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Zenyte man

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  1. Zenyte man

    [Official] Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020 (ENDED)

    20191. What was your favourite memory on Runex during 2019? A: I asked my finace to open my first grand crest and she pulled me a pair of crest legs! 2. What was your favourite update during 2019? A: Easily the boss point system [Bonus question] What was the funniest IRL situation you were involved in during 2019? During my victory celebration for getting my crest legs i dumped my beer all over my computer and fried the motherboard and ended up having to buy a bunch of parts to fix it and i lost a ton of pictures and notepad files.20201. What would you like to see changed/added on Runex during 2020? A: Id like to see a revamp to the upgrade chest, and also a rework on task scrolls i feel like elite and masters are fine but the three lower tiers are only worth doing for the achievement 4. Player-base guessing game A: 967