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kegan last won the day on August 23 2018

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11 Good

About kegan

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    Advanced Member

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  1. kegan

    enchanted phoenix!

    i saw someone else bring up this idea a few days ago and thought it was a cool idea. currently blood phoenix is good and so is hydro, but shadow phoenix is trash, so what if we added an option in the enchantment chest that looked something like this - 1 blood, shadow, hydro, phoenix pet and say 1x imbue stone or x rune coins or plat tokens rewards - 100% enchanted phoenix. can toggle between all 3 phoenix's, but only when out of combat.
  2. Runex staff does not fix problems or seek out reasonable solutions! Ban first care never!
  3. I see a few copy paste pets too you might notice. Just happy to see pvm will not melee me from 5 times away
  4. kegan

    Why did Logical get demoted?

    @LogicalI mean we talked shit and we had debates that were civil and not based on emotion, but more so on fact and where a line was drawn. I guess it was better put that we respected each other, but didnt go out of the way to talk to or do things with the other. Your still respected! I would love another "battle of wits" with you, but I'm afraid I no longer fight those who are unarmed! 😁🤣
  5. kegan

    Why did Logical get demoted?

    This has been the timeless problem with rsps owners. They have 0 business experience and do not know how to communicate, handle, and resolve escalations or criticism. Logical you did nothing out of line by any means, I'm sorry that you were taken advantage of like this. If discord bans are unappealable and someone was banned then unbanned via appeal, then I agree they should be rebanned instantly regardless of who banned/unbanned as the rule was set by the top level themselves. Hopefully the "admin team" if you can call it that without laughing will realise their presence is needed and will make an effort to keep hard rules, lines, boundaries in place as currently the lines are written in sand and redrawn as they are preferred, by situation and staff member. I support logical and his actions and decisions. This comes from someone who was and is not his friend and only talked to him once which was an arguement. (Civil debate if you will)
  6. kegan

    Vorkath fucked me

    Appreciate ya
  7. kegan

    Vorkath fucked me

    Thankyou sir
  8. kegan

    Vorkath fucked me

    Oh and i also dropped my ring of wealth (i) and it didnt appear there
  9. kegan

    Vorkath fucked me

    https://gyazo.com/761a67a22d11adfd2700fc30bd3e748e Got the head + wintershards coz of event, no loot received help pls
  10. kegan

    Zulrah Snaklings

    Same for epic lucks at vorkath. The spidy spawn thing uses an epic luck token each kill too with 0 drop table. An epic luck token cant tripple a drop if the monster has no drops
  11. kegan

    Ogre Shortbow

    Agreed. Dead content. Its almost the same speed to get fused as molten lmao
  12. kegan

    Buff Olm, Revert SS Nerf

    I vote max heal 20. Like the change tho
  13. kegan

    donor transfer

    It changes nothing. Any ironman can make a non ironman and buy bonds and use it on their ironman for the donation+tickets. Ironmen can still buy ticket back bonds... you die to pay them for bond use bond then die to them again to return tickets. Limiting non iron to iron xfers does absoutlely nothing. And it doesnt even affect me as i dont have an iron
  14. kegan

    2x runex points vip cape

    Does the runex pt elixir work with donor capes?
  15. I would more like to see ctrl +click to run to destination