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    • Need help. Used 1500 xeric raid essence's before timer end and essence's gone. Don't get any drop. Ign: ltu player
    • Hey 
      I have submitted a ticket for the name change from Fulltimebum to be changed to chxf
      Ramzi will comment down below once it has been completed. 10b has been taken.
      Thank you for your patience
    • I would like to change ign from "Fulltimebum" to "chxf" I have both accounts ty
    • Hey, I've submitted a ticket for you to get your lost item back (this is not a guarantee) Thanks for your patience.
    • While farming imps for a clue, I withdrew my fire rune and nature rune stack to entangle. I had a full inventory at one point and began dropping items I didn't need... like runes, and mistakenly dropped the whole stacks. I didn't realize until I went to rebank for entangle and had 0 in my bank and the items were gone. I am seeking a recovery of my fire and nature runes dropped in puro puro on 9.27.24 around 1:25-1:30pm PST under the IGN: Telephone.   I am unsure how many I had. Figured it was significant as I save mine from crystal chest or other sources, thank you for looking into this.
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