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Things I'd like to see change on Runex

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Hello All,

Throughout my time here on Runex I've come to see how the time's have changed, the economy's grown and the player base has rotated. 

With this in mind I have a few suggestions and modifications that I would like to put to you and gather some feedback on what you all think, it doesn't matter if your new or old. It just means you may have a slightly different opinion to other members of the community. 

It is important to note I have a very large list of ideas and these just touch the surface so I would love to hear idea any ideas that you may also have. 

Click the spoilers to see more.

Lets get into it;

Rune coin exchanger prices



Remembering that this was set up a considerable time ago it is to be expected that the prices have changed. I put forward the suggestion that certain prices change to reflect current prices of the items or to raise/lower items that the admin may want to hold a particular value.

Take for example the scythe, it is 10,000 Rune coins because this is the max the Rune Coin machine will take at any one time. The price of it is upwards of 80 Billion. At no point will anyone who has even a slight idea of its rarity Rune coin that for such a small price. This is a small example but many of the prices are out of date or/and do not reflect the rarity.


Rune coin items OR lack of certain items



There are certain items in my opinion are missing from the Rune Coin machine, some are new additions that may be yet to get added but some items have been here for a while and are starting to flood the market. I believe they should be controlled now before it becomes more of an issue.

Here are a few idea's (I have a lot more but this can be explained in detail if this idea was to be successful)

Party Hats (They should be rare, not struggling to sell above 100m), Corrupt Amulet, Santa hats, Pet accessory's, Molten chomp hats, Magma Helmet, Draconic, Heavy and Light Ballista's.

There are a lot more but these should be hard to obtain/ Pricey items which hold no rune coin value. Take for example the Molten Chompy hats, one of the best Range helms yet its reaching 300m due to over saturation. 

This leads nicely into the next point


Controlling the server event rewards



The server events are in my opinion one of Runex's defining factors that make it unique, We have as a community reached the same level of understanding that we want rotating events which is a great start. The rewards are the issue that I personally have, the large amount of customs/ fillers are needed/required in order to make the event last. I do however think there are to many cosmetics in the newer chests but that is personal opinion.

The issue would be things like the donator chests and keys, I believe they should be controlled or custom picked to reflect the current economy or time that the event strikes making the chests or boxes time specific. If I was to pick one item to show this it would be the Toxic blowpipe. An item that was already hit hard by an accidental coding error previously. They have now dropped from 10b down to 2.5b within this event update because of how many came through donator chests and keys. The same could be said for Imbuing stones, Grandmaster task bottles, Molten chompy hats, Party hats and Heavy Ballistas.

I understand the price drops will be temporary because the event only lasts for a month however it will soon be replaced by another event and you eventually end up with an oversaturated market with all chest items. Similar to what has happened on the sister server.


Donator Rewards



I believe all donator status's should receive individual buffs in their respected departments as they have not been modified in quite some time. My main suggestion here is an increased ticket rate for sponsor donators. This is the highest rank currently achievable and regardless of if players used their own finances or bought them ingame contribute hugely to Runex's continued success. 

I believe the Sponsor tickets gathered at the sponsor zone should be increased. I believe this because it would lead to less sponsors being greedy about Mole horns etc. This would in turn increase the community spirit of working together, Sponsors farming them to help fellow players. Somewhere in here I would add another boss that could be spawned which would take a certain amount of the community to attend before the fight takes place.


The Donator Shop


This one I'm sure a lot of you are already aware of, a considerable amount of items were removed from the shop which has lead to the value decline on donator tickets and a small decline on the value of bonds. My suggestion would be to add new items to the donator shop.

I haven't figured out what could be added that hasn't already been in here So I would love to here from you guys in the comments.

The blood money shop


It is general knowledge that Blood money has multiple uses and is often used to buy Cursed Crypt keys. I believe that the current blood money shop is currently underused and could do with price changes to reflect the current economy as well as new items being added.

I haven't figured out what could be added so again would love ideas in the comments.

