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ToxicIron last won the day on October 29 2018

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  1. ToxicIron

    Button to show all items with runecoin value in bank

    I never said it was needed, but it would be very helpful to a lot of people, people that have problems staying organized it's hard. So it's just a suggestion and it would be awesome if it was updated. But thank you for the comments! I'm going to try my best to get this added. It would be amazing and thank you :). But I feel like it would be an unique update, and it would help out a lot of people.
  2. ToxicIron

    Button to show all items with runecoin value in bank

    Not everyone knows what is worth runecoin value, this would help new comers too!
  3. So, you know, it's annoying when you have to through your entire bank looking for items that have rune coin value. It's honestly annoying and quite a waste of time. Who wants to sit there for 5 mins looking for items that have rune coin value, so my suggestion is that you make a button in the bank, on the main bottom bar, a rune coin sorter basically, so it's pops up an interface or shows you all the items in the bank with the rune coin value, not just showing the items but also showing the rune coins value! This may be difficult, but it would be awesome to have it, it would make it a lot better, and make it so we can find the items we want to exchange for rune coins easier. Thank you for your time, appreciate it. Please add this, it would be amazing, and extremely helpful.