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Everything posted by Drugs

  1. Drugs

    Forum rank

    Requesting forum rank to be updated from V.I.P to SPONSOR. pls & ty
  2. Drugs

    Forum rank

    Thank you.
  3. Drugs

    I need your help

    Chill guy, kind of a meme.
  4. Drugs

    $200 Bond Giveaway Thread

    Already submitted on Discord yesterday, thought I’d post here too.
  5. Drugs

    Enchanting Chest

    Just because something might be a 50% chance, doesn’t mean that you will get a success every other attempt, you can get super unlucky to roll a 1-5 (success zone) on a 10 sided dice, that’s just RNG my dude.. it happens.
  6. Drugs

    Cannon in single

    No U
  7. Drugs

    The "Player Killer" achievements

    That’s a big, big no from me, if anything, I’d like to see additional achievements to do with PvP, such as -Obtaining 50/100 player kills in single-way combat. -Obtaining 50/100 player kills in multi-way combat. -Obtain 50/100 player kills within the cursed caverns and revenant caves. -Obtain 50/100 player kills under level 30 wilderness. -Kill 2x players 25/50 times without leaving wilderness -Finish a player off with Magic, 25/50 times. -Finish a player off with Ranged, 25/50 times. -Finish a player off with Melee, 25/50 times. I feel as though achievements like these would encourage more people to engage in Player vs Player activities & develop and enhance new skill. The rewards from these achievements could be an untradeable cosmetic attire that gives some sort of “flex”, the items obtained could be a Red & Black sort of textured Deadman outfit and toggleable Red godsword special attack effects. (visualisation of a pre-custom representation below)
  8. Drugs

    Community Poll - New information!

    I get this but pvp updates were polled up there too, Ryan himself knows that pvp needs a lot of work done to it, but this don’t just affect PvP, a combat overhaul would benefit pvm too. Theres no good servers hat I’ve found as of yet that cater for pvp and pvm qualities, but yeah, wilderness lines to be fixed would be an amazing step forward and wouldn’t even take a massive amount of time to do.
  9. Drugs

    Community Poll - New information!

    Runex is LONG overdue pvp updates, the current state of pvp is completely broken and is in dire need of some work (magic accuracy formulations, melee special weapon accuracies, various escape methods being introduced) Seeing as there are new youtubers being contracted and they are 100% going to bring in players that like to take part in both pvp and pvm aspects of the game, meanwhile, pvm is quite stable since the addition of eGWD etc. But terrible pvp keeps seeing a constant loss of new players that spend time to max an account then quit because pvp is aids.
  10. Drugs

    Dharok brah server support application

    +1 -Make a Wish foundation.
  11. Drugs

    Sign the petition.

  12. Drugs

    Fairies (new rare item)

    Not specifically calling the suggestion “Junk”, just stating that we don’t need more Junk in-game.
  13. Drugs

    Fairies (new rare item)

    -1 The game needs more QoL and existing item updates, not more junk.
  14. Drugs

    Christmas Day Events! (25th Dec, 2020)

    Me winning the upcoming PvP tournament.
  15. Drugs

    Updated Runex Starter guide

    Good guide! Drugs
  16. Drugs


    puedes descargar runescape aquí https://www.runescape.com/downloads/oldschool.msi
  17. Drugs

    Harassment/ragging for pay

    So obviously you don’t know what’s what, the only person that’s done that was Inept, and if you read his reply to the post, I’m pretty sure you’ll find that he gave it a +1, & in regards to It was brought up about his toxicity, as though if he wants to be toxic, he’s going to get camped, regardless.. he was given the reason why he gets camped.. the only “childish” thing I had said was Not the whole entirety of what I said.
  18. Drugs

    Harassment/ragging for pay

    Well that’s a lie because you became toxic as hell a few days ago in cursed caverns when I camped you out at lava drags & when I got someone to come and tb you cos I cba switching loadout, you started messaging me and flaming in my pm’s. Unless it was your nan that was logged in?
  19. Drugs

    Harassment/ragging for pay

    -1 Okay, #1 - with what Inept uses whilst camping intrinsic divine, he is counterable. #2 - you’ve already paid for an off in the past, so by the time he comes again, you bet your ass your going to be asked to pay for an off. #3 - As raw states, don’t go back right away, but I know for a fact that you do as I camped you out the other day at cursed caverns and guess what, you started flaming. #4 - if you don’t want to get bolted every minute for the next week, then don’t start flaming, calling people pussies etc. You bring it on yourself. I mean, if inept wished to kill you instead, he’d camp your ass out everywhere you go and kill you. Regardless. Then is it “Ragging”? No! Good luck on your future endeavours in the wilderness. 😘
  20. Drugs

    staff aPP

    TL/DR - It’s mom, +1
  21. Drugs

    too many rules

    The staff on this server have many ways to check for RWT, no point trying to deny what you’ve done or saying you haven’t done as they will always ban with full proof, without solid evidence then they will just monitor till they have said proof.
  22. Drugs

    Wildy News announcements

    Removing announced drops is stupid, if you don’t know how to get your shit and get out then I suggest you figure out your escape plan before doing what you are doing currently. there’s plenty of ways to get out no matter where you are.
  23. Drugs

    Last post Wins

    Hacks confirmed
  24. Drugs

    Last post Wins

    Go get ‘im boys
  25. Drugs

    Last post Wins

    Next person to comment on this thread agrees to have their accounts permanently banned including their UID and I.P addresses.