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Catalyst Tokens "Lost on Death" Warning

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I just died in the Cursed Caverns with 900+ Catalyst tokens in my inventory.. subsequently losing them all, without knowing they would even be lost. This isn't a rant about that, but this is the reason for this suggestion. 

I suggest a better warning to show they are lost on death. They didn't show in the "Items Lost On Death" interface (like the blood orb did), which I purposely checked to see if they were. I assumed since they are untradeables (and it tells you ALL untradeables are kept) and it didn't appear on the interface that I would keep them. Upon searching the forums I see they were made to crumble to dust on death in August. That's fine.. It sucks, but it's fine.. It's the lack of warning that bugs me. The information led me to believe I would not lose them, I would never have found that update if I didn't look specifically on the forums for it. I feel like I've been robbed of 900 tokens. Please make it more obvious or atleast point it out or add a warning. Did I miss something that tells you? If I had known I would never have let so many build up in the my inventory before leaving to bank.

I understand that the Wilderness should come with risk, but everything on the server indicated there was no risk I would lose them. 


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Without this happening to you, it would have happened to me also. Literally every in-game indicator at a players disposal (to show what is and isn't lost) highly suggests that you WILL NOT lose those items, and from what I can find, only a post from 3 months ago on the forums warns otherwise.  Whether or not it'd be too "OP" if they were kept isn't the topic at hand, it's the lack of warning that is the problem.


I support this suggestion 100% as this was unclear to me too, and I can see this being the case for pretty much anyone without prior knowledge of it.

It's a shame you had to lose such a high amount of tokens to learn this, but hopefully it can inspire a new update in order to prevent others' loss.

Edited by 4p

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