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Items in the same invent slot retain their "use" ability even after transformation

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These boxes hate me for some reason


(some) Items keep their previous "use" ability and the permissions for that item, for example; in the gif included I'm able to use
a non-existent gold bar to open an interface (that the gold bar should open) using a dragonstone ring. I can't think of any "threats" off the top
of my head other than the using of bonds on another player and then using a non-existent bond on the same person to maybe dupe a bond?
but I don't have the funds to test it anyway.
It could be that the make 10 option doesn't deselect items automatically, or the fact that "just" the furnace doesn't check that the item being
used on it really exists or not.

How or when it occurs:

Currently only tested it with smelting as I don't want to be seen as "trying to dupe things" if it does work on something.
"How" it works is shown in the gif

Screenshots/video if available:




Edited by 4p

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In some cases, you can indeed use and interact with a non-existant item, but the actual crafting action will check/recognize that the player doesn't have the gold bar. So, it would ultimately not let you craft anything, if/when you managed to click a component. With that being said, it's a harmless bug, but we'll probably get it fixed at some point for the sake of polishing

Thank you for your report!

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