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Gim charm

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Gim charm last won the day on December 13 2020

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  1. Gim charm

    Harassment/ragging for pay

    Thank you Raw, and James. I'm not asking specifically for an anti "ragging" rule, there are a few issues in game that make things more difficult/annoying to deal with pkers. (I.e. rev cave shortcuts with auto retaliate on, and there not being any item to reduce divine effect.) Wilderness has a few oddities atm that should be looked into in my personal opinion. Now to address your reply Drugs I dont flame, cry or complain when being pked and am always respectful until disrespected. (Plenty of people who've killed me could confirm that) You have your info wrong, I was called a "pussy" to which I replied with "faggot". Replying to a insult isn't flaming. And cup thank you for your input but perhaps I should have worded the post differently. I know as well as other wildy is dangerous and personally dont want a rag list for it would kill pking entirely. Thanks to everyone who's read this post and replied with their opinions.
  2. Gim charm

    Harassment/ragging for pay

    First off let me apologize for bad screenshots, recently switched to linux and learning to use it. With that out of the way I'd like to suggest some sort of rag timer or to stop allowing players to harass and exploit other players through "ragging". I'm not talking about pking in general, but specifically "ragging". It's been an issue for some time now and I've noticed it hasn't been addressed. Prime example is "inept", he has any item he could ever want and is loaded on cash. Yet he will harass players repeatedly over a span of several hours with no intent to pk the said players. As for the majority of playerbase, they have no way to prevent it or even have a chance of anti pking due to camping intrinsic divine which to my knowledge has no counter. In the last week alone I can name 5 people who have been ragged in this manner for several hours. I'd like to see something done about this, it's not only annoying but it prevents certain activities from being done and isnt a good look for the server for new players coming into the game. I will post a few screenshots. Have more if needed and can get one once every 5 mins or so it's that common. Screenshots here: http://imgur.com/gallery/ZfTDrDx