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2022 Staff Question & Answer Responses!

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Hi Everyone!
I know you have all be eagerly waiting for the staff Q&A response and here they're!

Please be respectful, if the answer you received was not as expected, please don't cause a scene there may be another Q&A in the future for you to refine your question!


Hopefully we will do another one of these in the future, but this one was quite lacking if I'm honest, so if there is more involvement I'm sure we will have another!


JAMES (Co-Owner)


In-game Name: Hayboo
What do you guys for see as the big update of 2023? 
Any plans on porting Toa?
What’s your guilty pleasure snack while scaping?

What do you guys for see as the big update of 2023? - Well, theres a number of things we have in the works that could be massive updates for RuneX, I can't go into detail too much with them, but I can hope to see that ToA will arrive into game and become a huge bit of content for all of us to grind out. (This also answers your second question :P)
What’s your guilty pleasure snack while scaping? - I'm a drinker rather than a snacker, I'd rather drink stuff than eat stuff; so if anything I'd have to say maybe like some haribo sweets or some little milk choc buttons or something like that.

In-game Name: Make me wet
What is the chance of anything new happening to gim modes, like allowing players to leave current group and join another.
Any plans to follow osrs and allow irons to become gim

Sadly, I wouldn't be able to make a comment on this, purely because it's something that's dev related. However! I have no quarrels chasing up on this to see if it's something that can be done. I'm not sure if we'll add it, but we can at least discuss it.

In-game Name: Nat
Question: If you could get one upgrade for your PC, without money being a problem, what would it be and why?

Answer: I'd be pulling a 4090 and slamming it into my PC, I should probably look into the prices of these too see if it's something to aim for :P

In-game Name: Connor
Question: Since you've taken on the role of co-owner, what kind of projects have you been working on, if there is anything that can be shared? 
Question: What is your end goal with Runex/SpawnPK? Are they a means to meet an end (income) or do you have goals that you are trying to work towards? I guess a good summation of the question would be "What is the purpose of RX/SPK?"

Q1: On my behalf, theres not much that I'm working on other than learning to read the logs better and potentially learning to do other things in the background, EX. Name changes and donor transfers. I've basically taken this role as something that works more in the background rather than the front end as I obviously didn't have as much time as I'd want to play with the community. Hence why I passed the CM role over to Raw as he had been putting in alot of work and time in-game to play with everyone.
 It's just a matter of me getting better at what I'm doing at the moment, and potentially will start to learn how to code and maybe even move into making little events for everyone in-game, like the Crack the Clue event I made, (With Ryan's help coding it in, of course) potentially with new events like that that can be added in as extras. There is a hell of alot for me to learn still with the role I've now found myself in and I'm looking forward to seeing what the future holds for myself.
 Q2: In regards to RuneX, I've found my place as an owner of a server that I have enjoyed playing for well over 4 years, I have made a staff team that are incredible at their jobs and I'm so glad that the team is what it is today. I want to see it thrive as a game and I want the community to hopefully feel that with me. 
 In regards to SPK, I've found myself put into their team as a person they can depend on to help them do what needs to be done, there was a hell of alot of work to do; which i'm glad to say i've helped to clear a huge majority of it with the help of Ryan and Ramzi, which I'm sure they're appreciative of me helping them. This has bought on my confidence aswell as my ability to get the tickets done and I'm hoping that they like having me over there as I enjoy doing the work I'm doing.
 All in all, I want to be a part of the RX/SPK teams indefinitely. 
IGN: Empti
Question: What is your vision for the server?

 Answer: I just want the server to thrive, that's all I want and that's all I've wanted.

In-game Name: Java
What type of assistance will you be offering Ryan as the Co-Owner? (Ex; Nate supplies developing, etc.)

 Answer: I've stepped into my role with only teaching myself what I know in regard to log checking and working with the base tools that Ramzi and Ryan have to search logs. If I can learn how to do it, i'll do it for the foreseeable future. I offer help with tickets, log checks, in-game help (When I can log in, of course.)
 The possibilities for me to help the server are huge if i'm honest, I can try to put in as much time as I can to get better and help the server.

