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Dont Die Apa

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Dont Die Apa last won the day on July 12 2020

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5 Neutral

About Dont Die Apa

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  1. Dont Die Apa

    Iron Apa's Staff Application

    Thanks a lot gim luck, i really appreciate it man
  2. Dont Die Apa

    Iron Apa's Staff Application

    That's fair enough but im on like 18 hours a day so you could imagine that i help people a lot more than you notice, but its fine i get where your coming from and you cant just take my word for it
  3. Dont Die Apa

    Iron Apa's Staff Application

    Raw, the question is why do you deserved to be on the team so i answered it, i didn't try to offend anyone with my answer, i can agree with you in many ways but im only being strait to the point and honest, as I would never lie in a application. Also there proof that im on the game more than most mods, there is no doubt that you guys do lots and lots behind the scenes, i was just explaining that i have put my hours into it and am more than willing to put even more. Sorry that you took my comment as 'arrogance' i was just stating how much i have worked to get the reputation I have currently and how much i put in that gets un noticed that's all. Thanks for your time Iron apa
  4. Dont Die Apa

    Iron Apa's Staff Application

    Thank you, I agree completely, either way I will keep helping the community and strive to make the server as easy and enjoyable no matter the level of experience they have. Thanks a lot for the feedback and I hope to get the chance to prove that further in game, Iron apa
  5. Dont Die Apa

    Iron Apa's Staff Application

    That is no problems and to be honest ill take any feedback here as im trying to improve myself as a helper on runex, furthermore I cant fully agree about the help cc message as i answer more questions in there than any mod i know, day by day. Of course i understand they get alot of questions through pms, but so do I throughout the day. I really appreciate the constructive feedback and hope to get to know you better in the future. Iron apa
  6. Dont Die Apa

    Iron Apa's Staff Application

    1. Desired staff position: Helper 2. Your name Daniel 3. Your age:21 4. Your timezone:BST 5. Average amount of gameplay hours per day: To be honest, at least 14+ hours a day average 6. Why you should receive the position: I have a great amount of knowledge and experience of all aspects of runex and i would say i get at least 30 pm's daily on people asking for advice. I will be more than happy to maintain in game pms, forum posts and discord messages and answer to the best of my ability, I have had a good past experience with having a unbiased, fair opinion and have always been consistent with any jobs and tasks I have to do. I have been consistent with my time played and achieving my goals in game. I am proud to say I have no history of rule breaking and will always plan to keep it that way. I also would say I get along with the staff and given the opportunity will be looking forward to working with them side by side. I will always be looking at the future of runex with best interests and how I can assist in the growth of our favorite server. I appreciate you taking the time to read my application, Best wishes, Iron Apa