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Communal bosses

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Before we go ahead and dive into this thread, I would just like to talk about my reasoning behind creating this thread.
Runex is built on and around an amazing community, without you guys, Runex is nothing.
I was sitting back and thinking, what do we actually need?
We've got a great community yet, we're still all away doing our own things in-game. That's unless you're raiding, although, that is still only with a small party.

Hmmm *scratches head*
What do we have in-game that brings us together? *scratches gooch*
It brings us all (a large amount of players) together, in one spot, to work as a team/community. 
We need more content that brings us all together.

I would just like to state that every aspect of this suggestion is completely up for debate. The more suggestions, opinions and feedback this thread gets, the better this content becomes.


These “custom” bosses are regular bosses (all bosses found at ::VIP) with a size increase and different particles (depending on which tier).
These bosses are chosen at random every 2-4 hours and will spawn here:

Mount Quidamortem
(Replace the statue with the boss spawn)
Image result for Mount Quidamortem
Get to this location by using the command ::boss


There will be global shouts.

   *tier* Kree’ara will spawn in 5 minutes

   *tier* Kree’ara will spawn in 2 minutes

  *tier* Kree’ara will spawn in 1 minute

 *tier* Kree’ara has spawned

 *tier* Kree’ara has been slain. / Runex could not handle the power of this boss.

Once the boss has been spawned, you will not be able to use ::boss



Grand tier will always give 2 x Boss key.
(All the bosses have their usual drop tables as well as the keys)


Boss key

Image result for osrs keys\

For dealing 5% minimum dmg, you will 100% receive a “Boss key”
Highest dmg on the boss receives 2 x Boss key.
(Highest dmg on Grand tier will receive 3 x Boss key)
Using the boss key on the "boss chest" at home, you get the chance to get great items (rewards from chest are similar to Donator mystery boxes, with a lower % chance of getting high end items)



Coloured keys

In “Other” teleports, there will be an option for
“Key dungeon”.
You will not be able to enter the dungeon without one of the 4 coloured keys (they are consumed on teleport).
Image result for souls bane osrs dungeon
There is a key system which allows you to use this teleport.
You are only allowed to use 1 key (all tiers) every 24 hours.

Upon entering the Key dungeon, a timer will start (based on the key you have used to enter). 


Once that timer has reached 0:00, you will be automatically sent home.

Inside this room you will have to fight:

      Thank you for taking the time to read this thread.

Again, I would like to say that all suggestions, opinion and feedback are more than welcome.


❤️ KONG ❤️ 



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I'm a big fan of the bosses and the boss keys. However I can't say that I feel like that the coloured keys are anywhere near as exciting. 

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Interesting. I'm sure it can be done!

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I like the general idea, but I do have some concerns.

1. 'Custom Bosses' - One of the ways I determine If a server is lazy in their development is when I can easily determine the source of a 'custom' boss or If an asset is re-used in an area where it shouldn't be. The idea of just having the GWD bosses and others, make them bigger and add some particles is a little lazy in my eyes. I'd much rather see some new models, new in the idea that we haven't used them anywhere yet and not completely custom made, or at the very least build upon the current models to give them a unique look and feel. 

2. Drop Tables - I don't think that these bosses should just have their normal drop tables with a few things tacked on, it is boring, lazy and will discourage players after a while. They should be somewhat customised and only keep the signature drops of each boss if we choose to keep the regular bosses, we should also include epic pet box .

Everythings underlined because I did [ u ] :/

3. Boss Keys - These keys should 100% NOT give rewards similar to donator boxes. We have already seen the impact on donor box rewards from events and community bosses would be continuous. The reward tables should be custom made with a few unique items based on each boss and some general items such as prize boxes and whatnot. 
I don't like the idea of highest DPS getting an extra key, kinda just rewards the person who does better than everyone else, which will be the same handful of people with a cursed t bow and epic pets. If the whole point for adding community bosses is to make the community better, the 'extra' rewards should be rewarded to everyone based on a community effort, rather than one guy doing better than everyone else. For instance, if you kill the boss quick enough you get a bonus key.

