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    Dragon Axe, Spec

    Hi, I was just wondering if a special can be done on the dragon axe increasing the players woodcutting by 3?

    New Staff Hiring

    I would like to take this time to vote for myself, Being a moderator would be a excellent job i could do at home. I have a daughter and i am a stay at home daddy, Her name is kayleigh and she say's hello! She said... "please make my daddy a moderator so he can deal with all the bad guys" I play around 6-10 hours daily and i am online every day and willing to support the community in both growth and success Thank you for reading MrIBankAll

    picture adding

    how do i add a picture for photographic evidence?

    Report Player Button

    I'm sure VIP Status will stand for much sir, It was a suggestion not a happening. Please be sure to read more carefully next time.... "Even if the report button was created and a proper back coded script for it was implemented, Then that could be linked to the same forum. Report a player All the player would have to do is pick a report able option and explain what his problem is and then once he/she clicked send report, it would be linked straight to the same topic "report a player" section in the forums" Thanks for reading

    Nicest house event

    I would rather see a different kind of event rather than one that has been done before. I will continue to read suggestions

    Vote poll stand in game

    Maybe a vote tent like in the link i posted is an acceptable idea? Vote tent with a vote poll box situated with in the tent. make it a big tent, colourful with banners, round it containing all the different god factions. Also many people prefer each different type on the god factions... some like zamorak, Some like saradomin, Others like guthix. I prefer zamorak. This vote tent should be situated at the edge villi home Maybe a moderator can see if that's manageable

    Vote poll stand in game


    Vote poll stand in game

    Sometimes as a community we can never always agree on the same thing, I would love to see poll stand box with in the game runex it's self. obviously to most players and moderators a like you can understand that many players have many different idea's and suggestions. A vote poll would be brilliant idea i think, And we can all vote yes or no for content.

    Report Player Button

    Yes my friend, You understand clearly When my you tube channel is up i will go into depth about a lot of stuff to do with this rsps and how i could possible suggest alternate motives and suggestions

    Report Player Button

    or banned

    Report Player Button

    The option to include a picture of the other players offence should be an option as well as the player would have to in depth detail explain why and what has happened. and why they think the other should be muted. Then this would be considered from other moderators

    Report Player Button

    The difference with other rsps is that content work on the rsps the other developers created. but as for runex it does not so why have it there.... I have a point. Even if the report button was created and a proper back coded script for it was implemented, Then that could be linked to the same forum. Report a player All the player would have to do is pick a report able option and explain what his problem is and then once he clicked send report, it would be linked straight to the same topic "report a player" section in the forums

    Report Player Button

    "If we were to add the in-game report player button the staff would be flooded with unsubstantiated reports that we are too busy to follow up on" This implies to me that there is not a code for that button... Staff are never too busy i'm sure of that. I see your characters standing at bank all day trying to look good... It was just a suggestion, Also it would clear space on the forums. For more content. I do not get why you would be too busy to follow up on it should one be created that's part of the job of a moderator. And keeps the negativity to a minimum. A list of re portable options and a simple back coded script for a button, Also hired mods who would daily check the reports and take care of any disputes. It's really not that difficult my friend. But i do stand by what i said and what i said is that moderators should also be able to play in piece. However should a moderator still be willing to take reports via pm or in the forums then that's also good. I understand some of you moderators might not like change and are used to the game in your own individual ways, It's a suggestion to be considered. Maybe a team talk is a good idea, Or maybe a poll can be made for voters. I'd rather see voted for, Content poll. Rather than that's the way it is so deal with it... Runex is a ever revolving community, with many new content coming out. If you see this as pointless Then the report button should not be there, As i also see that as pointless a button that can't be clicked and used. Thanks for reading

    Report Player Button

    It has came to my attention that the button in game for reporting a player does not work, I am not sure if any online developers are aware of this or not. I don't see the point of a report button that does not work nor do i see the point of going to forums or messaging a moderator in game. Just to report a player, Hopefully this backing coding can be created for the report button. And if a report button is made then it would save a lot of moderators being bugged about other player actions in game allowing the moderator to also play in piece and quiet. also this could save some space on forums for a different topic. The report appeal section however should not be deleted as it's very helpful having that on forums. But as for reporting a player that should be done in my eyes and mind the original way of runescape "Report a player" With proper back coding for the script button to function properly. Thanks for reading MrIBankAll Morgan Freeman

    Returning player, Also you tuber soon

    Thanks my friend