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The state of PVP

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Now to start off I know this server is mostly a PVM, and the server is doing extremely well when it comes to player count. But, I feel as if one things most servers do lack is having both the PVP/PVM aspect and having them both very rewarding, usually one outweighs the other to much. I do feel the wilderness is rewarding in some ways, but there is no reason to go really because the best money makers are on the outside for the most part. And, at this moment the wilderness to me is dead in my eyes, with people mainly only doing slayer for brim keys and few people doing things in the wildy just to try and get a boss drops. I feel there should be a little push to have edgeville 1v1s a decent place with maybe a 15% boost in blood money and a rewarding place, with also maybe rework some drop tables for bosses in the wilderness.

Now for my solutions and what i think would make people wanna sometimes just drop the PVM and PVP for a little, is

1. having a blood money shop revamp with more rewards with certain pvp weapons like Claws/Ags/Elder Maul/Hand Cannon/and even the vorpal staff as the top rewards you can get. With also keeping the items that are available now in the shop of course.

2. I think having edgeville being becoming a little active would encourage some new players that like 1v1 edgeville fights like myself and most pkers. I think a 15% boost to 1-5 wilderness in edgeville would be a good thing and bring more light to edgeville pking with also more reasoning for people to do barrows and other little things like that to get dharok's, karil's to me little things like that is just freshness and is always good when all items have a good value for the most part. Also, Possibly adding a healer near the 1v1 area that restores HP/Spec with HP/Prayer being every 30-45seconds and Special restore every 2Minutes.

3. I also think it would bring a freshness to the server for people who have been awhile and wanna mix it up more, me and a friend will go into the wildy to boss spots and not see anyone for a hour straight or camp lava maze with still nothing. I feel as if it doesn't need nothing to crazy when it comes to a update just more of a revamp and little changes to rewards and chances for maybe newer items to tables something. 


Hopefully this gets a good look and can become a thing i don't feel as if its something difficult and could probably be done in a week or two. If it's something the staff team and most players would like to see happen. Thanks


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I agree that the current state of pvp is pretty bad, and it is something the staff and development team are well aware of.

Internal discussions around this topic have identified a lot of key combat issues and imbalances that have been prioritized over adding new content to the wilderness. Nate has made some great changes in recent updates, fixing the magic formula, which was a key issue, though things like teleblocks, weapon imbalances etc still need to be addressed.

But once those issues are solved, we have a metric tonne of wilderness related content for pvmers, skillers and pkers in the pipe line that we will poll in the near future.


As for your suggestions,

1. I think a revitalized blood money shop would be amazing, but we probably don't want to add weapons like you described because it does essentially set a price to everything since blood money is much easier to attain at a set rate then say getting an e-maul from CoX. I think we can add pvp focused upgrades for said weapons in some cases, and possibly some new weapons and accessories. I'd also love to add a wilderness perk tree, where players can spend blood money and pk points (If they are added) to gain wilderness perks for skilling, pvm and pvp (Nothing OP though).

2. I think adding a banker and healer at the ditch will be great. As for getting the area more active, we could add in the pk points mentioned above and then give players bonus points for pking at edgeville ditch. 

3. Revamps and new additions are definitely on the cards, one of the things I want to do is review every piece of wilderness content and evaluate its place in the current state of Runex, a lot of things used to be great, but have since been over shadowed and it is time we bump them back up a bit.


Overall great suggestions

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I agree with this completely both suggestions make sense.. to balance weapons I'd just suggest remove customs into the wild but then that kind of destroys the risk factor.


Blood/pk shop.. if revamped I would say don't go to crazy with dropping top end items in, make a post of it and let the player base decide on items maybe just like void torsos gloves ect because I know I am one of them many people that hate the grinds at minigames


I think a global wild boss would be amazing as there is alot of different types of NPCs in safe zones i.e (E mole, the custom corp, elite godwars.) So I'd love 1/2 global wild bosses.. maybe a little boost on magic tokens as they take quite a long time to get aswell, or make larrans more rewarding that way it will drag the many many people who sit doing brim keys.. all I know is that at this very moment pvp is the 1 thing we lack at runeX and I think the players/staff could all help towards making this an all round complete 

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On 5/11/2021 at 6:44 PM, Iron Logic said:

I agree that the current state of pvp is pretty bad, and it is something the staff and development team are well aware of.

Internal discussions around this topic have identified a lot of key combat issues and imbalances that have been prioritized over adding new content to the wilderness. Nate has made some great changes in recent updates, fixing the magic formula, which was a key issue, though things like teleblocks, weapon imbalances etc still need to be addressed.

But once those issues are solved, we have a metric tonne of wilderness related content for pvmers, skillers and pkers in the pipe line that we will poll in the near future.


As for your suggestions,

1. I think a revitalized blood money shop would be amazing, but we probably don't want to add weapons like you described because it does essentially set a price to everything since blood money is much easier to attain at a set rate then say getting an e-maul from CoX. I think we can add pvp focused upgrades for said weapons in some cases, and possibly some new weapons and accessories. I'd also love to add a wilderness perk tree, where players can spend blood money and pk points (If they are added) to gain wilderness perks for skilling, pvm and pvp (Nothing OP though).

2. I think adding a banker and healer at the ditch will be great. As for getting the area more active, we could add in the pk points mentioned above and then give players bonus points for pking at edgeville ditch. 

3. Revamps and new additions are definitely on the cards, one of the things I want to do is review every piece of wilderness content and evaluate its place in the current state of Runex, a lot of things used to be great, but have since been over shadowed and it is time we bump them back up a bit.


Overall great suggestions

Also, Custom gear needs to have more value so many rich kids can just run around in there non-tradeable gear and risk absolutely nothing pretty much but maybe 30M to fix it I feel as if it should be more to upgrade and the person to kill should get 2x whatever it cost to fix the items. Because the amount of op non tradeable gear is annoying and when you do get a kill it feels very unrewarding.

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