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Everything posted by Fab

  1. Make these items notable please - atm its annoying to sell in bulk or runecoin certain items - Dragon pickaxe Blessed spirit shield Zanik's c'bow Dragon sword Elder chaos hood Elder chaos top Elder chaos robe Corrupted helm Corrupted platebody Corrupted platelegs Corrupted kiteshield Corrupted helm (g) Corrupted platebody (g) Corrupted platelegs (g) Corrupted kiteshield (g) Gilded full helm Gilded platebody Gilded platelegs Gilded plateskirt Gilded kiteshield Gilded boots Gilded scimitar Gilded hat Gilded robe top Gilded skirt
  2. Fab

    200 Promo Packages I (Break down)

    Many Thanks for this! This means that this is the best promotion to spend $150 on. Since past promotions weren't even close to being worth this much, this is mostly due to the extra bonds that u get when u open the package.
  3. Fab

    this needs a buff

    Demi bosses are definitely fine the way they are, however i feel like the chest is not. The chest should be the main reward from a raid, however most announced good items actually come from the demi bosses. It has come to a point where some people prefer to just farm a certain demi boss instead of going for the chest. Rare drops from chest (announced drops) need to be slightly less rare.
  4. Fab

    250 Pet box opening (break down)

    interesting breakdown, would have liked to see some quick workings backing your statement that it is profitable in the long run. Also you would even make more profit if you open the boxes using prize keys
  5. Fab


  6. Fab

    T h r o w y bois

    welcome back
  7. Fab

    Refund Our Sacred Accessories

    I hope we'd be able to get a refund for it, or at least be allowed to swap it for another accessory without destroying it
  8. Fab

    Demonic Gorilla Guide

    Well done guide, thanks
  9. Fab

    Running Cata Tokens(x3exp Per 5k) Guide

    great guide, thanks
  10. Fab

    One Big Wilderness Guide

    Cannot get lava fire shield from chest, also its called Tyras Helm not tytrus, good guide over all
  11. Fab

    Skilling In Raids

    Would love to see more stuff added to raids, support.
  12. Fab

    Raids improvements

    Its not impossible to do solo
  13. Fab

    List of Suggestions

    Some of these suggestions are pretty good. I feel like most wont even get viewed tho cos its such a big list.
  14. Fab

    Next update

    Some of the suggestions i made were implemented so i do feel like ryan goes thru most of the suggestions posts. Still it would be interesting for ryan to make a poll on some stuff which he might be unsure of
  15. Fab

    Raid / disconnect or crash

    This needs to get looked into cos until the crashing issue is solved players are losing on potential loot
  16. Fab

    Is this flame bait?

    Also, this will get you muted on discord - watch out people https://prnt.sc/io9r5h https://prnt.sc/io9rdz
  17. Fab

    Fab's Raids Reward Log

    I will be documenting my rewards from raids as well as any loot i get from the boss drops. Enjoy! ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Highlights: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Raids Completed: 115 1-20: 21-40: 41-60: 61-80: 81-100: #101 - Points: 11,460 #102 - Points: 8,800 #103 - Points: 14,989 #104 - Points: 11,290 #105 - Points: 9,553 #106 - Points: 9,552 #107 - Points: 12,621 #108 - Points: 14,980 #109 - Points: 12,572 #110 - Points: 14,578 #111 - Points: 11,069 #112 - Points: 10,625 #113 - Points: 10,724 #114 - Points: 10,666 #115 - Points: 12,207 Loot from Bosses:
  18. Fab

    Custom Raid

    Raids are dead, this might add some motivation, still doubt it tho
  19. Fab

    J/Matt - Sexist

    disgusting behavior REEEEEEEEEEEEE respecc wahmen h8ers
  20. Fab

    Curses Mage prot at Olm

    Mage protect on curses doesn't work on Olm, while mage protect on normal prayer book reduces dmg. pls fix
  21. Fab

    Add timer to raids

    Add timer to raids, and also to zulrah would be nice
  22. nop all you get is like 35 runex points