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RawrUwU last won the day on September 10 2020

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About RawrUwU

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  1. RawrUwU

    Want open the client

    This is the Client fix topic number, seems like you are having a java problem. Usually you either have a version that dont work for your system or more then 1 that crash into eachother. I personally use a offline 64bit java and worked very smothly so far
  2. RawrUwU

    Owner application

    Eta updates that is accurate? or soon™️?
  3. RawrUwU

    Name swap

    I own both accounts "Uwumhm" and "Espen" I would like to swap em ty :3
  4. RawrUwU

    Corpethereal Spawn Idea

    I really like the idea of a money sink, the game needs more off it tbh. The horn being locked behind a 5,000$ paywall is fair seeing the emole horn is behind 2,500$ paywall. +1 from me :3
  5. RawrUwU

    [July 30th, 2020] Patch notes

    Would it be possible to add the lunar slayer bonus on the cursed void aswell?
  6. RawrUwU

    Java Uninstalled, Thanks and Farewell ♨️

    Take care mah dude, safe travels and goodluck in whatever goals you are seeking outside virtual world
  7. RawrUwU

    [April 24th, 2020] Patch notes

    "fixed a misleading click option when quick-teleporting with a master scroll book ("Remove 1, 5, etc.")" Lost my vorkath tp cuz of that pls refund :3
  8. RawrUwU

    Drop Rate Conspiracy

    @theironbank Not gonna try to take any sides if its bad rng or wrong numbers since I can't look at the database its no use tryna argue. However here is my log atleast so here atleast some data http://prntscr.com/rbia7d So if you take my 39 drops (Trident and kraken tents) my drop rate (with Row I + emblems atleast 75% of the time) my rate is 1/215 And on the pets its 1/524 for the time being. The rates themself can change at anytime tho if I go on a lucky streak or drystreak
  9. RawrUwU

    A little unknown tip

    @Rimuru Can confirm that you can actually buy it and it works aswell. And not some visual bug https://prnt.sc/rbi3ut http://prntscr.com/rbi4tf
  10. RawrUwU

    Item Recovery

    "Hi, I got a Tome of shadows yesterday 21kc naza. Made preset of it in my bank used for 5min on giant mole and 1 time on emole. Logged off for the night then when I logged in today its gone. The placeholder is still in my bank but the item are nowhere to be found. Please help " Hi, got informed that I most have dropped my tome, however since I was using it in a preset and only did mole and Emole with it. (not in Khrazi or Wildy) I most have dropped my tome either in giant mole or the bank when I was making the preset. So since im an ironman the item would despawn and not be able to get picked up by other players.
  11. RawrUwU

    Item Recovery

    Tyvm for your time and the help
  12. RawrUwU

    Item Recovery

    Hi, I got a Tome of shadows yesterday 21kc naza. Made preset of it in my bank used for 5min on giant mole and 1 time on emole. Logged off for the night then when I logged in today its gone. The placeholder is still in my bank but the item are nowhere to be found. Please help
  13. RawrUwU

    [Official] Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020 (ENDED)

    20191. What was your favourite memory on Runex during 2019? Don't have a favourite so to speak, I have met alot of people that makes it fun and engaging to enjoy the Runex content and I also love the friendly competititon2. What was your favourite update during 2019? I started late in 2019 so not been around for many updates, however when i read though the update log my favourites are without a doubt the bank presets, could not live without them tbh. And also the boss point system, love that it keep on being added on, its a great way to boost morale to keep up the grind.[Bonus question] What was the funniest IRL situation you were involved in during 2019? Started a new job and within the first 3 months there was a company trip to spain, most people who traveled was around my age (22) and it was awesome to travel around and experiense a whole different country, as that is not something I have been able to do before 20201. What would you like to see changed/added on Runex during 2020? Love the direction Runex is heading, also that there is no items that are looked behind a paywall as a ironman. So to be honest I dont have too much to add, saw the new sneak peak of a new corp pet. Don't know if that will be from a pet (u) box or a mighty superior corp but I love pvming, I love the collection log and I will keep on aiming to finish it. So tyvm for the great game. Only thing i would want to get changed back is the slayer block system. My suggestion is that the slayer streak is only canceled if you remove a blocked task while having a slayer task, this will prevent people from just removing and blocking like they did before to keep their streak. But would be more "fair" for the people who still hunting slayer points for the Earth, lava and frost helmets.