RAW (Community Manager)


In-game Name: Hayboo
What do you guys for see as the big update of 2023? 
Any plans on porting Toa?
What’s your guilty pleasure snack while scaping?

A: Since changing my diet around, i've started to love these quaker rice crisp snacks. Just a few of them are filling and keep me going but if we're talking a cheat day guilty pleasure snack, it would definitely be honey mustard and onion pretzel pieces.

In-game Name: Smite Me
Question: Are there plans to create a NPC similar to Zahur?

A: Not currently but if there is enough demand i'm sure we could.

In-game Name: Connor Question: Since becoming an admin and I think kind of the community manager(Edit- Definitely the community manager, forgot about the official promo), do you have any new events or ideas involving the staff and the community that we've not seen before? Think revolution - anything like this on your radar or thoughts for the staff team going forward?
A: We actually have some pretty cool tools and event type things being created by Nate for me to use and interact with the community more and whenever I get into a more stable environment i'll be able to do a lot more with the community like I want to.

In-game Name: Java
Do you believe RuneX will ever have an active Wilderness in terms of more PvM, High risk\high reward, BH system, etc.?

A: With OsRs getting the Wilderness boss revamp on the 25th of January and getting rev wep upgrades etc, i've expressed interest in these greatly for Runex. I'm not sure when we will have it but we will in the future get those specific pieces of content. So will we get more high risk high reward stuff? Sure. It will just take some time. As far as pvp and a bounty hunter system, Runex isn't really built for it and sometime soon I can see the PvP achievements potentially being removed. That's not to say they will be, mind you, It's just the way that osrs and other servers have been gravitating towards pvp-esque things. At the most, we have to listen to the majority of our playerbase which are the pvmers. While we do still want to add pvp updates, our pvp side of players are unfortunately a minority and it wouldn't be a good use of dev-time to focus on updates pvp oriented.

RAWRUWU (Grand Moderator)


'I do not snack' - Espen 2023

Question from @Hayboo:
Any plans on porting Toa?

Yes. Toa is something they have stated they want to make and have plans on doing so and would be on the roadmap for 2023. Which would also fall under your 2nd question.

Question from @Nat:
What is your current PC setup (pics needed) and what is your favourite part about it?

My current pc build is a Intel i7-9700k CPU 3.60GHz 3.60FGz Processor, 32G of 2400 DDR4 ram. And I got a 2080 RTX ventus V2. (Sorry no picture, my desk is a mess xD)

Question from @Java
As one of the most proficient Ironman in all of RuneX, what would you consider the most important beginning steps of an Ironman?

The "meta" changes when the game evolve and my start is not something I would have done today. In today's Runex, I would highly suggest people to get confortable in the kharazi jungle as a start. They will be provided with tons of supplies like food/potions aswell as a great source of runecoins. Once that is estabilished and they start to understand the game by watching youtube/asking in help chat etc. Then its time for the MMO aspect of the game and get to know people. There is plenty of people in Runex that provide great information and also what makes MMO's so fun to begin with. The players in the game, get connections and join team content. Depending on your route if you want to heavy focus on PvM then Elite barrows is a great tool if you are able to find someone to help you out, help cc/yell is also very helpful here. Meanwhile if collection logs and achievements is your fancy, please dont try to always rush. Its a fantastic game with alot to offer. And enjoyed through learning and connecting with people is the best way to go about it in my eyes.

Abigail (Super Moderator)


In-game Name: Hayboo
Questions: What’s your guilty pleasure snack while scaping?

Answer: I do not really snack much, but i sometimes do enjoy some chips from time to time, just the regular " paprika"

In-game Name: Nat
Question: If a Giraffe was to drink a cup of tea (RIP), would it still be warm when it hits its stomach or would it forever live its life thinking tea is a cold beverage?

Answer: It would indeed still be warm, thanlfully they do not have to think tea is a cold beverage! gravity rules!

In-game Name: rcmac36
Questions: What made you want to be a part of the Runex staff team?

