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Everything posted by nghtmare

  1. nghtmare

    Returning player, forgotten pin

    Classic case of "I have no idea what my PIN is". Same account name in-game, same password for both forums and in-game. EDIT; Account name you lost PASS/PIN: nghtmare I like to have my PIN/PASS reset: PIN
  2. nghtmare

    [MS-DOS] CPU Monitor

    Just a fun little program I wrote up that acts as a CPU monitor. It's written in MS-DOS/Batch, whatever you want to call it, so it'll work on any Windows OS. The code is as follows; @echo off setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion title CPU Monitor mode 48,29 set "space= " :reset set count=0 for /l %%A in (25,-1,1) do ( set "hold=|" set /a yaxis=%%A*4 if !yaxis! LSS 10 set "yaxis=%space%%space%!yaxis!" if !yaxis! GTR 10 if !yaxis! LSS 100 set "yaxis=%space%!yaxis!" for /l %%B in (1,1,40) do set "hold=!hold!%space%" set Line[%%A]=!yaxis!%%.!hold!^| ) :replace set /a count+=1 :recheck for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=^=" %%A in ('wmic cpu get loadpercentage /value') do if not "%%B"=="" set Usage=%%B Set Usage=%Usage: =% if "!Usage!"=="" goto :recheck set /a check=!Usage! %% 4 if !check! GTR 0 (set /a lineNumb=!Usage!/4+1) else if !Usage!==0 (set lineNumb=1) else set /a lineNumb=!Usage!/4 set /a countUpTo=%count%+5 set /a ncount=%count%+6 set Line[%lineNumb%]=!Line[%lineNumb%]:~0,%countUpTo%!*!Line[%lineNumb%]:~%ncount%! cls echo. ----------------CPU Usage----------------- for /l %%A in (25,-1,1) do echo.!Line[%%A]! echo. Seconds echo. CPU Usage : %Usage%%% if !count!==39 goto :reset goto :replace To use this program, you just need to create a blank .bat file and paste the above code into it. Screenshot;
  3. nghtmare

    It may be time for a formal introduction

    Welcome to your new home!
  4. nghtmare

    Signature please

    I attempted. I made is as generic as possible because you were not specific at all about what you actually wanted so, I hope this works.
  5. nghtmare

    Signature please

    I would do my default 600x250, for size, but there's really not enough information to work with.
  6. nghtmare

    Can't open Runex in my new pc

    I'm not sure what you mean. If you want the cache provided in a .zip file, I'm not sure it would help much, when you could just re-download the cache. If you want the RuneX.jar provided in a .zip file, I'm still not sure what that would do.
  7. nghtmare

    Hello and Welcome

    Shameless plug lmao Welcome to RuneX.
  8. nghtmare

    Can't open Runex in my new pc

    Try 5555, 43594, and 43595 those are common ports associated with RSPSs
  9. nghtmare

    Can't open Runex in my new pc

    Try opening port 80 through your Windows firewall.
  10. nghtmare

    Changing XP Rate ingame

    The only issue I see with this is that the XP rates are what makes the gamemodes different. I'm having a hard time verbalizing what I mean, but I'll try anyway (these numbers are all examples, I'm not familiar with the actual numbers off the top of my head). Let's say you chose the Prime gamemode when you started out. This gives you a x2 drop rate, but a x3 XP rate. You now want to change your XP rate to a faster XP rating, so you switch to x100 xp. But you still have the x2 drop rate, instead of the x0 drop rate Normal players get And if you allow them to change their entire gamemode the problem now consists of a Normal player maxing out his account, and then switching to Prime to get a higher drop rate. The entire purpose of gamemodes is a system of checks and balances. Sure, you get faster XP as a Normal player, but you're (supposed) to have a lower drop rate percentage.
  11. nghtmare

    skill cape perks

    I could see this being useful for a prime, but no server has ever had this that I've seen and it seems like it's just something for laziness.
  12. nghtmare

    [MS-DOS] CPU Monitor

    There is no research when you copy and paste and run random scripts. EDIT: My point being, anybody can write up a script and have a random 12 year old run it and it may or may not be harmful. So yes, it really is that simple.
  13. nghtmare

    [MS-DOS] CPU Monitor

    It's not the fact that your computer "blows up" lmao. Do you know anything about Batch? It can completely wipe your computer, it can infinite loop and crash your computer. Nothing just "blows up" your computer unless your fan stops working. I completely understand where @Clair is coming from, you should not just run random scripts/programs.
  14. nghtmare

    The Ex-Mod's farewell.

    Sad to see you go, I'm sure the community will miss you greatly. P.S, they always come back. P.P.S, thanks for the shoutout.
  15. nghtmare

    Nghtmare's Siggy/GFX Shop

    Hello all! I am Nghtmare, and today I am offering you a chance to get a free siggy of your choice! Application format; Text; Style; //Hex Works Best for Colours// Main Colour; Secondary Colour; Font Colour; Secondary Font Colour; //If you want a specific font, it must be a free font that I can download// Specific Font; // If you don't want specific dimensions, I will use my default 600x250 (measured in pixels) // Specific Dimensions; You do NOT need to fill out all of these sections if you don't want to, however that leaves creative freedom up to me. And, as well, the more specific the item you want, the higher priority it gets above others. (I also save PSDs, so if you want the entire PSD yourself so you can change what you want, don't be afraid to ask) (P.P.S I just realized I misspelled Nghtmare in my banner...)
  16. nghtmare

    Nghtmare's Siggy/GFX Shop

    Sadly I am not offering animation or GIF signatures, those are much more complex and take up much more time.
  17. nghtmare

    Nghtmare's Siggy/GFX Shop

    I'm not gonna lie, I didn't know exactly what style to do yours in. I hope you enjoy it, it was relatively simple I just had no idea what you wanted it to look like EDIT: I added several different variants, hopefully you find one you like.
  18. nghtmare

    Icant even loan client?

    Can you be more specific about your problem?
  19. nghtmare

    Slayer Suggestions

    +1 on all three of these ideas. I'm not one for Slayer myself, but I know these would make Slayer much more interesting.
  20. nghtmare

    Boatabank's Introduction

    Welcome to our community. We're a very dysfunctionally functional family.
  21. nghtmare

    Donator benefits

    I definitely agree with ::bank. I'm a skiller, and tbh I would donate just to get access to this command.
  22. nghtmare

    Nghtmare's Siggy/GFX Shop

    Thank you! I wasn't sure what font would fit, but I'm pretty happy with the result. Not sure if I like the middle flare or not tho.
  23. nghtmare

    Frame Changing

    Since we can toggle OSRS graphics, I think it'd be cool to allow us to toggle our frame as well. Obviously not EOC+, but being able to toggle OSRS frames (317, ETC) and RSHD (not RS3) frames like 524, ETC. It feels weird playing on RSHD graphics with an OSRS frame.
  24. nghtmare

    Nghtmare's Introduction

    Hello, my name is Nghtmare. I'm 19 years old, and I'm from Sweden. I play mostly skiller, so there's that. There's not much more to tell about me. I program, I play games, and I live life. Nice to meet you all, and I hope that my experience here is a good one.
  25. nghtmare

    [MS-DOS] CPU Monitor

    Batch is a language that can seriously fuck up your computer if you don't know what you're doing and just add run random scripts, however I like to think I'm legitimate. None of my scripts ever contain any harmful code.