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Toxic Main

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  1. Toxic Main

    What you guys want to see.

    Wishlist Fix RNG for Me and Black Wax in Jungle. Razi QOL updates. Bank has broken features. - allow untradables to be stored in Bank.(K3, Hunter Hat from Cursed Shards, etc.) Razi Mask should give 15% slayer bonus if task on Razi. Razi Slayer Shop rework - adding Superior unlock. (As it was taken away) - Razi Slayer Mask - TriBrid bonus - 20% while on task 10 - 15 Range/Mage/Crush Honestly it’s PVP mini game Wildy pets should work on Razi. so much more this just a few. we love the jungle it’s our home.
  2. Toxic Main

    Revisiting the Nerfs of 2020

    @Iron Logic Not true, like I said earlier I was a new player and fell in love with jungle. I grind hunter set, sticks for k3 gloves, weapons. Tranq is not as active as he once was he is busy IRL, and I don’t hunt people for sport. I show them fast ways of cutting trees to get sticks. 800-1k sticks hour. I tell them about slayer in Razi and how to get axe as starting weapon. I give pointers on how to utilize safe timer and use house portals to return. we thrive from more people being in Razi. My way of thinking is if we get more people into Razi maybe out suggestions will be heard. Unholy is an example he has 2 ogre clubs from Demon on under 80 kills and can easily fight any of us off. The other day I was tagged by 3 Kristoff, Inept, Cup for over 40 mins they were fighting me. they all were able to get hunter sets, dbows, tomes, spears in under the drop rate KC. Which I have yet to hit. Leaf Axe, msb, cbow are all unreliable weapons as they were hard nerfed early 2020 or mid 2020. All the bosses in Razi got defense buffs, and their weaknesses that were share with update are inaccurate. Says Demon is weak to crush/range, I tried dbolts it’s shit, I tried lead axe 145 crush its shit, Ancient staff is good and ogre club. What I’m saying is Razi got nerfs but nothing positive in return. Most of us Razi die hard fans put out good ways to revive it and we are ignored.
  3. Toxic Main

    Revisiting the Nerfs of 2020

    All I got to say to Nate and Ryan the only content I play is Razi Jungle. I’ve tried bossing as far as Kraken,Lizard,DKs are only bosses afkable. GWD is nearly impossible to do more than a kill with basic gear, you need nearly max. I got to say the RNG is not balanced on game, I have over 450 Jungle Demon kills with no spear, over 90 Nazi kills no tome, 400 Jungle titan no razi armor, over 200 dark beast no dark bow. Spear 1/500, Dbow 1/100 Razi Armor 1/66. I am also playing Superior account that should have a boost on RNG/Drops which I don’t see. Blood chins not worth it. If it was BM+Red/Black chins it might be worth it. But again not enough damage. Meta is Blowpipe Range, Shadow Burst -Mage/ DSS/DHL/Scythe Why are Chaotic nerfed and not worth using anymore besides pking cuz they not tradable? we need a rework on some of the older weapons/Armor, or nerf defenses on low tier bosses GWD,Jungle Demon, KBD/LKD. I didn’t want to talk about Razi till logic said it was fair they removed wildy pet buffs from Razi. I can not fully agree, we spend hours grinding bosses, NPCs, doing slayer that is busted broken and not working just for BM to buy caskets. I personally don’t have OP gear as you talk about. My best item is ogre boots/club, tranq just recently hooked me up with dbow b/c he felt sorry that I’m over 200 dark beast dry. Imagine we still had superiors I probably would of had one by now. The Blood Pet Casket is super rare and nearly impossible to pull as you said with zbow’s. Nearly no one has these pets besides Tranq. No one has end game weapons in Razi. Razi B Axe is nearly impossible to pull from caskets. Razi imps do not give anything besides Karambwans + trading sticks + purple sweets. I do not see any imbalance in Razi that you speak of. Before joining tranq I was able to grind k3 gloves, hunter set, leaf-blade axe, Gmaul enough to pk anyone on our jungle team.
  4. Toxic Main

    [November 10th, 2020] (Late) Halloween Event!

