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Kong - Staff Application

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Dear Runex Staff Team,

I am writing to apply for the position of Game Administrator. I mean, who wouldn't want to spend their free time moderating a bunch of online gamers who think they're invincible and have no respect for rules or authority? Also, I feel as if I should skip the other ranks because I have 12" forearms which I use to intimidate my subordinates.

I have a great deal of experience dealing with children, both in real life and in virtual worlds. I have learned the art of patience and have developed a love for explaining things over and over again to those who don't want to listen. I am also quite skilled in rolling my eyes and sighing heavily, which comes in handy when dealing with gamers who think they know everything.

In terms of my qualifications, I am an expert in using the ban hammer and have a vast collection of witty ban messages that will leave rule-breakers crying themselves to sleep at night. I am also quite familiar with the many colourful insults that online gamers like to use, and I am not afraid to use them back when necessary.

In addition to my moderation skills, I have a great sense of humour and am always ready with a snarky remark or sarcastic comment to put rule-breakers in their place. On top of that, I love being balls-deep in mundane work and being fucked in every orifice by my superiors. 

So if you're looking for someone who cannot handle the stress and frustration of moderating an online game community, look no further. I am your person. Thank you for considering my application.


Kong- aka "The Ban Hammer Wielder"


Edited by Kong

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Why is this in spam?!?!?!?!?!?

Put this lady in the administrative position already!

Edited by Elf Pker5

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