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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/15/18 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    I've seen you Online in the Help CC quite a bit, sometimes for hours on end. (Aside from solving tickets, are you doing anything else in-game?) I usually keep my client open so I can access the game at anytime (in case of emergency). I also keep it open so I can keep watch of yell chat, check current players, see activity at various locations in game, and just see whats going on generally. I usually access my account all throughout the day so it is more convenient for me to keep my client open. Favorite type of Music? (If you listen to any) - Top 3 Movies? (If you watch any) - Favorite hobby? (Aside from Runex/Spk) Favorite type of music is a hard one for me to answer since I grew up listening to various genres. Top 3 movies would have to be The Wolf of Wall Street, Django Unchained, and Nacho Libre. Favorite hobby would be traveling and doing things outdoors all around.
  2. 1 point
    Credits to @Logical for writing all of this up! Hello RuneX community, welcome to the first official RuneX Staff Q&A. For this Q&A we will be asking you to post your questions below for Ryan, Ramzi and Nate. These questions will then be compiled and sent to them to answer and once we have them all we will create a new post for all of the answers. As this is the first run through we do not know how many questions to expect or the size of each question so we will be playing it by ear on how long the Q&A will be open and the time for the answered to be posted. Disclaimers and Rules: Please keep personal questions to a minimum, Ryan, Ramzi and Nate reserve the right to skip any question without reason, Please read the other questions before posting as to not double up, Try not to post too many questions, we may have to cut some to make sure everyone gets questions answered, Please use the given format as it makes it easier to compile the questions, Question Formatting: Username: Questions for everyone: Sample question, Sample Question, Questions for Ryan: Sample question. Questions for Ramzi: Sample Question, Questions for Nate: Sample Question, Use it like this: Username: Logical Questions for everyone: What are your responsibilities for RuneX? Do you enjoy these responsibilities? Questions for Ryan: Which do you like the most, SpawnPK or RuneX? Questions for Ramzi: Can you walk us through the procedure for a typical ticket? Questions for Nate: If you had free reign over RuneX, what would be the first thing you added into it? I hope everyone has some great questions to ask, If this goes well you can expect to see more of these Q&As in the future with more staff involved.
  3. 1 point
    Have you had thoughts of implementing the Inferno Adze into RuneX? Something I've always looked forward to having in-game, whether it be as a rare, or for skilling. Yes, we plan on adding infernal tools to Cerberus in the near future Do you actively play RuneX on a secret account? Nope!
  4. 1 point
    Have you taken a look at this topic? (If so, do you have an ETA?) https://runex.io/forums/index.php?/topic/5347-expanding-on-the-f2p-areas/ We don't have a specific ETA as there are other plans that we've prioritized. Nonetheless I agree that F2P areas need some more life. Some of these may come at different times. Can you add a Glowing, Heart Pumping *literally pumping*, Pink & Reddish diamond for a $2,500/$3,000 Donator Rank? Sponsor rank can be expected either by late May or early June. The crown will include an animated diamond as some of you may be familiar with. We'd like to add some more perks for the existing donator ranks too, either before or during the sponsor rank update. Can you beef up the achievement rewards for Prime & Supreme mode players? (Example; Normal Mode gets a Crystal Key for 99 Mining, Prime Mode gets an Epic Crystal Key) The main point of the prime & supreme mode is to give yourself a more challenging gameplay experience. The primary benefit is the edge you receive with the drop rate bonus and double drop chance. We may throw in some more perks here and there, but I don't think we'll be making the achievement item rewards scale by difficulty. You mentioned the maps would 'likely' need to be fixed in my last Q&A, any plans on making them 100% flawless? (0 noclipping, all bank booths working, doors, etc') We've fixed the F2P map data for the implings, but we haven't done this in a world scale yet. Object interaction (doors, banks, etc.) may receive some touch ups but probably in the late future. We tend to fix up the regions once we decide to use them for something (until we do a global scan/fix). Have you seen this topic? (Money Sinks) -I think it would be helpful. I'm sure you can brainstorm something 100x better. I have seen it, and I actually plan to implement some of them. Pet accessory removal (cash fee) would be one of the confirmed ones you can expect to see. There are also other money sinks on top of these which we've had planned for quite a while. Can you add the command ::commands → Directs you here (Commands List topic) Great topic! I'll have this ready on the next update Simple suggestion, hope you could possibly fulfill it. (Slayer task teleports) Can do. We'll have to manually input the location name for each task, but it shouldn't actually take very long. Will you be expanding the Impling hunting locations? (Member areas) -I assume you'll need the maps fixed first? We may be adding new locations in the future, but it hasn't been very high in our list of priorities. We'd probably like to add more content in the existing F2P areas (particularly the topic mentioned in the first question) before considering expansion.
  5. 1 point
    Thank you for letting me test it out. Changing guide now.
  6. 1 point
    I also have been asking around, with ppl that use darkness,blessing and inf book for a loong time, they maxed 52-55 Chaos blessing and book, you go up to 65-67 there is no 0% chance darkness will be bis by miles. Just facts,just don't want to argu. but it says it for itself when someone uses darkness for more then month, and get 55 max Compared to a 65-67 very common hits.
  7. 1 point
    I have to say Siah, this is by far one of your greatest ideas. You are a true revolutionary, a legend amongst us mere mortals and for that I thank you no I applaud you vigorously for your dedication and commitment to better this server. Edit: Sike your pp small af boy