Answer : For me i always enjoyed helping people, and as a staff member you have a bit more options then just answering a question,besides that i also try to keep it fun for everyone so that people have a good time playing, and don't have to deal with bad stuff constantly.
For 2023, do you have any personal or server goals you would like to achieve as a staff member?
Answer: Not really, maybe slightly more fun little events for everyone to enjoy.
Do you currently enjoy where the Runex community is at or is there something you want to say or do to shift/improve it in another direction? (I.E., when I say Runex Community, the player base numbers (retaining player numbers or get returning players to come back), toxicity levels, the communication between players and staff/owners, etc., anything along those lines) ***
Answer: Me personally i am happy with where the runex community is, ofcourse there are always some bad apples, but we sort those out anyways. I think a bit more communication between the owners and the community would be nice to, there are some cases where it would have been very helpfull.

Adsz (Super Moderator)


In-game Name: Hayboo
What’s your guilty pleasure snack while scaping?
Either Skittles or M&M's but they have to be the brownie ones - Drinks - Cola Zero Sugar, or a nice Corona 

In-game Name: rcmac36
What made you want to be a part of the Runex staff team?
Back in May 2021, the staff team had very few people who wanted to remain as part of the team, I was raiding with James and he mentioned that the team was lacking in people who were able to enjoy the game and play as a staff member without other commitments resulting in a resignation. By this point, I had been playing Rx for 2 years and had a vast understanding of the game, and felt I could be the change the staff team needed. Into 2023 I'm still here so must have worked 😄

For 2023, do you have any personal or server goals you would like to achieve as a staff member? 
There are a lot of 'behind the scenes' structures to logging into Rx as a staff member, most of the time I will log into the server and then do about an hour's worth of checks before my account actually leaves the spot I logged into. Always looking to adapt/improve the communication within the team and with the community, every staff member will understand that there is always something we don't know. Self-improvement, to keep pushing to move up the ranks, and be able to keep the balance between staffing and enjoyment for the game. 

Do you currently enjoy where the Runex community is at or is there something you want to say or do to shift/improve it in another direction? (I.E., when I say Runex Community, the player base numbers (retaining player numbers or getting returning players to come back), toxicity levels, the communication between players and staff/owners, etc., anything along those lines)
The community in the rolling 4 years I've been around has had moments of absolute toxicity to the point people leave in mass numbers, to me currently, the community is as balanced as it can be, there will always be points where things get heated, but welcome to the internet I guess. 

Recently the staff team has had a huge improvement in communicating with the Developers and Owners of Rx, giving feedback from what we understand the community wants to change and improve, which has been very helpful. 

The staff team is at the best I've seen it be within the last 4 years of my time here, as a team we all share the same love for the game and its development, we all equally do our bit to make this happen and we always encourage people who want to see this side of the game to apply.

Harley (Super Moderator)


In-game Name: Hayboo
Questions: What’s your guilty pleasure snack while scaping? *

Answer: Honestly, I usually don't eat a lot of snacks while playing. Partly because I get so caught up in what I'm doing, that I forget that I have something standing next to me. Does beer/wine count? xD*
In-game Name: rcmac36
Questions: What made you want to be a part of the Runex staff team?

Answer: Good question! Honestly it comes down to the love and passion I have for the server. I've always tried my best to help out other people whenever I could, and it's something I enjoyed doing. The reason I wanted to become a part of the staffteam, was because I wanted to do more, and help out with other aspects in regards to the game.
For 2023, do you have any personal or server goals you would like to achieve as a staff member?
Answer: My personal goals would be to become even more secure in my role as a staffmember. I've been a part of this team for almost a year at this point, and even though I have a pretty good grasp and understanding about how I should go about various scenarios, there are still new situations that arises from time to time, that I haven't had much exposure to yet. So getting to a point where I'm able to handle those situations even faster/better etc. would be really nice! :)
Do you currently enjoy where the Runex community is at or is there something you want to say or do to shift/improve it in another direction? (I.E., when I say Runex Community, the player base numbers (retaining player numbers or get returning players to come back), toxicity levels, the communication between players and staff/owners, etc., anything along those lines)
Answer: As for the toxicity levels, being a staffmember you tend to see alot more of the "bad" side of the community. But those are outliers, and they don't reflect the server as a whole. Out of all the servers I've played in the past, none of them come close to the community we have here on RuneX. Be kind to your fellow runexerian (unless it's Vise) ❤️

Sock (Super Moderator)


In-game Name: Hayboo
Questions: What’s your guilty pleasure snack while scaping?