4. Key Dungeon - I'm not a big fan of this only due to the fact that it has nothing to do with the community boss. The idea was meant to bring the community together, but the most sought after rewards are access to a private instance. The drops, drop rates and boss effects are also incredibly unbalanced. 
Just a quick breakdown:
1 in 400 chance for the lowest tier key from the most common community boss.
Boss spawns every 2-4 hours
Averages at 1200 hours for 1 key
1 Key gets you 10 minutes in the room
Lowest tier drop in the room is 1 in 333
Boss has 750 HP so you will get a low amount of kills. 


Edited by Iron Logic
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The idea is great to add more community bosses. +1 for that ofc

I do not like the suggestion you make for droprates. I agree with what logical said earlier. Maybe at some new custom items like a cape or a shield.

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10 hours ago, Iron Logic said:

I like the general idea, but I do have some concerns.

1. 'Custom Bosses' - One of the ways I determine If a server is lazy in their development is when I can easily determine the source of a 'custom' boss or If an asset is re-used in an area where it shouldn't be. The idea of just having the GWD bosses and others, make them bigger and add some particles is a little lazy in my eyes. I'd much rather see some new models, new in the idea that we haven't used them anywhere yet and not completely custom made, or at the very least build upon the current models to give them a unique look and feel. 

2. Drop Tables - I don't think that these bosses should just have their normal drop tables with a few things tacked on, it is boring, lazy and will discourage players after a while. They should be somewhat customised and only keep the signature drops of each boss if we choose to keep the regular bosses, we should also include epic pet box .

Everythings underlined because I did [ u ] :/

3. Boss Keys - These keys should 100% NOT give rewards similar to donator boxes. We have already seen the impact on donor box rewards from events and community bosses would be continuous. The reward tables should be custom made with a few unique items based on each boss and some general items such as prize boxes and whatnot. 
I don't like the idea of highest DPS getting an extra key, kinda just rewards the person who does better than everyone else, which will be the same handful of people with a cursed t bow and epic pets. If the whole point for adding community bosses is to make the community better, the 'extra' rewards should be rewarded to everyone based on a community effort, rather than one guy doing better than everyone else. For instance, if you kill the boss quick enough you get a bonus key.

4. Key Dungeon - I'm not a big fan of this only due to the fact that it has nothing to do with the community boss. The idea was meant to bring the community together, but the most sought after rewards are access to a private instance. The drops, drop rates and boss effects are also incredibly unbalanced. 
Just a quick breakdown:
1 in 400 chance for the lowest tier key from the most common community boss.
Boss spawns every 2-4 hours
Averages at 1200 hours for 1 key
1 Key gets you 10 minutes in the room
Lowest tier drop in the room is 1 in 333
Boss has 750 HP so you will get a low amount of kills. 


I totally agree here with you logic. I think my favorite part of your reply was the deop tables. There should definitely be achievements and drops that are unique to thsi communal boss as incentive to always do it. Just as skotizo added a bunch of hype over the dark sunspear, I think a cool set of weapons or armor pieces would be a wonderful addition to the game and a great way to incentivize the boss.

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Support for sure. Emole was one of the first things I was told to do by others when I joined the game, and it was nice to see a small event like that bringing so many players together, Seeing more variation based on this would be a huge +1 for me.

Although I enjoy the 2-4 hours thing in and of it's own, I feel like the emole works a bit better with how random it happens (unless a horn is blown obviously). Not too mention you being "just that person to be off during the 10 minute time frame" also oof's due to long waiting times that have no variable.

What if the middle spawn could be any boss from a selected list, and it'd also be based off of said boss dying to another player, similiar to emole. They'd require a much lower spawn rate depending on the list of bosses to choose from. If you had 10 bosses on the list it could easily be a 1:1000 spawn for example. Of course just giving my 2 cents here, If a lot of players prefer the 2-4 hour spawn definitely go with that instead then.

As for a loot idea; perhaps a horn for this boss could be gained from this loot chest as well? Very rare with a long cooldown, but spawns atleast a 2+ tier for example.

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How about adding the nightmare, this is a great communal boss. I’m sure a lot of you have been watching streamers tackle this boss or doing it yourself? 

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