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About viciousman

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  1. viciousman

    [Official] Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020 (ENDED)

    20191. What was your favourite memory on Runex during 2019? My favorite memory on Runex during 2019 was when I believe it was Klein was selling CoX leeches, and then one of the people who was buying the leech got a kodai 1kc and Klein was very salty about it to the point where he stopped responding on voice chat (allegedly, I wasn't on voice chat with him) and it was an opportunity for me and others to clown on him for a few hours/days.2. What was your favourite update during 2019? I joined late into the year, so my favorite update was the Halloween event. It, along with the community, got my hooked on Runex. It was a great money maker while it was around, it brought a lot of unique content that I hadn't seen on any other servers, and it was consistently giving me ideas to do in-game when the events changed.[Bonus question] What was the funniest IRL situation you were involved in during 2019?This is kind of stupid and annoying but at the same time pretty funny. Pretty much what happened was in my fantasy football (American Football) league a trade happened between two people who were mathematically eliminated from the league playoffs. The player in the trade ended up going off in the last week of the year and eliminating one of my friends from the playoffs. When this happened, my friend who was eliminated started throwing a fit. He was angry at me because I was the commissioner, and angry at the people in the trade, and angry at the world really it seemed. It was pretty hilarious seeing how upset he got over this for-fun league. It was also pretty sad because he's a grown ass man getting that upset over nothing really.20201. What would you like to see changed/added on Runex during 2020? One change i'd like to see in 2020 is maybe a different sort of holiday event. The holiday events on this server are great, and probably some of the most unique and rewarding content that I've seen in rsps's, however, I think they do get a bit repetitive. From what I saw in videos, and from the Halloween to Christmas event, it's pretty much the same thing over and over, but just with similar but different rewards. I appreciate all the effort, and it's probably really difficult to come up with ideas so unique and creative, but that's something I would enjoy seeing. My playercount guess is 672