    No real patches or updates, just event.
  5. Toxic Main

    Jungle Update

    1. Blood Shaman Staff - 500 Blood Diamonds -5k Blood Money + Ancient staff or Slayer Staff - Charge staff with Blood Money or (BM + Blood Rune) - Blood Barrage - Same as Trident type of weapon. 2. Hunters C'Bow - Rune Crossbow + Superior Graahk Hide + 500 trading sticks ea attempt - +15% Damage/Accuracy in RAZI 3. Hunters Bow - Dark Bow + Superior Graahk Hide + 500 Trading sticks - +1 speed +10% Damage/Accuracy in RAZI 4. Fixing Bank - x does not work, items not stacking, can not bank tradables (k3 gloves/ any items gained from cursed caskets), increase bank to 30 slots. 5. Fix the Crushed Weapons - Leaf bladed axe has 140 crush dammage in max razi gear and is inaccurate on Demon. - Sad thing is Ancient staff is faster and more accurate than axes. 6. RC - Wraith/Law/Cosmic - We need to add magic to Jungle. So far range/mele dominates the game. 7. Remove single combat from main island. How many times have I got pjed by monsters when I am pking. 8. Fix Graahk's I have 99 Hunter and getting stunned 80% of the time in full graahk hunter gear, should be way less. 9. Slayer cave rework, add more slayer monsters on demon island. Please remove the gargoyles and add demonic gorillas. I think thats it for now Ill add more as I think of them.
  6. Toxic Main

    Scorpia Chitin

    Then make it a common drop. All other high risk items are protected on death why is this rare the only one not protected?
  7. Toxic Main

    Scorpia Chitin

    I think it is a big because archeologists robe value got biffed. And chitin was 17-20B when I got the drop and I is an insane upgrade to BP. I would pick Scorpia BP over anyday. i think it’s wrong that I was not skilled and got a rare item and has to loose it due to it not having a correct drop value.
  8. Thanks For the Updates Ryan/Nate. You guys Forgot to Fix Chitin Drop Value. I received it yesterday and lost it to Pkers due to it not having a value greater than super restores. I was devastated to find out that my glory protected over the Chitin. Can you guys help a broke brother out. Thanks, Toxic.
  9. Toxic Main

    Scorpia Chitin

    The glory protected over the chitin. Admins or mods have a way of spawning the item with a full inv of potions to see what is dropped. I had a blow pipe and row I the rest were unreadable potions/gear
  10. Toxic Main

    Scorpia Chitin

    Chitin Has no drop value it is lost on death even if not skulled. I was pked for it with no skull and pots protected over the Chitin. https://prnt.sc/ujw41w
  11. Toxic Main

    Razi/Jungle Update.

    Java the catalyst runes do not work as Laws/Wraith Runes I have tested this method.
  12. Toxic Main

    Razi/Jungle Update.

    First off can you guys add AFK Jail in Razi, U dont know how many times I looked away from screen to be sent to main island. XXXX. Second - Can we add Dark RC altar on Demon island in Slayer cave to craft High Level Runes - Wraith,Bloods, Deaths, Laws. Same as Cursed cave. Third - Expanding the Slayer Dungeons on Main and Demon Island. Can we get more higher tier NPC. - more Demonic Gorillas. Forth - Can we change some drop tables on these NPC - The jungle guardian has so much useless drops its a joke to kill - Can we add the Razi battle axe in there or ring, or diamonds. Jungle Dragon - Please drop tanned black d'hide, or add a tanner on the island. Fifth - Can we get an update on bank. Like why cant I store K3 gloves, when when i store tele tabs it uses 1 slot instead of stacking like regular bank, and we need more slots its fine if they cost BM. Sixth - Can we get a shop update on both blood and trading stick - We would like to sell extra razi gear we got to shop for Blood Coins. 7th - Razi Hunter XBow - Rune Crossbow + Superior Graahk Fur + 500 Blood Money + 30% chance to enchant - 15% increase damage on Razi NPC/PVP or Razi Island Razi has been lacking mages gear on island that can compete with Range/Melee Lets make Razi Great Again. 8th - Razi/Blood Staff - 1000 Bloods Diamonds + 5000 Blood Money = Acts as a Blood Trident, Casting Blood Barrage as an auto attack 45 mage attack +20% Magic Dammage. .
  13. Toxic Main

    Melee Pray Draining

    Description: Melee protect pray drain. The melee protect is draining faster than other 2 protections making it impossible to use. I find myself going through my pots because i'm praying melee, but when I have mage task I have full inv. Can you guys please fix this. I go from 90 pray to 0 in 30 seconds with melee + piety. if I have mage + piety its about 1:30 to 2 min. How or when it occurs: All the time. Screenshots/video if available: No dont know how to use video or upload correctly. but can be done on any account.