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Everything posted by Jairr

  1. Hi all, Not sure if this has been suggested before or looked into, but could it be made possible to add Teak and Mahogany trees to POHs? I understand that Hardwood Grove has a Premium Banker, but those are only usable for Prime+ Mode players and people with Donator status. Logs and planks are often required for ancient urns, so it would be helpful if these could also be gathered in POHs, similar to other log types. Please disregard my suggestion if I am missing something that already makes it possible to add these trees in POHs. Thanks for reading.
  2. Jairr

    Forgot Password

    I forgot the password to my alt account "Meow2410". Can this please be reset?
  3. Jairr

    [Official] Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020 (ENDED)

    1. What was your favourite memory on Runex during 2019? My favorite memory is probably discovering that this wasn't just another generic RSPS shortly after I joined. I really like the custom aspect of this server, its not over the top, yet not bland either. I feel like RuneX has found a good balance and its probably why I have invested so much time on this server since I joined. 2. What was your favourite update during 2019? The collection log and boss perks. I wasn't around at the time the update came, but I'm truly glad its here. I feel like it makes the grind worth it. [Bonus question] What was the funniest IRL situation you were involved in during 2019? Went drinking with my girlfriend and some friends, few hours later when we were all drunk I needed to pee and found a nice bush, little did I know my girlfriend was hiding in/near the bush because she wanted to scare me and I ended up peeing on her lmao. 20201. What would you like to see changed/added on Runex during 2020? More world bosses, similar to the way Enormous Mole works.