Clue Scroll Modifications



I have a few idea's for clue scroll modifications here, The lower clue scroll items are perfect in my opinion, they help ironmen and new players to gather vital items to progress further into the game.

My issue would be with the higher levels.

Many clue scrolls have high requirements which is great, it should be a challenge however certain clue scrolls like kill 20 chaos mummys will take mass amounts of wealth and time for often very little rewards.

I would suggest that certain high alch items required or teleports like the chaos mummy teleport have an alternative method of achieving these items. They commonly aren't even rare items. Take for example my current clue, high alch 4 bando's boots, low value items, not rare however people don't often sell them because they hold a low value or look nice in the bank.

I would also like to see a small change in the rewards as some clues can end up costing 4b+ for a little reward/a lot of time. Simply only worth it for an achievement. (This is my opinion, you could have another. Let me know in the comments.)


Thank you for reading. Let me know what you would and would not like to see in the comments below.

I would have added a pole but it is limited to 3 questions only so I would have missed out a considerable amount.

- Samuel

Edited by Samuel
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31 minutes ago, Samuel said:

Rune coin exchanger prices

I believe that constantly modifying the runecoin values of items to reflect the market would be quite the difficult and time consuming task, we could have some way to automate it, however this has it's own set of issues, mostly easy manipulation. 

I think the staff should sit down and decide better prices for the items and set runecoin values to reflect them. Similar to high alchemy value in Runescape, the runeoin value should be used to maintain a minimum value for items. 

33 minutes ago, Samuel said:

Rune coin items OR lack of certain items

I'll go ahead and say I have a huge amount to gain from rares becoming more valuable. I am closing in on 1000 rares. I would happily give them all to Nate in exchange for a property though ;) 
But that aside, rares should be rare. The other items listed, as well as other items, should also be added. 

I'd also like to see an overhaul of the mage of wisdom trader prices and trades. So many trades are just not worth it. Blowpipes in 4th slot, brimstone rings in 4th slot, the kind of items no-one is going to trade.

36 minutes ago, Samuel said:

Controlling the server event rewards

Runex has a very unique event system, where events seem to become the best money maker for the entire event. 
The cosmetics are just too much, we had like 20 different bobble sets in the Christmas event and I've not seen anyone wear one since. Each event should have 1 unique partyhat and 1 unique set and the previous events cosmetics should be added to a store to directly buy with event currency rather than added to the chest.
The over-saturation of items and cash from these events are extreme and work towards destroying the economy and the spirit of ironman mode due to incredibly easy high tier rewards.

40 minutes ago, Samuel said:

Donator Rewards

Donator rewards should be overhauled. Having the cheapest donator rank offer the best reward/zone is a little on the nose and kinda works against Runex as a business. 
Sponsor zone is also quite puzzling. You pay $2500 to have people badger you about spawning moles which you have to put in a lot of work to do. I don't think simply speeding up the token collection will help though, as increasing the speed will just decrease the price of horns, maybe we could increase the chance of the rarer drops. 

45 minutes ago, Samuel said:

The Donator Shop

The price of tickets changes dramatically when a new item is released and often falls back down soon after. 
Maybe we could have an "Item of the X period of time", which would be a box ranging from pet boxes, epic pet boxes, donator chests, prize keys, grand prize keys and maybe even limit time event chests/grand promo box boxes. These would have a slight discount in relation to there normal price. 

47 minutes ago, Samuel said:

The blood money shop

Personally I don't think anything new needs to be added. 

I understand that the normal 'wilderness reward store' is almost never used, as the caskets are cheaper in the wilderness and the other items are either kinda useless or easy to get from caskets. 

Personally I'd be more inclined to remove the store and add the remaining items to other sources.

1 hour ago, Samuel said:

Clue Scroll Modifications

In my opinion tasks need a complete overhaul. In the later difficulties the time and effort put in is almost never worth it, and for the grand master tasks it is just stupid. You need every raids 1 pet, chaos mummy, all 3rd age items, etc. It isn't possible for ironmen.