I prefer sweet over savory snacks so most of the times im either having cookies or biscuits while grinding.
In-game Name: rcmac36
Questions: What made you want to be a part of the Runex staff team?

Answer: I've fell in love with Runex when I first started back in the end of 2017 and I always wanted to give more. My first goal was to be part of Suggestion Squad but then covid happened and with more time on my hands I applied for Staff.
For 2023, do you have any personal or server goals you would like to achieve as a staff member?
Answer: Personally, this year i plan to get Elite Completionist cape on my iron. With only 4 achievements missing, its feels closer then ever :P. I also plan on going to Heroic after the ecomp grind.
Do you currently enjoy where the Runex community is at or is there something you want to say or do to shift/improve it in another direction? (I.E., when I say Runex Community, the player base numbers (retaining player numbers or get returning players to come back), toxicity levels, the communication between players and staff/owners, etc., anything along those lines)
Answer: Although theres always room for improvement, communication between players and owners has come along way and im happy with what we managed to achieve as both as a community and staff team. Runex and gaming in general is an escape for most people, that small time after a long day where you just want to chill and relax. So lets do our best to make eachothers experience better and more enjoyable :) p.s Vise Gae

IR0NMAN (Super Moderator)


In-game Name: Hayboo
Questions: What’s your guilty pleasure snack while scaping?

Answer: My favourite snacks vary depending on if im doing a healthy diet or not, but probably galaxy chocloate

In-game Name: rcmac36
Questions: What made you want to be a part of the Runex staff team?

Answer: Seeing how much the staff team helped me comming up inspired me to help others and pass the knowledge along.

For 2023, do you have any personal or server goals you would like to achieve as a staff member?
Answer: Simply to make everyones stay here as peaceful & as fun as possible, being there when a player needs help is something i take very serious.

Do you currently enjoy where the Runex community is at or is there something you want to say or do to shift/improve it in another direction? (I.E., when I say Runex Community, the player base numbers (retaining player numbers or get returning players to come back), toxicity levels, the communication between players and staff/owners, etc., anything along those lines)
Answer: Prestige brought back a good amount of old players and many new ones, we've been holding a higher player count even before the event, I am blessed to be a part of an amazing staff team that helps everybody we are able to. I look forward to an amazing 2023 with them and the community.

L4zy (Moderator)


In-game Name: Hayboo
Questions: What’s your guilty pleasure snack while scaping?

Answer: Cool ranch doritos is always my go-to snack

In-game Name: rcmac36
Questions: What made you want to be a part of the Runex staff team?

Answer: I always have enjoyed helping people, and runex seems to have a bit of a sharp learning curve. It is all about player experience, if a new player or a returning player cannot understand what to do, why will they continue to play? For my everyday players, some of you have become my friends, even outside of the game. You guys are the reason I want to be staff, and the reason I get to be a staff here. Thank you all.
For 2023, do you have any personal or server goals you would like to achieve as a staff member?
Answer: Personal goal, I really need to get comp cape, its overdue... I hate pking a lot, its not fun to me, and it brings out the worst in people. Manhunting scroll takes the pressure off and I still just dont want to do it. Mainly goes back to player experience. But this will be a necessary evil I will have to overcome. As a staff member, I just want to be more available to everybody. I am sure you all know I work from home 40 hours a week, and afk, sometimes chat. I am going to try to chat less, but yes this is a time where my pms are off. I do play at night Pacific Standard Time, so if you don't see me online often, maybe that is why! My discord is always open, and I will always respond when I can.
Do you currently enjoy where the Runex community is at or is there something you want to say or do to shift/improve it in another direction? (I.E., when I say Runex Community, the player base numbers (retaining player numbers or get returning players to come back), toxicity levels, the communication between players and staff/owners, etc., anything along those lines)
Answer: I do hope there is a little more communication from the owners, they have made promises in the past, but I believe even a small check-in would be really nice. Here are the things we are aware of, here are our plans to fix. The game was just a bit shaken up with the new formula system and there will need to be some tweaks soon. I am excited to see the future of runex, every year its very interesting to see the change develop.

