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  1. Terry

    [Official] Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020 (ENDED)

    20191. What was your favourite memory on Runex during 2019? Well, the 2 kc Dark Horn and 11 kc Emole pet on Suggi were pretty nice. Making @nota more and more mad with every heron I get. Working towards 200m max on Beedle is surprisingly enjoyable as well, really.2. What was your favourite update during 2019? Probably superior bosses and the boss perk tree in general. Most of my time nowadays, at least on Beedle, is spent just camping boss slayer, so the added bonus of superiors for the ones that have them is quite nice. Not to mention with regen 2, the fact that I play 3 accounts at once is more viable so I'm not having to keep a constant eye on my hp.[Bonus question] What was the funniest IRL situation you were involved in during 2019? Hell, I don't know. I don't go out much, so it was probably just some stupid joke one of my friends made when we were all hanging out.20201. What would you like to see changed/added on Runex during 2020? Hopefully we can manage to find a fix to the lag issues instead of just having to wait until we can get a server restart, but we'll see about that. Otherwise, I'm super excited for more superiors and events to come. As for the player count max, I'm gonna say 303.
  2. Terry

    Last post Wins

    Got 'em good.
  3. Terry

    $$ Transfer

    I would like my $200 from Beedle transferred to Suggi, please and thank you.
  4. The Skilling Backpack, before it's enchanted, is kind of lackluster in my opinion. Even when it is enchanted, the only difference is 5% extra xp and the ring of wealth (i) effect, which is arguably useless while skilling. I think a good way to resolve and/or improve the Skilling Backpack would be the ability to add a skillcape to it and have it gain the effect of that respective skillcape. Only one would suffice, even without the ability to remove it, Skilling Backpacks are relatively cheap (only 500 RuneCoins for normal accounts) and multiple copies for different skillcapes would be a completely viable option.
  5. Terry

    Kharazi Spear (e) Missing From Bank

    Appreciate it.
  6. My spear just up and left. I pulled out my preset for Emole, went and killed emole, then pulled out my slayer preset, and it was missing. Searched my bank for it, missing. Relogged, nothing. Presets in question, with proof of k spear (e) http://prntscr.com/p8jal9 http://prntscr.com/p8jahu