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Found 4 results

  1. The Poet

    Sorry I'm Late, But Hey

    Hey everyone. My name is Tyler and I joined the server around two weeks ago. I went to stay with a few old friends for awhile, so exploring the forums had slipped my mind, resulting in this late introduction of mine. But the time I have been able to spend on the server up to this point has been incredible, especially because I feel like I fit into or relate to the most of the community. I have a normal account, and a prime account under the name Prime Poet. Anyways, hello haha. I don't really know how an introduction such as this should be done, haha. Well, here are some facts about myself, I hope this is good enough. (This list is longer than I planned, I'm sorry) I am currently 19 years old, and will be turning 20 within the following months. I am originally from New York, but I moved to Georgia 7 months ago. One of my older brothers created my first Runescape account for me in 2004. The first RSPS I ever played was Blazescape, way back in 2007. Shortly following the death of Blazescape, I came across other servers and/or clients such as Frugooscape and Moparscape. Throughout all of my teenage years, I picked up some artistic, as well as creative, abilities and hobbies like drawing and writing poetry; everybody tells me I'm good at these things, but I'm not so sure. Most see me as an awkward and antisocial person who doesn't like to talk. I love to talk, it is just difficult for me to be the one to engage in a social interaction because of my anxiety. But I am awkward at times, haha. After high school, I went straight to college with Graphics Design as my major. But during my first semester, I changed my major to Psychology and I chose a minor in Professional Writing. Sadly, I couldn't return to college after my first year because of the tuition; however, I plan to return this fall. Trying to remain hopeful on that. The past two years have been extremely difficult, and its because of these two years that I've learned to appreciate the little things in everyday life, such as being able to watch the sunset nearly every day. My favorite thing to do is go outside and watch the night sky while listening to music. There have been nights I stayed outside from midnight to sunrise. I have, and have had since the early years of my childhood, very unhealthy issues regarding sleeping and eating. Over the years, these problems have developed and worsened; it is now a common occurrence for me to stay up for two or three days at a time without any sleep or food whatsoever. The longest I've gone without sleep and food was about 90 hours, which led me blacking out while I was walking, and I had some sort of short convulsion episode or seizure or something similar. I can't really help or change these problems, so I don't let it bother me. Plus, I get to spend my extra time doing things like play Runex haha. So, If you see me online late at night, and then you see I'm online when you wake up the next day, chances are that I had been up the entire time. Despite me usually expressing a somewhat withdrawn and insecure personality, I love talking to and being around new people. The act of socializing and sharing experiences with a new individual is amazing, but, like I said before, it is difficult for me to initiate conversation with most due to anxiety. It can even be a mental struggle for me if its a conversation online, unfortunately. So, if anybody ever wants to talk about anything at any time for literally any reason, just let me know because, most of the time, I'll be silent until spoken to. I am always down to talk about almost anything. Okay, I honestly didn't intend to make this as long as it is, so I apologize for the extensive introduction haha. I have the tendency to go too far into detail and extra/pointless information without even realizing it. If you actually bothered to read it all, I sincerely apologize for all the reading haha. I hope the list of facts was acceptable for an introduction, because I have no idea, but thank you for taking your time to read and learn about who I am. Hopefully I meet everybody's standards haha
  2. Ban

    Introduction for Ban

    Greetings from Ban, Good morning/evening everyone. I'd like to start off this post by introducing myself as Ban. My real name is Jason, so feel free to refer to me as Jason/Jase if you'd like. I am new to this community, and very excited to get to know everyone here. I am 21 years of age, married with a beautiful son, who unfortunately underwent open heart surgery about a month ago. I devote most of my time visiting him in the hospital daily. He's on a road to a steady recovery. My hobbies include drawing, graphic design, malware research, and sports. Football, hockey are really the only ones I keep tabs on (sorry basketball/soccer fans) I am very excited to begin playing and to meet the great community I've heard so much about. I plan on logging in later on this afternoon. I hope to see you all around! Warm regards, Ban.
  3. Xzil

    Xzil here.

    I've been playing Runex for a little over a week now, and I thought it was about time to become more active on the forums. I'm playing on Supreme Iron Man mode, and I've been enjoying it a lot, hanging out in the "Irun" CC, where there are quite a few chill people hanging out. I look forward to sticking with this server for a while, as I've really enjoyed the achievement system, as it gives me something to constantly strive towards. As far as something about me, since this is an introduction: I'm a 22 year old male living in the south eastern United States. I work full time, so I generally only play in the mornings and in the evenings during the weekdays, and I'm liable to be online during any and all hours of the weekend. I've also played RuneScape for over 10 years now, played RS2 from 2005 - EOC launch, where I quit playing. I played OSRS for a while, ended up stopping playing right around Cerberus release. I had recently gone back and played RS3 for a bit, which was actually pretty fun, but I got burnt out during a double XP weekend where I gained a total of 50m~ish xp over the weekend. I've also played RSPS's since 2006, played a lot of Battlescape, Runezone, Silab Garza, Ikov, Soul Split, among others. Most of the servers that I had previously played on are either not to my liking, or are shut down. Hoping that I can continue to enjoy Runex for quite a while.
  4. SlackMac YT

    Hello and Welcome

    Hello and welcome to my page i am SlackMac also known as Slack or just Mac(Real Name). I am going to be making Youtube videos for this server since I have seen a few others such as Artz and I really like the look and how Unique this server is. I absolutely love the teleport Interface so if interested in watching me for Guides, Loot Froms, Road to Max, ect go ahead and leave me a Like and Subscribe to my Channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeDLL_P0MYZgxbweFFZyJ2g Thank you and have a nice day. (Give me a few day to get some videos made I'll try to upload every other day)