Vise (Moderator)


In-game Name: Hayboo
Questions: What’s your guilty pleasure snack while scaping?

Answer: Pizza Shapes (Haven't seen them outside of Aus, but essentially like biscuits that are savoury) 

In-game Name: rcmac36
Questions: What made you want to be a part of the Runex staff team?

Answer: From experience, I always noticed that servers with a poor staff team tended to fail no matter the number of players, through that it made me want to be staff and when I started Runex I saw the potential the server had. I applied with the intent to better the server and community as a whole, being apart of the team has its rewards too with helping people and currently working with a great team.

For 2023, do you have any personal or server goals you would like to achieve as a staff member?
Personal - Defenitely maxing heroic and getting elite completionist cape. Its been something I've been slowly grinding whenever I can but the tedious grind slowly burns me out however, I'm hoping to max soon then get back on the elite comp cape grind & all collection logs grind. 
Server - I'd like to just be the best staff member I can and potentially gain more responsibility where possible, for the server I'd like to see more Q&A's like this but with larger involvement from the community. These days people just want to ask Ryan / Nate questions. 
Do you currently enjoy where the Runex community is at or is there something you want to say or do to shift/improve it in another direction? (I.E., when I say Runex Community, the player base numbers (retaining player numbers or get returning players to come back), toxicity levels, the communication between players and staff/owners, etc., anything along those lines)
Answer: I'd like to see some balancing of mid-tier items that are no longer used unless on an iron, for example Draconic armor either having it merge with an armor like justiciar or just someone giving it some better uses. I'd like there to be more communication with the community & owners to allow for more of a poll to see what people would like first in terms of content or some fast-tracked fixes. 

Terror (Server Support)


In-game Name: Hayboo Questions:
What’s your guilty pleasure snack while scaping?
Answer: I don't really have one, I guess if anything soda? lol.

In-game Name: rcmac36
Questions: What made you want to be a part of the Runex staff team?
Answer: To help one of the best RSPS communities ive been apart of in a while.

For 2023, do you have any personal or server goals you would like to achieve as a staff member?
Answer: I don't really have any atm.

Do you currently enjoy where the Runex community is at or is there something you want to say or do to shift/improve it in another direction? (I.E., when I say Runex Community, the player base numbers (retaining player numbers or get returning players to come back), toxicity levels, the communication between players and staff/owners, etc., anything along those lines)
Answer: It's a 50/50 really, somedays you'll enjoy the community a lot and there will be no problems, next you'll be annoyed with random things. I mean I wish it would shift to less toxicity but most parts of the game its just a given no matter what you do to try and stop it.

Basil (Server Support)


What’s your guilty pleasure snack while scaping? - Swizzels Drumstick Squashies and a Cuppa tea (Yes I'm British).

What made you want to be a part of the Runex staff team? - to stop @IR0NMAN from bugging me to apply, but with my experience and helpfulness, to continue to help others whenever possible

For 2023, do you have any personal or server goals you would like to achieve as a staff member? - complete more collection logs, try complete more items goals if that's getting them myself or buying them.

Do you currently enjoy where the Runex community is at or is there something you want to say or do to shift/improve it in another direction? (I.E., when I say Runex Community, the player base numbers (retaining player numbers or get returning players to come back), toxicity levels, the communication between players and staff/owners, etc., anything along those lines) - Runex community is one of the best I've been part of, and will continue to grow regardless. player base will always dip high and low whenever events or updates come, that's natural. communication between players and staff has got noticeably better with more suggestions being pushed over.


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Fantastic replies! 👏 Thank you for creating this @Vise. I look forward to seeing more of these in the future! 

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