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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/19 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Hey everyone, I just wanted to make this post to make people aware of my current situation. Before I left I made a post under the farewell section saying that I was leaving Runex and resigning from my staff position because I was going to be very busy in both finishing out High school and continuing into College. Since a couple players have messaged me asking what's up and why I've suddenly decided to become staff again I thought I'd make a quick post explaining my return. Shortly after I quit I changed around my schedule for the rest of the year (my final trimester). The resulting schedule was only 3 classes where previously I'd been taking 5. I've got an off-block at both the beginning and end of the school day which gives me a lot more time to work on school work and getting ready for college. As for my college schedule, I looked up a suggested schedule for Physics majors at KU, and it turns out I'll be taking substantially less credit hours than I had originally planned on. I'd also like to thank everyone who's given me support on returning to the staff team and Runex in general.
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    Welcome back man. Obligatory "You didn't even apply and skipped straight to moderator" rank. But glad you are back, you have always been an important part of the community and staff team ❤️
  4. 1 point
    Hello everyone Zie here.This is my first ever design not the best at all but here it is. thank you!