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vip benefits

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I sympathise with the concerns and I wish it never happened. But sometimes shit things need to happen for game integrity. Getting to kill all of the wilderness bosses without any risk and completely afk with a gilded cannon is a huge benefit and a pretty hard one to top. This means to balance the donor ranks and make Legendary worth getting, we'd need a benefit 2X as good, which would be very overpowered. 

This was just change for the sake of game integrity. Does it suck for VIP's, yes. Was it replaced with a different benefit, yes. Is VIP Zone completed, highly unlikely. 

This is an interesting test case though, personally I think we need to heavily nerf regular donor zone and make the other zones better, we also need to add a legendary zone. So more changes will probably come, and I'm sure players will be upset over them in the future. 

12 hours ago, kegan said:

its like buying a car and then after a month the dealer saying ohh u know we decided we need the wheels and tires back, good luck

It's not like that, It's like buying a car and owning said car gets you free parking, but after a month the car dealer realises that they need the car spaces for people with better cars.
You still have the car, you just lost a perk that you got for having the car.

The 'reward' for donating is bonds, promo packages etc. The ranks are a little bonus you get for consuming bonds. 


I'll ask Ryan is he has anything to say about this topic, maybe VIPs will get a little something extra, who knows. 

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6 hours ago, Logical said:

I sympathise with the concerns and I wish it never happened. But sometimes shit things need to happen for game integrity. Getting to kill all of the wilderness bosses without any risk and completely afk with a gilded cannon is a huge benefit and a pretty hard one to top. This means to balance the donor ranks and make Legendary worth getting, we'd need a benefit 2X as good, which would be very overpowered. 

This was just change for the sake of game integrity. Does it suck for VIP's, yes. Was it replaced with a different benefit, yes. Is VIP Zone completed, highly unlikely. 

This is an interesting test case though, personally I think we need to heavily nerf regular donor zone and make the other zones better, we also need to add a legendary zone. So more changes will probably come, and I'm sure players will be upset over them in the future. 

It's not like that, It's like buying a car and owning said car gets you free parking, but after a month the car dealer realises that they need the car spaces for people with better cars.
You still have the car, you just lost a perk that you got for having the car.

The 'reward' for donating is bonds, promo packages etc. The ranks are a little bonus you get for consuming bonds. 


I'll ask Ryan is he has anything to say about this topic, maybe VIPs will get a little something extra, who knows. 

i agree, this change was prolly needed for proper balancing, but i feel it should of been advertised for a month prior that it was happening so new players did not get it for x benefit to only lose it immediately.  the change is understandable its the lack of communication prior that i feel made most players feel "scammed" over this.

i disagree with your analogy tho as wildy bosses are the reason people got vip, not a small added perk.  yours repersents wildy bosses in vip as a bonus when everyone else feels it was the only reason vip was worth anything.  hence the reason i said tires over parking, tires make a car useful parking does not.

yes, the reward for donating is bonds etc, but the reward for buying bonds and claiming them are donor perks/zones, without people buying bonds and losing ingame money by claiming the bonds for these ranks/benefits donating for the bonds would not have a benefit to the prior group.

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