Nice suggestions man, I hope all of these changes can be made in some form.

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I would like to see somebody reviewing my ban appeal lol... its been what - 4 months?

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18 minutes ago, Atis said:

I would like to see somebody reviewing my ban appeal lol... its been what - 4 months?

I don't believe this is exactly the place for that post. Staff are pretty active on the forums, so if there's an issue with something maybe directly contacting staff or even the help forum might be a better approach.

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Rune coin exchange prices;

In my opinion I don't think there should be any changes towards this, because when it's sold ppl lean towards the rc price so it's kinda a pc for newer people joining in Runex


Rune coin items or lack of certain items;

I really agree on this one, since there are still no rune coin prices on particular raid items, raid pets, etc. Which is really annoying, because the only way to get rid of some items is selling and some items are very hard to sell.


Controlling the server rewards;

Yeah the mystery chest with the keys is overpowered, but mostly because the Easter event is way to afk-able for the profit that can be made, I think if there would be mystery chests with keys in a following event it must be a rare reward plus if they are added in the event chest, the event must be cycled otherwise people can camp or afk the thing they need to do to get 4-6 chests in that event. Plus mostly for the ironman accounts if they camp this Easter event they get end game stuff by only camping a certain npc for a few hours a day, where most ironman accounts get those items very late in the game. So overall if we get those mystery boxes and chests with keys, etc. They must be minimized to 5 or even 3 per event chest and rare. For the other items they must be custom or skill related or Keys related (cursed, lava, crystal, etc).


Donator rewards;

I don't know much about the sponsor zone, so i can't bring my opinion out on that, but overall on other donator zones I think they are overall pretty decent.


The donator shop;

Okay this is a thing, because if you have donator tickets they are not worth spending at all. I don't have a better idea for them, but if some people can get some suggestions on that. Then we can work it out together.


The blood money shop:

I find the blood money shop actually pretty decent as how it is right now, but for hardcore ironman it should be fair to get the cursed keys to the edge wildy shop aswell. They'll cost 15k blood money since it's obtainble outside of wildy.


Clue scroll modifications:

I find the clue scroll tasks for master fair enough, because they are master clues. But I'd like to see better rewards for the master clues, because they suck and are most of the time not worth it.


Edited by pr ime

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I agree on the task scrolls. 9/10 isn't even worth doing them, because the cost is higher than the possible loot.

In addition something else.. Crystal keys... I think these should be buffed a little bit. Because, honestly, 75% of the loot is useless (maybe not for iron's).

Donator store is kinda boring too i guess. Like there ain't much things to donate for imo. So maybe adding some (usefull gear) stuff would be nice?


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Thank you for these suggestions!

We'll make plans to address some of these fundamental issues, but for certain points such as this:


Controlling the server event rewards

I was curious if any of you had suggestions on the kind (or form) of rewards you'd like to see instead. I'm noticing simultaneous complaints of too many high tier rewards, yet also too many cosmetics/fillers for certain events. Cosmetics and fillers are intended to reduce saturation of currency or high valued items, but with your guys's help we can find a proper "middle ground" of gratifying (yet safe) rewards.


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I think instead of so many cosmetic items there could be items like: vorkath, nardah, chaos mummy, kld teleports, ninja and dragon impling jars. Also you could throw one emole horn in the chest :D. These wouldn't be items with very high value (well, depends on the number of chaos mummy and kld teles) but i would rather get these than a ton of cosmetics.

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7 hours ago, sapnas said:

I think instead of so many cosmetic items there could be items like: vorkath, nardah, chaos mummy, kld teleports, ninja and dragon impling jars. Also you could throw one emole horn in the chest :D. These wouldn't be items with very high value (well, depends on the number of chaos mummy and kld teles) but i would rather get these than a ton of cosmetics.

I agree on maybe some chaos mummy teleports not sure about the others tho

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