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Everything posted by Fab

  1. Fab

    I figured it out!

    it all makes sense now
  2. Fab

    Tip Jar for houses

    No support cos no point in this
  3. Fab

    Changes to gambling

    I agree that way too many poor fags are gambling away their small banks and this is not healthy for the server, but your solution is a bit ridiculous. You can't gamble 60% of your bank? Fk that lol - almost impossible to code properly and chucking bank is part of the core in gambling. And 500m-1b is way too much, up it to like 100m but make it that you need to be $10 donor at least.
  4. Fab

    Update Suggestions

    Agree with most, good shit
  5. Fab

    Boss rooms.

    No support, unless player count increases significantly
  6. Fab

    fuck you crunchie

  7. Fab

    Make holy wrenches notable

    I support this - seems unfair that you can't get the full value out of the stone just cos the item cannot be noted. +1
  8. Fab

    Changing up some existing content

    Not healthy to have these reworked imo, plus most of these are mid game anyways. There is plenty to do for end game but you gotta grind ofc. Dont change these just stop adding bis sht to loot crates - make it so you have to grind for em
  9. Fab

    Solo Corporeal Beast Guide

    Hey very nice guide, thanks for this!
  10. Fab

    Fix minor typo for Kodai

    good catch
  11. Fab

    Jinx's Exodus

    Best of luck in you future mate
  12. @ryan you forgot to mention that when enchanting an item now it takes you back to the spellbook tab automatically
  13. Fab

    Add KQ to ::kills

    yea the gods have answered my request
  14. Fab

    Add KQ to ::kills

    Just a simple addition to make Kalphite Queen kills log in ::kills interface Planning to camp the boss, but sucks that I wouldn't be able to see how many kills i made :l
  15. Fab

    Add Lava Dragons to ::kills

    You mean lava dragons? Cant get a LFS thru lava demons
  16. Fab

    A new Staff Rank

    Would be a nice way to preserve the community and also allow it to grow further. This would take time to figure out how to exactly implement it (powers granted to CM etc) but it would be worth giving some time to it for the long run longevity of the server.
  17. Thanks for the feedback, made some changes Thanks! Yikes I wrote that mainly for people who dont have access to achieve guild
  18. Decent update, some nice much needed QoLs. Do not understand the Crest change especially since the poll on its suggestion showed the community to be very divided on it.
  19. Fab

    Hello Guys.

    Welcome to the server, enjoy your stay
  20. Fab

    Alpha rye's Server Support application

    I think you would be a nice addition to the staff team, you help people a lot and do many giveaways which is good for the community. Only problem is that when you're not doing that you're basically always gambling. Staff requirements indicate that gambling is fine but should be kept to a minimum - this is important because if you get cleaned there would be a big chance of quitting. Other than that, you'd make a very good staff member.
  21. Fab

    Unranked to 1k donator

    That's the spirit, go for it
  22. Fab

    Issa de Irl picture fred

    I'll turn gay for Roger
  23. Fab

    Unranked to 1k donator

    You need to save approx 35-40b for this goal since youre not buying with ticks back. Thats a huge goal but with a little luck and dedication youd be able to make it. Curious to see how far you'll get. Goodluck!
  24. Fab

    Staff Application Overhaul

    I really appreciate what you're trying to do here. Right now the system is full of bias as only close friends of the staff team have a shot at getting a promotion, when really it should be how much a person helps and is active, dedicated and knowledgeable about the game. We definitely need more transparency on how the process works. Also having the whole staff team be a bunch of close friends is kinda unhealthy and potentially dangerous for the game. Thanks Logical for bringing this issue up, hopefully the higher ups would look into this. The whole server stands to gain from this change.