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Urgent announcement

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We've recently seen a lot of people being hacked in-game and as much as I can emphasise; This is through NO fault of our own.

We've heard about other servers log-in databases being leaked, and it has lead to some unfortunate players in our server being hacked due to using the same usernames and passwords as the other databases. We ask you to please make sure when creating an account to make your password unique to this server and this server only. This will negate your accounts being accessed through other servers unfortunate leaks.

We understand that this may sound alarming, but we have caught the hackers but we can't stop them fully without your co-operation.

Here is what you should do to keep your account safe:

  1. Change your password using the ::changepassword command. (::changepassword (newpass) - twice)
  2. Change your in-game PIN by using the ::changepin command. (Make sure it's not an easy PIN to guess such as: 55555, 54321)
  3. When creating accounts use a unique password that you've not used anywhere else.

We are trying to be as clear as possible when it comes to these situations, as it's your progress and time invested into our server that is at stake.

Anyone that we believe that has been affected by these "hackers", have been jailed for their account safety, if you notice that one of your accounts is jailed, message a staff member and we'll sort you out.

Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.

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If accounts are being hacked due to external databases (aka non-runex) being leaked, how would pins be leaked? Pins are not commonplace on other rspses. Seems highly unlikely that a hacker would be able to get into accounts and through pins without runex database leaks as well. 


just saying 🤷‍♂️

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3 hours ago, Lava said:

If accounts are being hacked due to external databases (aka non-runex) being leaked, how would pins be leaked? Pins are not commonplace on other rspses. Seems highly unlikely that a hacker would be able to get into accounts and through pins without runex database leaks as well. 


just saying 🤷‍♂️

See that's the thing. Some of the accounts hacked the hacker couldn't do anything BECAUSE of the pins. (These people's accounts were still jailed for their safety) The people that weren't so safe probably had guessable pins, i.e 12346 etc.

Just saying. 

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