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Katy Perry

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About Katy Perry

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  • Birthday 07/12/1998

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  1. Katy Perry

    Donation money xfer

    Need donate amount transfer from "plankerman" to "herusio"
  2. Katy Perry

    Says I’m banned and can’t log in?

    you prolly got banned. talk to a staff member
  3. Katy Perry

    Murdaaa staff app

    is this real lol
  4. One of my favorite updates to date! Woo drop table!!
  5. Katy Perry

    Ancient Titan Suggestion

    Suggestion: Make ancient shard drops show in a chat box message only to the player it dropped for. Reason: Currently it's really easy to overlook and miss ancient shards as the item model is so small and is easily hidden by ashes. Thanks
  6. Katy Perry

    Toxic Blowpipe Attack Speed

    Bump, this item really needs buffing. It's outclassed by a 3m Dark Bow by a lot, which is quite disappointing considering the massive price difference and rarity of the two items.
  7. Katy Perry

    This Server Needs More Staff

    The current staff on this server is very underwhelming. Don't get me wrong I dont mind the team currently but there's simply just not enough on. Especially during peak hours staff are either not on or just not even near the computer some days. More help wouldn't hurt. Hard to put all the weight of moderation on just a few individuals.
  8. Katy Perry

    Prime cape

    Why do you need recognition that you're playing prime? It's a choice from the beginning. You already get benefits from playing it. What more do you need it for than showing off? Just seems like a cape for those who seek attention over respect.
  9. Katy Perry

    caps sensitive usernames

    Would be nice to see IMO, brings a lot more personality into the server. Might have to implement a name change system or name change request so you can update if the feature is implemented.
  10. Katy Perry

    New Player, One Honest Suggestion

    So I just started this server yesterday, and let me tell you, the production quality and the content is flawless. Very well done. Unfortunately, there is one thing that has really killed the mood in my experience of playing. Pathing. I can not stand it and it really makes me question continuing my journey here because of it. After getting a few of my skilling 99s I have pinpointed where the problems are the worst. 1. Minimap clicking is so bad that it is not even usuable - I, along with a plethora of other players enjoy minimap clicking to path. When you click the minimap it does not land anywhere close to where you clicked. 2. The random "invisible objects" - I hate this. for skilling and for player events (e.g. Hide and Seek) The random walking around objects or not being able to go through certain areas at all really is frustrating. Woodcutting to 99 was way more than a pain than it needed to be because of this, just for an example. Overall just get rid of the invisible object placement. It really is not needed. 3. Finally, the general pathing - Most servers I play on have incredibly smart pathing. I think its wonderful and is one of the biggest QoL changes any server could solo fix. That being said, these fixes would overall improve my own, and I'm sure many other players overall experience and performance on the server. Thank you for the time and consideration.