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no senor

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Everything posted by no senor

  1. no senor

    Restart after years

    Hello all, After years of inactivity & seeing some youtube vids about Runex, made the decision for a restart. Back in the day was kinda active doing random stuff on here. Probably will not play so much (have a wife & kiddo nowadays). But i'm glad to be back & seeing the server still pretty active! Might need some help/explanations since i missed a lot of changes/updates/aditions. Hope to see some familiar names in game & i hope to enjoy it like i did back in the days! Cheers!
  2. no senor

    Qol suggestions

    I would like to many a couple of qol suggestions after nagging bout these topics ingame. 1. When teleporting to hydra, there should be an option to not show the warning about 'floor is hot blabla'. Is it possible for to add a 'do not show again' option? 2. Soul hunter reroll scroll. Kinda speaks for itself, working similar as the wanderer reroll scroll. Just because some tasks are for some lame, for some to hard, etc... 3. Add more tasks to soulhunter. This i say personally because my tasks are always kinda the same. Is it bad luck or are the available tasks rather limited? Every week i get reanimated kq, chaos mummies, reg KQ, corp. Kinda repetitive after a while. 4. Add more bosses to boss slayer task. Suggesting to add bosses like hunllef, chasmquaker, nightmares as bosses. Sidenote. Some of these suggestions might've been discussed in the past, but felt like these kind of things have some ground for changes following ingame conversations. Thanks in advance!
  3. no senor

    bank pin reset

    My brains isn't able to remember a bankpin for a couple of years. So looking for a reset if possible. IGN no senor Thanks in advance!
  4. no senor

    I've lost my PASS / PIN - no senor

    Account name you lost PASS/PIN: no senor I like to have my PIN/PASS reset: PIN
  5. no senor

    Things I'd like to see change on Runex

    I agree on the task scrolls. 9/10 isn't even worth doing them, because the cost is higher than the possible loot. In addition something else.. Crystal keys... I think these should be buffed a little bit. Because, honestly, 75% of the loot is useless (maybe not for iron's). Donator store is kinda boring too i guess. Like there ain't much things to donate for imo. So maybe adding some (usefull gear) stuff would be nice?
  6. Nice vid man. Subscribed & left a comment there. Got yourself a new fanboy :')
  7. no senor


    The name is No senor in game, and yes senor i'd like to win something
  8. The loadout thingie looks super clean! Keep up the good work!