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  1. Heru

    Fairies (new rare item)

    Runex has plenty of unique and cool items, pets, events etc. I think there is potential for a new tier of item that would be not only a great addition to the sever, but fit in organically with the potential for it to be balanced. And that is Fairies. To start, these items could be a rare drops from every boss. These fairies can be generic (e.g. health, special, prayer, etc.) Or it can be boss fairies (e.g. vorkath fairy, zulrah fairy, etc.) These fairies would be very rare but provide small random bonuses to the player. An example of this could be the following: Vorkath Fairy: +5% magic defense when equipped. The options of these fairies has the potential for easy to balance and still provide slight but helpful buffs to the player. These fairies would be equipped to the players cosmetic item slot, therefore not affecting existing bis or otherwise.