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Everything posted by Marc1

  1. Hey, just came across a very minor bug where a task scroll asked to high alch a "dragon dagger p" - so I went and killed some Ankous to get weapon poison, poisoned dragon dagger I purchased at Shops, and high alch them just for the task not to register it.. I tried high alching my dragon dagger p++ from bank, and it worked.. Maybe either edit the scroll to dragon dagger p++, or make P, P+, and P++ counts towards the task? Like I said, very minor, but I just wasted a whole lotta time for weapon poison drops
  2. Titre pretty much sums it up. While doing a "light X magic logs on fire" skilling tasks, since we can't burn fire in town, was to take my logs to the bonfire. To my surprise, I got the xp, but it did not count towards the task. I understand that I'm technically not lighting the logs on fire, rather I am throwing the in a fire, but I think that should still count!
  3. Marc1

    Make bonfire count for skilling tasks

    I really meant Skilling task, not clue task, so if you're saying it works/worked for you, then I might have done something wrong, I'll try later