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About Male

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  1. Male

    Password Reset

    @Espen Thank you brother!
  2. Male

    Password Reset

    Edit: I remember my pin, just need a password reset. Thanks.
  3. Male

    Password Reset

    Hello, I changed my password a few months ago to something I don't remember. I have not been on in the past few months due to IRL commitments. I have moved since last logging on, so my IP address will be different (although I am still in the same town). I probably don't remember my pin either. Thanks
  4. Male

    Not a rumor

    Hey Mor, nice to meet yaa👋
  5. Good luck completing them! Looks like you've still got a lot of grinding to go.
  6. Male

    Transfer Request

    Thanks Raw! Appreciate the quick response.
  7. Male

    Transfer Request

    Hey y'all, I'd like to transfer my donated amount from my HCIM "Kiss" to my HCIM "Male". "Kiss" has a donated amount of $565, "Male" has a donated amount of $565, and I'd like to transfer the entire amount from "Kiss" to "Male", which would result in a total of $1130 donated on "Male". I also want to confirm whether or not I'd get a special "Legendary Donor" package item in my inventory (like I did for the other ranks). Regardless of whether or not I'll receive this, I'd still like to transfer the donation. I can acquire 1B on a fresh account by buying a $10 donation and selling the bond for 1.1-1.2B, or I can just send over another $10 to the designated PayPal if that's easier. Let me know if I need to do anything else for this process. Thanks!