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New Possible Event

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I propose adding rotating events.

-Raids (Xerics,TOB)

-Bossing (All named bosses)

-Skilling (Adding onto the Skilling task)

-Minigames (Kharazi, Nardah, Chompy Hunting, Mage arena, Barrows)

These events could last a week or two. With this, it would allow for communities to get together more often.

Raids- Adding challenges modes, or even just raids tokens. I'd propose Xerics to give more tokens due to the difficulty between the two, with more tokens being given out based on the amount of players per raid, and difficulty of the raid. This would be similar to how the summer event was. 

I hate to say this, but I think the tokens should be untradeable for this event strictly for my next suggestion on the raids. I think instead of having event hunter items as the reset reward, rather it be... a raids box. Why? I think if you have to clear a "chest" that is going to have 100+ items it should have a decent ending item. I don't think this chest should be packed with amazing items. I personally think the items in the chest should help progress an account rather then moving us towards endgame content. So item suggestions would be supplies to help during raids, maybe some new items pieces that help mid tier accounts during raids. Maybe some new recipe for items ingame.

Example. So similar to how max guild works, how you can buy the recipe to make Flasks potions(Which IMO is worthless) We could gain access to Overloads(wouldn't be as good as enchanted heart but would boost stats back up to X after brewing)(My suggestion is boosts to 110 Atk/str/Def, 108 Range, 104 Mage) that only work in Raids(similar to how mods work), Prayer rejuvation potions. 

Other items from the chest may include new armors that would help mid tier players be able to raid a little easier. So maybe a set that reduces Olm's damage a bit(Like -5 damage, so his max in normal would be 22 rather then 27. This being a effect that would be -1 for the helm, -2 for chest, and -2 for legs) with MEH(not great) stats. So it'd be similar stats to the normal torso. 

Why? Personally I think raids is supposed to be the introduction into the end game content. I think players should be encouraged to enter raids. The only people I currently see doing raids on a daily basis or even at all, are those who can legit afk the entire thing. (Anyone who Draconic and a Scythe, Tbow, Ancestral, blood shaman) I know there are others who are doing raids once in awhile but it isn't as consecutive as these players. 

This raids event would both benefit those in the mid and late game. 


As for others. I personally don't have a suggestion currently. This was more or less to quickly put something out there.

Let me hear your thoughts and possible reworks to make it more fitting. Things I'd like to hear are.....

-Possible rewards

-Amount of rolls

-Ways we could change it

-Things for the other Events(skilling, bossing, minigames)

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Maybe make it like rs3, they have every 3-5 days (not Sure) a minigame spotlight. We have some possible rotation for this on runex.


This way raids and other things would be more active for some time. 

On the reward question I dont really have a suggestion.

The mid level gear would be a good addation, like you mentioned.

I support the idea.

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