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Everything posted by Rc

  1. On 18/01/2024 at around 9:40am gmt i killed the master mimic, no loot received as I asked the npc to autoloot, it grabbed all including my drop but did not place the mimic drop into my coffer (even the 2 guarantees; grandmaster task bottle and mystery map, did not appear in my coffer)
  2. Rc

    hacked? pass reset?

    Hi seems like my acc was hacked but they didn't know my pin, either way i need a password reset please. Account name you lost PASS/PIN: Rc I like to have my PIN/PASS reset: pass
  3. Rc

    [June 1st, 2023] Patch Notes

    Really nice update, good stuff devs
  4. Is it possible to change the lowercase "r" in my forum name to a capital "R" same as it is ingame. May seem simple but it bugs me quite alot.
  5. Rc

    [January 31st, 2023] Patch Notes

    nice, hope the tbow is usuable now
  6. Rc

    [January 7th, 2023] Patch Notes

    looks really good, gj
  7. Ty for the fast update, putting in real work. We appreciate it.
  8. Rc


    write a request in the help section. Staff will help you reset the pin.
  9. Rc

    M1 Macbook Pro

    I had alot of trouble trying to run runex on mac, and I ended up giving up.
  10. Rc

    Pls gib wanderer master list

    https://runex.io/forums/index.php?/topic/17892-wanderer-item-list/ (edited)
  11. Rc


    The game doesn't have a app store/mobile variant.
  12. account: "rc" (gamemode : uim) date : around 12:08am 16/08/22 i drop my invent infront of the nightmare portal, to take out nightmare storage stuff, take it out, tele to rc machine, tele back within 20 seconds and everything on the floor has disappeared completely. I cannot recall what i lost as its was invent of stuff, maybe 1k loops/teeth, brimstone staff and alot of other important items pls help asap, as i cannot play the game without this stuff, its my main gear/supplies etc edit: (everything on the floor)
  13. Rc

    TravisCruz Bank June 2022

  14. Rc

    Ninety's Uim guide

    ty for the nice guide !
  15. great update, except that ornate set is still not in poh storage, was also hoping crystal cannon to be added too as the other cannons are in there.
  16. So this is what ryan has posted on discord. (about the server being down) https://gyazo.com/6fe44a75c8925d4011fb1a50ca49c653 If you want to stay updated, come on over to the discord, everything is posted there first, so that's how you'll get the fastest updates.
  17. Rc

    Crystal Cannon Despawned

    On 23/02/21 at around 16:00 GMT I was at the new elite k'ril GWD room, I was afk for a few mins, and I must have died, I found myself sitting at edge with only the crystal cannon base, and crystal cannon stand. I guess the other two parts got dropped to the floor since my inventory did not have enough space when I died, and despawned, I would appreciate if any staff can help me reobtain the missing two parts to my cannon. Here is a screenshot of the 2 pieces I have left : https://gyazo.com/cb994bdec053139b2977c8f6c15e64ae Also on a side note, I think cannon going into the rewards coffer, if no space is available in inventory is a good idea because uims don't have banks to which it would go to normally. Thank you for reading my post and for any help in advance and apologies for any staff time wasted.
  18. Rc

    Tob Item mistake (uim)

    In TOB last stage I dropped my "frozen wyvern shield" instead of the "dawnbringer", and it was picked up by one of the teammates (l4zy) by mistake, hence I couldn't pick it back up. Ign : RC Teammate "L4zy", traded it back to my main, the shield is currently on my main "biso", I would be very grateful if someone can delete the shield from my main and replace it on my iron Time of incident : 22:30-22:51 UK time (GMT) on 28/01/2021 Apologies for any staff time wasted, appreciate any help I can get.
  19. Rc

    Tob Item mistake (uim)

    This was sorted by James, he probably forgot to close the ticket.