from your computer as well as deleting the client and cache. reinstall java JDK only from the java/oracle site, and after reinstalling try redownloading again. if you still get an error screenshot it and put it here
  14. Jacobias

    My new Sig

    Thanks ;D
  15. Jacobias

    Void Deflector!

    Having the chance to swap a piece of the void set out for 1 other piece of Armour can be very helpful in several ways, ie. varrock Armour xp boost + void bonus don't care how you implement it. but it would be super cool.
  16. Jacobias

    slayer tower bug

    if I'm not mistaken this is possible in OSRS too? with walls that are at half height like the one behind you at least...
  17. Jacobias

    Skilling Points

  18. Jacobias

    Wyvern bones and the loaction of The Wyverns

    this is a pretty good pitch chlex. How can they say no ;D
  19. Jacobias

    Ironman Mode

    I support your idea NNNIron. You should be able to pick your rates. @Rex if there are some players out there on normal ironman mode would that really hurt gameplay? Honestly if iron man is harder than prime Im going to bail on my prime give him a rebirth as an iron man.
  20. Jacobias

    Killer Chinchompas

    While afking with chinchompas i noticed a little to late that I had a random event. Before I could click on it I killed it with chinchompas by mistake. It doesn't pop back when killed and then jails you without giving you the chance to deactivate the random teleport. Not doom or gloom but could get annoying for claiming an afk spot and working with chins. Thanks!
  21. Jacobias

    Corporeal Glitch

    I've noticed a glitch with the corporeal beast. His pathing and set roaming areas aren't confined, and he can accidentally wander out of the arena and become inactive/exploitable.
  22. Jacobias

    Support us on Rune-Server!

    left some feedback aswell. same username Jacobias
  23. Jacobias

    ayy lmao

    Hey guys! I'm Jacob, this server is dope. really impressed I have been grinding non cb skills lately but please msg me if you want to duo slayer or something!